Nuclear God of War

Chapter 253: The God Hunter Comes to Earth

While talking to Shengbian, he opened the small box in his hand and said, "You are also like the ant army. Go and help me search for Qi Kang or Qi Kang's current fake identity, Li Ka Tan."

The small box in his hand quickly flew out of the swarm-like machine flies, flew to heaven like dark clouds, and then dispersed, looking for the traces of Qi Kang.


Igud Sivar Qianyu took her white space flying saucer, Qianyou, to the center of the Arctic and came down from her Qianyou.

Wuter has found that the white space flying saucer - Qianyou came, and has already let the four four-color warriors merge into the Optimus warrior - hoping to wait for Qianyu here.

Optimus Sky Warrior - hopes to receive Egudecival Qianyu and take Qianyu into the Polar Ice Palace to meet his master Vutter.

Igud Sivar Qianyu, after seeing Wutel, said, "My Qianyou found five powerful nuclear energy people on the earth, two in heaven, two in your polar ice palace, and one in the Antarctic."

Wuter, who heard what Qianyu said, said, "Miss Qianyu, the two nuclear people you mentioned in heaven should be He Sheng and that Qingtian. In my Extreme Ice Palace, it should be Pingyan and Optimus Prime - Hope. I really don't know the nuclear power people in Antarctica.

"Yes, I don't know who the nuclear energy person in the Antarctic will be, so I'll come over and tell you about it right away." Good Sival Qianyu is also worried about this.

"Miss Qianyu, do you know how much the nuclear energy of this mysterious nuclear man is?"

"It's about the nuclear radiation value of 150M Shevt." Igude Sivar Qianyu replied with no certainty.

"If it was this level of nuclear energy, it should not be the person I suspect, otherwise he would never have had so little nuclear energy." Vutter breathed a sigh of relief.

"Vuter, can you tell me who you are talking about?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Qianyu, who is this person? I can't tell you. You'd better not know anything about him." Vutter apologized to Qianyu.

After talking to Igudesivar Qianyu, he said to the Optimus Prime - Hope, "I hope you can go to the Antarctic region now to investigate who the nuclear people appear there."

"Yes, master, I'm going to the Antarctic." After saying that, the Optimus Prime turned around and left the Polar Ice Palace and flew to the Antarctic continent.


He Sheng, who was waiting for the result outside heaven, saw a fly army's machine fly flying back with a smile on his face and said, "It seems that my fly army has found Qi Kang's hiding place. Qi Kang, I see where you are going to escape this time.

After saying that, He Sheng followed the machine fly into heaven and came to the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament under the leadership of this machine fly.

He Sheng stood downstairs of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Council, looked up at the building of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Council, and said, "Alas! This is really the safest place. No wonder I can't find Qi Kang. It turns out that he is hiding at the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament.

After entering the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Council, He Sheng immediately ordered that no one was allowed to leave the headquarters building of the Tiandi Nuclear Council.

He Sheng, who issued the ban, quickly came to the general conference room of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Council and said, "Parliamentary, you should be careful. Qi Kang is now in the headquarters of our Tiandi Nuclear Council, so everyone must be careful."

"Hawa Sheng, is that true? Qi Kang, are you really at the headquarters of our Tiandi Nuclear Council now? Seans, the deputy speaker of the World Nuclear Parliament, asked.

"Yes, I got reliable information. Qi Kang is at the headquarters of our Nuclear Parliament. This is a true thing."

"If so, let's send someone to arrest Qi Kang quickly."

"No, we can't worry now, because according to Chief of General Staff Yan, Qi Kang should also have a force similar to a nuclear man. We can't push him to hurry, otherwise the senators will be in danger." He Sheng said cautiously.

The members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament all agree with the idea of peace and victory. Grusa, a five-level nuclear energy person, said, "In the current situation, the King of War - Hesheng is very right. We can't act rashly. We must think of a perfect solution to ensure the safety of all parliamentarians so that we can capture Qikang."

He Sheng nodded and said, "Yes, we must now think of a perfect solution to ensure the safety of all legislators in case Qi Kang comes to a dead net."

"Then I will call all the people who have become nuclear energy people to protect our safety." Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, said.

"No, we can't call those who have just become nuclear people, because we can't be sure if there are any people like Tugang among these people."

"Then who will protect us?" President Earth Eagle said helplessly.

"We can call Qingtian here and let Qingtian come with the nuclear beast. I think Qi Kang's nuclear energy can never surpass that of the nuclear beast."

Speaker Xu, who had just returned to the general conference room of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament, immediately objected when he heard the nuclear beast, "No, we can't let the nuclear beast come to the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

"Don't worry, this is an extraordinary time. Neither the blue sky nor the nuclear beast will hurt you. Now it is the safest to let them protect you." He Sheng explained to Speaker Xu.

"I just returned to the headquarters of the Nuclear Parliament. Although I don't know the specific situation, I still know a little about Qi Kang, but I still think we should not let the nuclear beast protect our safety."

He Sheng heard the resolute opposition of Xu Feng, the president of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, and thought of another way and said, "Well, then we won't let the nuclear beast protect you. We can use our own people to protect all the legislators here.

"But, He Sheng, didn't you just say that Qi Kang's people are inevitable among our nuclear energy people?" The president of the ground eagle asked.

"I'm worried about this problem, so I'm ready to let them protect all the legislators." He Sheng laughed.

"Ah, He Sheng, I understand. I'll inform our nuclear power personnel to come here." President Earth Eagle understands the meaning of peace and victory.


However, two days have passed, and nothing has happened in the headquarters of the World Nuclear Council.

President Eagle asked He Sheng in a low voice: "He Sheng, is there something wrong with your message? Why hasn't Qi Kang moved at all for two days?

"Don't worry, my message won't be wrong. It seems that Qi Kang is really very cunning. He is not going to do it first..."

Halfway through Sheng's words, he immediately closed his eyes and accepted the connection request of the emperor's system.

After the emperor's system was connected to Hesheng, he said, "Hesheng, you have to be prepared. The Hunter attack ship has entered the solar system." →[End of this chapter]