Prince of Flowers

099 Flames

That small window is Zhang Yuan's private entry and exit portal. Except for him, even if the boys in Jincheng No. 2 Middle School know that window, no one has the courage and ability to enter and exit calmly. Unless you want to play with your life, get a disability or something, you can try it!

There is still some distance from the wall. The moonlight shines on Zhang Yuan's body through the green gauze tent in the woods, and the mottled and dim light barely illuminates the path under his feet.

This sheep intestine path has been walked for many years and is very bare, but even in broad daylight, women dare not pass from here alone, let alone at night, and men dare not pass from here.

There have been many cases here before, either the woman was ruined or the man was killed. The case has been hanging and has not been solved, but the number of victims has been increasing!

However, after the incident of Brother Long and steamed buns during today, Zhang Yuan suspected that those bad things were done by those two garbage!

"Should steamed bread and Brother Long be squatting in the small account now, or in the hospital? Shit, they deserve to die and treat them. They are so beautiful!"

Zhang Yuan swayed slowly, and the corn leaves swept over his face and arms, which was hot and painful. He didn't feel any pain, but felt that his heart was a little empty, twisted, an indescribable pain.

Zhang Yuan felt a little uncomfortable and touched the smoke in his pocket. Fortunately, the red panda was not wet. He took out a point, smoked smoke and absorbed the essence of the breath in the smoke, and thought casually.

walked through the cornfield and walked into the woods. When Zhang Yuan finished drawing two red pandas, he also arrived at the back of Jincheng No. 2 Middle School!

"The speed of the cheetah, the victory of the spirit snake!"

The big wall behind Jincheng No. 2 Middle School is very high, but Zhang Yuan gently stamped his feet after running over the big trench beside the wall like a wisp of smoke.

Originally, there were sharp broken glass bales inserted on the wall, but later the glass on the wall was removed by him. It was the only safe area on the high wall of the prison.

After Zhang Yuan got on the wall, he habitually looked at the toilet not far away. If there is no one, he will jump down. If there is someone, he will talk about it later, so as not to scare the teacher on duty!

But Zhang Yuan's eyes soon shifted to the roof of the dormitory. He took a look, and his head suddenly went blank for a moment. Then, he beat and scolded "Malegobi" and hurriedly jumped off the wall and shouted, "There is a fire. Hurry up and put out the fire!" There was a fire, and the student dormitory was on fire.

Zhang Yuan shouted and ran quickly to the west gate of the nearest dormitory. The big wooden door has been locked by the big lock as usual!

Zhang Yuan stepped back a few steps, shouted, and rushed forward. With a loud noise, the big wooden door kicked him halfway, pushed hard, and the whole door opened.

The students in the dormitory have woken up from his cry, and now the dormitory is full of smoke. They all got up in panic and rushed out of the door!

The windows of the dormitory are protected by steel bars and can't get out at all. The gate is the only way to escape!

Zhang Yuan shouted, "Run to the west gate. The west gate is open. Don't panic. It's not too late!"

Zhang Yuan saw that some dormitory people were crowded at the door and couldn't get out, so he scolded, "You are all fucking suffoted. You are all fools. Come one by one, or they will be burned to death!"

Zhang Yuan's voice suddenly took effect. Originally, he had a fierce reputation in school, which shocked the panicked students.

Someone paused for a moment, and the door was smooth, and they all ran out one after another.

Zhang Yuan can't take care of them at this time. If he can't run away like this, he is a fool, and he can't complain about burning them to death. He quickly ran to the gate in the middle of the dormitory, quickly removed some tables, chairs and benches piled up there, and kicked them again!

There was a loud noise, and there were cries and screams from the women's dormitory. Zhang Yuan shouted, "Don't fucking cry. Get out of the way. I'm going to kick the door!"

After saying that, he stepped back a few more steps, then gritted his teeth and kicked the wooden door with a big foot. With a loud noise, it was even more powerful than before. It kicked off the whole gate and hit the cement floor over there with a bang!

Fortunately, there was no table over there, and no one hit it. The little girls in the girls' dormitory are crying, wearing underwear, vests, shorts or pajamas.

Zhang Yuan saw that there were flames on the roof, and the smoke was getting bigger and bigger, so he quickly said, "Don't be stunned, run out of here!" Don't squeeze, get out of the way, I'll go over there!"

The girls rushed through the door that fell to the ground and ran west. Zhang Yuan flew to the east end of the dormitory, where there was a gate.

There are still a few girls crying here. Zhang Yuan shouted, "Don't squeeze, retreat, I'm going to open the door!"

Seeing that Zhang Yuan listened to his words, he simply pushed them back and didn't kick them away. Two more feet came and finally kicked off one side of the gate, just like the west gate.

Zhang Yuan pushed the door open. Needless to say, these girls also ran out. There are few people here, but it's not too crowded!

The whole student dormitory quickly ran clean. Zhang Yuan was afraid that someone was still there. Seeing that he could barely enter inside, he quickly opened the doors of each dormitory, covered his nose and asked if there was anyone.

When Zhang Yuan walked to a room in the south of the middle, the room was actually locked. He faintly heard a cough and a faint call for help.

Zhang Yuan felt that the people in the room were at the door, and he couldn't kick the door. He quickly untied the belt and pulled it out and pinned the steel plate at the end of his special self-defense belt on the buckle plate under the lock head. Together with force, the buckle plate was removed.

For good, there is such a door. If the door is locked, there is really nothing we can do but hit the door!

Zhang Yuan secretly shouted a fluke in his heart and slowly opened the door. A thick smoke rushed out of it, which made him a little dizzy and burst into tears.

There was indeed someone at the door, but Zhang Yuan had flashed into the room from the open door. The window in the room was already on fire and smoke was rolling! He looked down and saw three people. He quickly carried one on his back, picked up two more, rushed out of the door, and ran east.

At this time, the fire was already very big, and the roof and various rooms were already on fire! The fire in the corridor was very strong. As soon as he rushed out of the fire with three people in his arms, he heard a noise. The roof of the whole corridor fell down, and there was wood. The same sound came from some rooms.

Zhang Yuan put down three people and wanted to go in again, but he couldn't. At this time, if there is no life, it can only be regarded as God's will! He has tried his best.

It was not until half an hour later that the director of the teaching office and several teachers on duty in Jincheng No. 2 Middle School arrived. After Counting the number of students, there are now two students missing, and they are all stupid!