Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 15 Ambush

Seeing the dark priest and Fang Xin muttering, Anajie set off a stormy wave in his heart. What is the origin of this boy? He is so familiar with the nobles of the Dark Hunter Organization... You should know that the name of the Dark Priest is very loud on the periphery of the Huangquan World. Even in the Dark Hunter Organization, they are a very special group. By the way, yesterday, his men reported that there were two people with the dark monks. Could it be...

In Anajie's eyes staring at Fang Xin and Akai, there was a lot of complicated content.

"But this ring wife gave it to me!" Fang Xin is not angry.

"Who said you mortgaged the ring! This ring can take out more than 10,000 and less than 30,000 gold in any store operated by the Black Dead.

"Am I right?" Bruni looked leisurely at Anajie, with a cunning light flashing in his eyes.

"That's right!" Anajie frowned and said, "But this kind of large collection of gold, above the black ring, can only be allowed once."

"Fang Xin, you have to figure it out. You are a black dead man. They are dark hunters. No matter how good your relationship is, if you help this favor, it doesn't seem to be good for you in the future. Anajie reminded loudly.

The Black Death and the Dark Hunter are not on the right path. Annajie has heard some rumors for a long time. Now that Fang Xin and the Dark Hunter are so close, he can't figure out the situation in his mind.

"I'm willing to take it out!" For a long time, Fang Xin looked at the ceiling helplessly, left a sentence, and then walked to the exit of the auction house without looking back.

The night surged to the earth like a tide.

In the magnificently decorated room, the girl sat on one desk. A slightly yellowed map was visited on the table in front of her, and places were marked with red "X" signs on the map.

The goose pen in the girl's hand is drawn with a dashed line in the air between the red dots.

"No, there is still one place missing." The girl seemed to have encountered some trouble and fell into thought.

After a while, she looked at the fragrant corpse fish oil lamp in front of her and seemed to be distracted and muttered, "It's really strange. I haven't seen a white night man for decades, and today there is one..."

At this time, the window with a deep curtain was blown up by a strong wind. A man jumped in lightly through the open window.

As soon as he came in, he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully to the girl, "Little Princess Emily, I have identified the possible range of various spirit beasts. Only the 'Eight Treasures' have not yet known its specific location.

"Eight treasures', the most powerful spirit beast in Langfang mountain legend. Catching it is a step further away from the plan of our Shanyue people. Be sure to figure out where it is. If it really doesn't work, hehe, if you can keep an eye on the two dark monks, I think they will give us some clues.

"Of course they will give us clues! Have you forgotten what Bazhen's favorite food is? The two dark monks spent so much money to buy the female slave... Her ability is only useful for Bazhen!"

In Huangquanjie, due to the existence of tribal forces in various territories, people often take some obvious geomorphological features as geographical divisions.

In terms of the periphery of the Huangquan boundary, the westernmost part is the Ramu River and the Kaka Mountains, among which the fallen sun swamp, mirage and other vast mountains near the Kaka Mountains. In the northwest is the upper reaches of the Ramu River, including the Langfang Mountains, among which a little further north is the vast Ramakan Desert and the glorious Gobi. The northern part of the Huiyao Gobi begins with a vast northern ice sheet and the Arctic Ocean in the north. There are many volcanoes and forests in the east of the Huangquan boundary, and a vast plain in the south.

The whole Huangquan world is wrapped in endless oceans. People only know from legend that there is a mysterious black continent outside the ocean, but they have never heard of anyone there.

Among them, there are legends of spirit beasts in many places in the Huangquan world. Many people who thirst for wealth and power will go to those places to catch spirit beasts according to the information provided by the locals.

There are also many legends of spirit beasts in the Langfang mountain near Yunmengliao, among which the most famous spirit beast is Bazhen. A large number of the gold and silver earned by Anajie came from hunters who came here to try their luck. The existence of these spirit beast legends made him sell a large number of maps and telecommunication messages at high prices.

In the luxury hotel facing the street on 7th Avenue in Yunmengliao. People from the Ramakan Desert are gathering at the square table to discuss.

"Well, there are so many people coming back. Dark hunters are fine. They come almost all the time. And even the mountain Yue people located in the eight wilderness of the Arctic Ocean came here. There is hatred in the voice of the leading saree.

"Hugo, we have found the origin of several other quotations. Humph, it's enough for us to ambush secretly and let them take the lead and enjoy their achievements.

"I mean it. Anyway, the Mo girl was bought away, and it was more difficult to know where the spirit beast was. We just need to keep an eye on those who capture spirit beasts... those things that don't know life or death!" A sharp color flashed in Hugo's eyes. After losing to the dark monk at today's auction, his original plan changed. It seems that blood needs to be exchanged for a spirit beast. The sand warriors, known for their bravery, are not afraid of those robbers hiding in the dark!

In the deep night, I don't know how many silent bloody plans are brewing in such hotels.


"Legend is just a legend. Can you believe the words in these pamphlets? Fang Xin threw away the picture book in his hand.

At a glance, the album is a street stall. The paper is rough and the painting style is simple. It contains several spirit beasts and a few lines of inflammatory stories, which are sold for five yuan. Yunmengliao is full of this kind of picture albums.

Fang Xin is really hard to believe that this crude album has encouraged people from all over the Huangquan world to rush to Yunmengliao.

Bruni picked up the album on the ground without hurry: "Of course you can't believe this thing. This is just made by the shrewd Black Death merchant Annajie to promote the rumors of spirit beasts in Langfang Mountain.

"But the spiritual beasts in Langfang Mountain do exist. It just doesn't exist in the place mentioned in this album.

"Do you already know where the spirit beast is?" Fang Xin keenly captured the meaning of Bruni's words.

"Of course. These things we bought these days--" Bruni's right hand is full of wrapped backpacks all over the house, which contain medicinal herbs, gorgeous clothes, jewelry, maps, perfumes, etc. "--all prepared to catch those cunning spirit beasts."

"There is no spirit beast that doesn't like these things." Bruni is full of confidence.

"I heard that you have caught spirit beasts before. It seems to be true." Fang Xin looked around and was a little amazed. He really can't connect these things with those legendary spirit beasts.

"Yes. We have captured spirit beasts in other places, but the legends of spirit beasts in many places have proved to be false. Nichol and I have only participated in an operation to capture spirit beasts before, and this time it was the first ticket for the two of us to do it alone. If it succeeds, it may be upgraded to the 'Sad Priest'.

Brunie looked extremely yearning for the sad priest.

"Then how do you know that the legend of the spirit beast of Yunmeliao is true? Maybe it's a lie made up by Anajie to earn your money. Fang Xin pondered for a while and slowly expressed his inner doubts.

"Then you are wrong. Ha ha, Nichol and I have been here twice before. We found some clues about spirit beasts, especially the 'Eight Treasures' - a descendant of the legendary ancient spirit beast kingfish!"

At this point, Bruni's eyes sparkled with greed. Not only the 'Eight Treasures', but the others will also be captured alive!"

Fang Xin was also moved by him and thought to himself, "I don't know if there are any descendants of other ancient spirit beasts. If you can meet the descendants of the dragon, white elephant, etc. and then conclude a contract with them, the seal of my heart can exert its power as soon as possible!"