Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 16 Ambush

I don't know what Nicole is busy with bowing his waist in the room. At this time, he suddenly said, "Fang Xin, can you ask your warrior to come here? Help hold down this girl."

Fang Xin motioned to Akai standing behind him, and the latter immediately walked towards Nickel.

The girl bought at a high price by Bruni is quite beautiful and well-proportioned. But other than that, Fang Xin can no longer see anything from her. She kept a dull face all the way back by Akai.

Fang Xin wondered if she had been hypnotized with spiritual skills.

Nickel selected a dry grass stem from the medicinal herbs on the table. After lighting it with fire, the grass stem began to emit unpleasant smoke. Then Nickel put the grass stem under the girl's nose. After the smoke was absorbed into the girl's nose, her originally motionless body suddenly struggled violently.

Fortunately, Akai held her down.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of white saliva, the girl woke up quietly. As soon as she woke up, she saw Fang Xin, Bruni and others, and frightened eyes flashed in her eyes.

"Who are you?"

"We are your masters!"

The rippled smile on Bruni's face is no different from the devil in the eyes of the girl.

She began to scream.

"Don't come near me, you are not my masters... Mom, Dad, where are you?" The girl looked around helplessly, but her body was subdued by Akai and could only sob helplessly.

"I'm afraid your people have been almost killed by the slave hunters. You were confused by the secret medicine. I just bought you at the slave auction. Bruni's expression is gentle and seductive.

Finally, the girl seemed to wake up, and a deep sadness flashed through her eyes: "I remember. Yes... they are all dead, and all my people are dead." The shoulders trembled with sobs.

"Don't be afraid. As long as you are obedient, we will give you freedom!"

"No, I don't need any freedom." The girl suddenly got up hysterically and bit Akai's arm: "Let go of me, I'm going to die with them, I'm going to be with them!" The sobriety of the masked hunters killing their own people, the extremely cruel and cold memories poured into the girl's mind in an instant, and the pictures that had been crying again and again made the girl crazy again.

"...he", a strange swallowing sound came from Akai.

The girl's tears rolled down, and Akai's body trembled slightly. Fang Xin was a little surprised when he saw it.

In the Huangquan world, he has heard too much about this girl's whole family being killed or captured as slaves, which is not surprising. However, the girl's tears still interrupted him, but even so, Fang Xin was not the young child who came to Huangquanjie for a long time, and he controlled his emotions well. On the contrary, Kai's appearance made Fang Xin a little strange. From the dark black iron armor, you can see that his eyes are a little wet.

"You have to live!" Akai suddenly grabbed the girl's shoulder, shook it desperately, and roared, "You must live, or your people will resent you!"

"If you die, they will resent you below forever!" Do you know? You must know!"

"Akai!" Fang Xin shouted loudly. You will crush her like this!"

Akai was astonished and quickly looked at the girl he had caught.

The girl's face was extremely pale, her breathing was short, and her tears had stopped. She looked at Akai with some fear. Several bruises appeared on the shoulder that was grabbed by Akai just now. It turned out that Kai was suddenly excited just now, and his hands holding the girl's shoulders completely forgot the strength and almost squeezed the girl to death.

Akai was at a loss for a few seconds and suddenly let go of his hand. Looking at the girl, he suddenly covered his face in pain, roared, and staggered out of the room despite Fang Xin's obstruction.

The two dark monks watched this scene indifferently until Akai left. Bruni stepped forward leisurely: "What's your name, the girl of the Mo clan? Did you hear what I just said?

After being made such a fuss by Kai, the girl's brain has woken up. She wiped away her tears and nodded.

"It seems that you know the situation, so as long as you are obedient and we finish our own things, I will give you freedom!" Bruni said lightly.

A few days later.

Langfang Mountain.

The morning mist flows around in the wilderness, and the chirping birds are jumping in the grass looking for worms. They were completely unaware that a group of things thicker than fog were flying quietly behind them.

A group of carrion insects came with grass stems in a more strange trajectory than hummingbirds and a more cunning stealth than foxes. When one of the little birds guarded something was wrong, it was bitten by two of the fastest-flying fat carrion worms and died of poisoning.

The carrion insects stuck on the birds eagerly and began to have a carnival. In a short time, dozens of birds have become skeletons. With a whistle from the distance of the grass, the carruffs buzzed out of the skeleton of the bird and flew away.

Hugo, with a saree in his head, stood up from the grass. Looking at what happened in the distance, he raised a smile at the corners of his mouth and went smoothly. This killing was a perfect experiment for his insect control.

"Okay, guys. You can come out. There is no ambush here. We're going to start arranging, hey hey!"

In the originally flat soil, several hands suddenly broke out of the ground.


All the slaves were blindfolded. This forces them to follow the people in front one by one, otherwise they will fall behind and be eaten by the warcrafts secretly watching in the dense forest.

The whole team of nearly 500 people was divided into three teams and marched in three directions. Among them, Fang Xin also had two dark monks, who were in the third team at the end, and Akai followed the team with the female slave he bought on his back. There are miles between each team.

In the preparation time of a few days here, the dark monks bought a group of slaves at extremely cheap prices and hired a team of tauroy warriors. Fang Xin didn't quite understand their careful arrangement. However, he knew that he didn't need to understand. Just follow the dark monks. If it was really dangerous, Fang Xin was still very confident in his escape.

Fang Xin walked slowly in the team at the end. In less than an hour, he had heard several slave screams and animal bites.

"Your Excellency. Things are a little unusual." Kai, who followed Fang Xin, lowered his voice.

"I also think something is wrong. There seem to be a lot of beasts in the dense forest!" Hearing the subtle walking sound of the animals in the dense forest, he was furious in his confidence.

After listening to Fang Xin's words, Akai pondered for a while and continued, "I think there seems to be a dangerous trap waiting for us!"

He stopped for a moment: "Your Excellency, listen carefully. The breathing of the slaves around them was messy, and they also felt uneasy!"

Fang was confident and was surprised by Kai's words. Except for feeling that the beasts around him are gradually increasing, he doesn't feel anything.