Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 88 Narrow Road 1

"Yes, it's that simple." Xu Feng must nodded, "Look more, practice more, think more, such as you, now practice taking arrows, arrows and starring fiercely!"

"If you say it, you won't say it." Xu Chang crooked the corners of his mouth, and then said hopefully, "If only I had Hawkeye skills."

"Don't be so far away. Now it's useless to give you multiple shooting skills. Honestly practice the foundation well!" Seeing him like this, Xu Feng had to tell him earnestly again.

Hearing this, Xu Changman suddenly became discouraged and said degrily, "Yes, no matter how good the enemy is, no matter how good his skills are, it is still white K."

"No matter how good the skill is, it is still white K." Xu Changman's words made Xu Feng's eyes flash. He stood still and thought for a while, and then suddenly raised his head and shouted, "I finally know why the fantasy game sets its skills differently."

"What and what!" Xu Chang, who was beside him, was full of Xu Feng's sudden cry. He was immediately shocked and protested dissatisfiedly.

"Previous game skills require corresponding levels to learn." Xu Feng didn't care. His eyes glowed and stared at him without blinking, staring at Xu Changman with a little hair.

"Hmm!" Xu Chang nodded cowardly.

"But this game is contrary to tradition and does not limit the level. As long as you have a skill book and meet this profession, you can learn it. Even if you are level 1 and have the ultimate skill book of this profession, you can still learn it."

"But few people have typed skill books at present." As soon as Xu Changman heard what Xu Feng said, he also threw out his long-standing doubts.

"This is the cleverness of the fantasy world." Xu Feng's face was full of smiles and said confidently.

"What's smart?"

"Ye" Xu Feng took two steps forward, and then turned around. His quiet eyes were in the forest where the leaves were crossed, and the light of wisdom flashed. "Think about it, in the past, in traditional games, a person became stronger. In addition to equipment, it was skills. The more gorgeous the skills, the higher the level needed to learn."

When Xu Changman heard this, his mind seemed to catch Guan Jian, but there was still a trace of fog blocking him, which made him not see it, so he could only seem to understand

"What a stupid!" Xu Feng beat him, "In order to pursue high-level and gorgeous skills, those players ignore basic skills. The more advanced they are, the more gorgeous skills they can learn. If it goes on like this, their foundation will naturally become worse and worse."

"Oh!" When Xu Changman heard this, he suddenly realized and nodded, "That's why they set their skills as level-free?"

"Hmm!" Xu Feng saw his expression and his chagrin followed. "Although some people play skill books, there are a large number of players in the fantasy world. Many players like you and me only have one or two skills. It is difficult for them to use basic skills, so the benefits of basic skills are gradually dug out by some smart people. ."

"What a genius!" Xu Changman patted his hands and couldn't help praising the technicians of the fantasy world.

"As long as someone understands the benefits, I believe that more people will devote themselves to the foundation, so..." Xu Feng's eyes are as bright as bright stars. "At this moment, I kind of admire the planner of this game. I really dare to claim to be the closest game to reality. That's right!"

Speaking of this, Xu Feng stopped and his eyes were brighter. "I'm more looking forward to the next version."

"Ye" Xu Changman also showed an expression of agreement.

"Ha ha, it's off topic." Xu Feng withdrew his eyes, and the starlight in his eyes suddenly restrained, "Practice!"

"Ye." Xu Changman was not unhappy at this time, but practiced basic skills with great interest.

"I'll lower the speed of the monster with ice arrows first, and then you fight!" Xu Feng stretched out his hand to stop his eager plan and said.

Xu Changman didn't say anything, just looked at him doubtfully.

"All things pay attention to circular gradual..." Xu Feng smiled and then said seriously, "First practice from the 'fixed' target, wait for the fixed target to hit more than 90%, and then practice the moving target. Do you understand?"

"I see!" Xu Chang gave him a white look, "I'm not stupid, okay?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly and didn't say anything more. After confirming the plan, the two practiced their skills in the woods. Xu Feng helped Xu Changman control the monster with ice arrows and let him practice, but he himself used fireball to deal with the monster, and the two unconsciously brushed the monster here.

An hour passed quickly.

The leveling is very boring. The two of them practiced for a while, and then stopped to rest. Xu Feng still knew the combination of work and rest. Otherwise, it would be not good to be tired and easy to get tired.

So the two of them are resting under a safe tree at this moment. Of course, they are not completely relaxed, at least they still maintain corresponding caution and keep weapons.

"Are those things you said really useful?" Xu Changman leaned against an old tree with wrinkles and asked Xu Feng beside him as he wiped his sweat.

"What do you think?" Xu Feng looked at the ancient trees around him, patrolled with two eyes guard, and responded casually.

"I don't know. Anyway, I've been practicing for so long and I don't feel anything." Xu Chang waved the sweat that had just been wiped in the palm of his hand and replied with a little frustration.

"Alas!" Xu Feng gave him a white look and said encouragingly, "The foundation is not practiced overnight..." Speaking of this, Xu Feng turned around and looked at him, "The meal also needs to be eaten one bite at a time, right?"

"Ha ha, where do you want to go? They are all buddies. Don't I still believe you? I can't complain." Xu Changman also knew this truth, but his personality was like this. He was eager for good fortune and active, and he was also happy to talk a lot. He asked him to practice boringly like this all the time. God knows whether he will die of depression.

"Small sample..." Xu Feng curled his lips and said, "Take a rest. I have to practice later."

"Oh, but after playing for so long, I only had a few white clothes, and the system is still as stingy as my mother-in-law." Xu Chang looked at the cheap equipment in the backpack boredly and couldn't help cursing the system.

Xu Feng didn't say anything. He has long been used to this rate of violence, and it's useless to speak. It's useful to speak. Why do you curse the system? He can directly open his voice and curse.

The spring breeze blew, and suddenly brought a few small conversation sounds from a distance.

"Hm?" Xu Feng frowned and moved his heart. Why was there a sound so familiar? At that moment, he raised his ears and listened carefully.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xu Feng's arched expression, Xu Chang suddenly turned his head and looked around, but found nothing, so he asked Xu Feng doubtfully.

Xu Feng stretched out his index finger, did not say anything, and made a forbidden action. At this time, his voice became clearer.

"Brother Dao, you have to tell your brother-in-law to let me join the Storm family this time."

"Yes, Brother Dao..."


Soon, the sound faded away and gradually disappeared into the depths of the dark forest.

"Is it him?" Xu Feng was already standing in place at this time. On his beautiful face, his eyebrows stood upside down, and the staff in his hand were held tightly by him. Was he chasing him? Obviously not, Xu Feng thought calmly.

"What's wrong with Xu Feng?" Xu Changman, who was on one side, immediately asked him when he saw that his expression was wrong.

"Futa, let's go ahead and talk about it!" Xu Feng fruled his eyes and was cold. "If they have anything important, destroy them. If not, there is no loss anyway."

Since he has decided to tear his face, Xu Feng will not be polite.

"You stay here first. I have to go out in advance." Xu Feng, who figured this out, immediately turned his head and said to Xu Changman beside him. It's not that he was not allowed to follow him, but that Xu Changman's current level was too poor, and his skills were not very good. The most important thing was that the Tuhuang Guild really occupied half of the sky in Zhuque City, so for his good, Xu Feng still decided not to take him.

"What's going on?" Xu Chang looked at him worriedly.

"I'll tell you later." Xu Feng took a look at him and said, "You practice here first, and I'll come to you later."