Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 89 Narrow Road 2

Xu Chang looked at Xu Feng's rigorous expression at this moment. Obviously, Xu Feng's move must be related to the inexplicable voice just now. After thinking about it, although he didn't know what was in it, he knew that he could not help at this moment. It was just a tiring relationship to go there. It's better to stay here and practice. Technology, when the technology passes in the future, both of them can also have a corresponding support.

Thinking of this, although there was still a little regret in his heart, Xu Changman still cheered up and said, "Be careful!"

Xu Feng was eager to revenge and did not notice Xu Changman's complicated color. He left an urgent sentence, "Wait!" After saying that, he raised his leg and quickly chased in the direction where the sound disappeared.

Looking at Xu Feng's disappeared back, Xu Changman's smiling face was completely disappeared and changed into a resolute look, "I must become stronger, at least I can't drag down my friends."


"It should be in this direction!"

Xu Feng carefully avoids some small monsters such as poisonous snakes and black mice, and gradually observes the traces left by those people. The deeper they go, the more obvious the squeezed grass or fallen leaves under his feet will be.

"No..." Xu Feng in the rush suddenly stopped, stared at the depths of the forest, frowned and thought deeply, "It seems that there is either a valley or a plain ahead. Otherwise, it is impossible that the front will become brighter and brighter, not like the deep mountains and old forests. The deeper it is, the darker it will be."

It seems that you have to be careful later. After all, there is no dark place, and your own trace is difficult to avoid. "Although I don't know what you are doing, I won't easily let go of a chance to put you in a dilemma."

However, Xu Feng will not act recklessly. "My strength is still not good now, but I can observe secretly. If there is a chance, I will find out their purpose at this moment. If there is no chance, I can only retreat and preserve my strength and leave it to break with them in the future."

Xu Feng thought about the countermeasures as he walked, and continued to carefully go deep. As he walked inward, the light in front of him became more and more abundant.

After a while, Xu Feng heard the fierce fighting sound and the soft sound of speech in front of him. The two voices were mixed together, which was very mocking.

"Sure enough!" Hearing this, Xu Feng's eyes lit up, pressed down his footsteps, and went deeper more carefully. Soon, Xu Feng saw several walking black figures in front of him through the mottled tree shadows in front of him, without exception. Their chests were marked with totems of the Slaughter Guild.

"Well, there's really something wrong!" Xu Feng's face was frosty and gloomy. He carefully moved to the left. "Although they don't know what they are doing, there are players patrolling on the periphery. Obviously, this must be very important to them..."

Xu Feng slowly approached from the left rear of those dark shadows, "Hm?" Xu Feng stared at a big tree surrounded by three people in front of him and looked up and down for a while. "It should be okay to hide there..."

Do it as soon as you think of it. Xu Feng walks gently, like a night cat walking, quietly approaching that goal.


Xu Feng suddenly stepped on a dry branch. The dried branch could not bear the weight of Xu Feng's body, and immediately broke and made a crisp sound. The sound was doubled in the quiet dense forest and suddenly beat.

"Bad!" Xu Feng shouted secretly, and there happened to be a two-person tree next to him. Xu Feng didn't think about it. He took a step to the left and just hid behind the tree.

At this time, a player patrolling there heard the crisp sound and looked cautiously at the source of the sound, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes. Obviously, although the voice just now was light, it was still heard by him, but the sound was in the mockery of the fight in front of him, which made him uncertain.

Two minutes later, there was still no movement. The player patted himself with a smile, scolded himself for being nervous, and then turned around and continued to pay attention to the battle situation ahead.

"Wow!" Seeing this, Xu Feng relaxed and secretly exhaled, "It's so dangerous!"

If you are touched by that player just now, your little abacus will not start. However, from the player's behavior just now, Xu Feng has also confirmed that his guess is correct.

"What they guessed is not wrong. Otherwise, they would definitely not be so cautious and send players to patrol."

Xu Feng leaned tightly behind a slightly hard tree. He didn't dare to act now. Who knew whether the player was just pretending and pretended to be no longer.

Two minutes later, the woods are still intertwined, making people feel like entering a secluded valley.

"It seems that I'm too worried." Xu Feng withdrew his eyes that secretly paid attention to the patrol players and looked at the giant tree in front of him. "As long as you go to the tree, all the puzzles will be solved, won't you?"

"I can only bet on it. I hope it won't be so bad."

Xu Feng's eyes were curled up, looking straight at the current prescription position and the distance with the giant tree, and strongly analyzing the route to be taken by the next action.

"It should be okay!" Xu Feng didn't have time to delay any more. Who knew how their activities were going? The earlier they grasped the opportunity, the more active he became. Xu Feng sucked the fresh air hard, which smelled a little bitter flowers, and his slightly hot head was just clear.

He gently raised his pace, put the speed to the slowest, and slowly moved there. At this moment, he did not dare to relax for a moment, and his eyes stared closely at the route to prevent the situation just now from happening again.

Fortunately, there were no accidents along the way. Those sentry players may be attracted by the battle situation, so they did not pay attention to the rear, but focused on the battle scene in front of them.

"God helps me too!" As soon as Xu Feng arrived behind the giant tree, he couldn't help praising the Jade Emperor, and then looked at the vertical trunk above the tall tree and prayed in his heart, "There is nothing wrong with it, otherwise, it will be a failure!"

After praying, Xu Feng did not hesitate, used his hands and feet to easily climb the giant tree. Fortunately, there were no annoying white snakes and black rats on this tree.

After Xu Feng finished his throb, he first stayed under the tree cautiously. Seeing that he did not attract the attention of those people, he quietly poked his head out and looked into the distance...


Xu Feng's personality is calm, and he can't help but suddenly change his color at this moment.

In front of it is a green field, flatly covered on those lands. There are countless lightning leopards leisurely wandering on the green field, like an epic painting.

And a miles away from Xu Feng, something happened that changed Xu Feng, where hundreds of people besieged a boss.

It is a leopard-shaped boss. The whole body is full of explosive power. The white and unclean fur is lightly wrapped in its streamlined posture. Its nobility is self-evident. In the middle of its majestic forehead, a cyan triangle lightning symbol is deeply embedded in it, making it look special. Heaven and earth are like gods, arrogant and invincible.

And every time the lightning sign flashed, several thunder and lightning quickly split down. It was full of magic and fighting spirit, and countless light effects were like brilliant fireworks, shooting around, dreamy and deadly.

"If you can't see its level, it should be more than 6 levels higher than me..." Xu Feng's eyes flashed, his eyes stared at the BOSS in the middle, and he thought carefully, "Look at every attack it, the domineering power contained in it..."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng shook his head. Anyway, it was not what he could challenge. Thinking of this, Xu Feng glanced over the leisurely lightning leopards around him and saw that the level of the logo in front of their names was???

Xu Feng took a deep breath, and the little monster couldn't see the level. Based on his own level, the lightning leopard should be above 19 and thought that the BOSS was 2 to 5 levels higher than the ordinary monster. Here again speculated that the BOSS should be above 21 level.

"And they put out such a big show?" Xu Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, and his heart was so calm that he was outrageous. "This boss should at least be king-level, and it may be... emperor-level!"

Thinking of this, even Xu Feng couldn't help but get excited. If it was really an emperor-level boss, then... It's unimaginable, but it may also be a king-level boss. After all, 6 people in the difficult-level copy are not so good, and the king-level boss can still defeat it with sea of tactics outside.