Fantasy Country

Chapter 15 The Differences of Nocino

After hanging up Xie Sutong's phone, Lu Xuedao turned over the phone book again and found the familiar number.

After thinking about it, Lu Xuedao still dialed this number and waited quietly. Being hung up, Lu Xuedao frowned and then dialed through. After waiting for a long time, the phone was connected, but there was no sound on the opposite side. Obviously, he was waiting for Lu Xuedao to speak. Sure enough, he was still hated. Lu Xuedao thought in his heart that he was a little frustrated.

"How have you been recently?" Lu Xuedao asked.

"Very good." The tone opposite was a little cold and calm.

"That's good." Lu Xuedao heard his sister's tone and was silent for a while before three words emerged.

"Listen, the next thing may be beyond your imagination, but I hope you can hear it clearly." Lu Xuedao thought for a while, but decided to tell his sister about the life of the Internet.

"Hmm." Lu Yuwei's tone is very light.

"Ha~!" Lu Xuedao can almost imagine how his sister will react after he said this. Listen, in the human network world, those well-known characters, immortals and demons, gods and Buddhas, angels and demons, and the protagonists of animation games, have their own complete personality consciousness, and they are collectively known as online life.

"Stop!" Suddenly, Lu Yuwei's voice came from the opposite side.

"You won't have a second illness again, will you? That's enough. You are already 17 years old. Did you call me in class just to say this?"

"Network life can enter the real world through a summoning technique. They not only have their own complete personality consciousness, but also have the power in human settings. I now have an Internet summoning life, a little goblin - Nocino. Although I don't think Nocino has any special ability, it seems that others don't think so. I was ambushed today, and another friend with online summoning life was kidnapped. I don't know if the other party will find you, but you must be careful. Lu Xuedao didn't care what Lu Yuwei said and said this by himself.

After saying that, Lu Xuedao sighed and hung up the phone.

On the other side, a 12-year-old girl slowly put down her mobile phone after the phone was interrupted, looked at herself in the mirror, and then buried her head... Brother!

Lu Yuwei, Lu Xuedao's own sister, has been picked up by her uncle's family since Lu Xuedao's parents died unexpectedly two years ago. Lu Xuedao had a awkward personality, and something happened at that time, so only Lu Xuedao lived alone outside.

Lu Yuwei heard some news from others. Like those relatives, she always thought that Lu Xuedao had killed her parents, so she was very indifferent to Lu Xuedao. Until now, Lu Yuwei has not forgiven Lu Xuedao, and usually never calls, and Lu Xuedao's personality... is not much better. Even if she is worried, she will not show it.

Second-middle disease, have you committed it again?

Lu Yuwei returned to the classroom and lay on the table. The teacher above did not listen to the lecture. However, Lu Xuedao's words kept circulating in Lu Yuwei's heart. Although his brother's tone was very calm, it was hard to believe that it was only a secondary illness that he said such a paragraph to her.


As soon as I called my sister, Lu Xuedao's mobile phone rang within a few minutes. Lu Xuedao took a look and found that Lu Xuedao hung up a strange number. Generally, this kind of harassing phone call was directly hung up.

As a result, after a while, the number called again, and Lu Xuedao narrowed his eyes before getting through.


"Is it Mr. Lu Xuedao? I'm sorry that my team members acted too rudely. In fact, we just want to invite Mr. Lu Xuedao to join us." A gentle male voice sounded in the mobile phone. After hearing the other party's words, Lu Xuedao directly closed his mobile phone and didn't even bother to answer a word.

And in a gorgeous villa, an elegant man looked at his mobile phone in astonishment. After a while, he suddenly laughed. How long has it been since no one dared to hang up his phone so rudely? Looking at the extremely uneasy girl opposite, the man spoke slowly.

"You're right. Lu Xuedao is indeed a very character teenager."

Lu Xuedao hung up the phone and began to sort out and analyze everything in his mind.

2013.02.27, in the evening, he and Nocino had a life field assimilation and became companions. 03.07, in the evening, I saw the Flame Baron for the first time and knew that online life was not only cute, but also powerful. 03.14, Sun Cangjing died at home. It can basically be judged that consciousness died in the online world. The next day 03.15, an earthquake occurred in the school, killing four people. 03.17, Zhao Zhenxi came to his home to summon the Flame Baron and learned more about online life by asking. 03.19, that is, today, he was suddenly ambushed. Looking at the other party's appearance, it should be... forced invitation.

There will be no mistake, because the continuous strange events in the school made people who had not notice here before noticed it. After the other party found that Zhao Zhenxi were the summoners, they immediately made a forced invitation... kidnapping.

According to theory, the online summoning of life of himself and Zhao Zhenxi is neither special nor particularly powerful. They should not be treated in this way. It's really frustrating. As a summoner, he didn't know what was different about Nocino, but others found it first and chased him.


Lu Xuedao remembered that online life is usually some well-known characters and lives on the Internet, and his Nocino is just a character formulated in a 3D artificial goblin.

names and other network life are well-known roles, which can be said to have a certain audience base. And the initial independent consciousness and thinking formed by these network life are exactly the same as the human setting. Can we think that the power of human consciousness contributed to the birth of these lives? And Baron Flame also said that the more famous the characters on the Internet, the earlier they began to be conceived.

And Nocino..., Lu Xuedao has checked, and there must be no famous character with this name. That is to say, only he knows... No, maybe, the name is not only a 3D artificial goblin, but also represents someone else.

The name can't be found on the Internet at all, but Nocino appeared when he first created a role in a stand-alone game... The meaning of the name is greater than expected.

Lu Xuedao also remembered some words that Nocino said from time to time. When they first met, he said that the place where he lived was an exquisite and luxurious place, but he couldn't remember it. And when Baron Flame introduced the online world, Nocino once said a straightforward sentence about the understanding of power. It seems that this itself exists in Nocino's memory, but she has never found it herself.

Nocino, what's the difference between you!

Lu Xuedao walked on the roadside slowly, but he kept thinking and reorganized all kinds of questions in his heart. In fact, Lu Xuedao is very smart, but lazy. He didn't think of this before, but he didn't think in this direction. Lu Xuedao always thought that Nocino was a stupid goblin and could only act cute.

Since this mysterious force has discovered Nocino's abnormality, the people of the country will soon analyze it. When did you become a steamed bun? Lu Xuedao doesn't think it's a good thing to discover his differences before he has power.

It's troublesome.

At this time, don't say anything to save Zhao Zhenxi, it's okay not to put yourself in.

"Nocino, do you know how different you are?" Lu Xuedao took his mobile phone and consciously asked.

Ah? Is there any difference between me?" Nocino's voice was extremely lazy, and he seemed to be doing something. After hearing this, Lu Xuedao suddenly laughed dumbly and asked Nochino what he could ask. Didn't he always think that Nochino was a fool before?

"Nocino, my current situation is very troublesome. Have you understood the summoning of consciousness given to you by the Flame Baron?"

"I'm learning." Nocino said lazily.

"Try as fast as possible. Maybe your difference is reflected here." Lu Xuedao said.

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all, but if you ask for it, then I will study hard." Nocino said.

"To be clear, don't mess up like the first time without even understanding anything about the summoning and life field. Our luck can't always be so good. In case of failure, it will be over." Lu Xuedao reminded again.

"I know, I know." Nocino seems to be a little impatient.

Lu Xuedao smiled bitterly and then continued to walk forward. He had nothing to do with Nocino. Leave Nocino alone. Now he should think about how to avoid the search of that organization and country. Yes, both sides avoid it. Lu Xuedao doesn't think it's a good thing to be found to be different when there is no power, because difference also means... research materials, mice and so on.

I'm sorry, Zhao Zhenxi, I'm overwhelmed now. I really don't have the strength to save you. Lu Xuedao said in his heart and slowly disappeared on the roadside.


And on the other side, when Lu Yuwei lay on the desk, she was suddenly woken up.

"Lu Yuwei, Lu Yuwei, come out and someone is looking for you." Their head teacher appeared at the door of the classroom, interrupted the teacher's lecture on the stage, and said to Lu Yuwei.

Is someone looking for me?

Lu Yuwei stood up doubtfully and followed the head teacher to the outside. At this time, who will come to school to find himself?