Fantasy Country

Chapter 16 Entering the Online World

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Lu Yuwei followed the head teacher to the office and found that there was a tall and plump royal sister and a lazy teenager standing inside. After Lu Yuwei came in, the head teacher closed the door directly, and there were only three people left in the office.

"Are you?"

"Are you Lu Yuwei, Lu Xuedao's sister?" The royal sister opposite immediately asked.

Lu Yuwei immediately thought of the phone call her brother had called her not long ago, as well as her doubts. Is it true that my brother really didn't commit secondary illness this time, but...really!


At this time, Lu Xuedao happened to have a small car accident. Although he was not injured, the Iphone5 he just bought was finished. Seeing that the mobile phone fell into a few halves on the ground, Lu Xuedao was ready to cry without tears. Did he step on dog shit when he went out today?

Lu Xuedao looked at his fragmented mobile phone and sighed angrily.

The owner is a beautiful girl. After seeing that she almost hit someone, she was very panicked and immediately stopped the car and ran down. You're not hurt, are you?"

Lu Xuedao shook his hand and was just scratched. He really didn't get hurt, but the mobile phone in his hand fell out and scrapped it. Under normal circumstances, Lu Xuedao would not be so nervous at all, but the key is that the current mobile phone is the only way for Lu Xuedao to contact Nocino.

"I'm fine, but the iPhone 5 I just bought fell into half." Lu Xuedao said and shook the 'wmains' in his hand.

However, when she heard Lu Xuedao say this, the girl opposite was relieved. It's good that nothing happened to her. It's just a mobile phone. Just compensate him. An iPhone5 may be expensive for others, but it is not enough pocket money for her. I didn't bother to ask if this iPhone5 was real, and the girl said it directly.

"As long as people are fine, I will compensate you for your mobile phone. Are you going to buy a new one now or shall I compensate you?"

"Use the money." Lu Xuedao thought for a moment and said. He came out of the house in a hurry and didn't have any money with him. And it is estimated that you still need to hide around for the next period of time. It's inconvenient to have no money. As for the mobile phone, just buy a similar one.

"Okay, how much?"

"4099, do you need me to show you the Taobao record?" Lu Xuedao doesn't want the girl opposite him to treat himself as a liar who cheats money.

"Ha ha, no, this little money is nothing to me." The girl opposite did have this idea at first, but after hearing Lu Xuedao's words, she was relieved. Lu Xuedao took a look at the sports car parked on the roadside and knew that the girl did not lie, a typical white, rich and beautiful.

Of course, the girl will not carry so much cash with her. After pulling Lu Xuedao to a bank, she withdraws the money and gives it to Lu Xuedao, and they are cleared of each other.

"I'm so sorry that I almost bumped into you."

"Nothing, I don't have anything to lose, and I shouldn't be distracted on the road." Lu Xuedao shook his head, waved his hand, and turned directly away. They just met each other. Lu Xuedao and the girl didn't even ask each other's names. Even so, this matter passed.

"Ah!" After walking for a while, Lu Xuedao patted his head again and his mobile phone card.


At this time, in the school office, the royal sister dialed Lu Xuedao's mobile phone, but it was prompted that she could not get through. After several consecutive attempts, the royal sister shook her head at the teenager.

"You said your brother just called you?" The royal sister asked.

"Well, probably more than ten minutes ago."

"Well, I'm afraid your brother is very cautious. After calling you, he turned off or changed his mobile phone to prevent wireless tracking. So, let me ask how many things your brother has said to you. The royal sister asked solemnly, it's better not to let too many ordinary people know about this matter.

"So, can I also ask, is the matter of online life true?" Although she is only 12 years old, Lu Yuwei is also very calm and rational. After all, she has also experienced the tragedy of the death of her parents, not the flowers who have been living in the greenhouse.

The royal sister and the teenager looked at each other, and then the royal sister nodded. When Lu Yuwei saw the royal sister nodded, she was suddenly excited. Although she had guessed more or less from the two people who found the school directly and the sudden phone call from her brother more than ten minutes ago, it was directly confirmed that it was still different.

"Your brother is targeted by evil organizations. In order to prevent them from threatening your brother with you, you'd better follow us." The royal sister said to Lu Yuwei.

"Hmm." Lu Yuwei nodded quietly.


After Lu Xuedao found that he forgot to pick up his mobile phone card, he was suddenly a little annoyed, but in an instant, he also felt that it was enough to just throw it away like this. It is estimated that the other party and the country can easily get his mobile phone number. If it is tracked, it is not a good thing.

With the money, Lu Xuedao first went to a nearby mobile phone store to buy a mobile phone. Basically, it is fine. The most important thing is that the standby time is long enough. Because Lu Xuedao felt that he would not have such a convenient time to charge his mobile phone in the future.

After buying a mobile phone, Lu Xuedao immediately asked for a separate private room in a large Internet cafe nearby. After coming to the private room, Lu Xuedao immediately logged in to the game, and then the game character appeared in the novice village.

"Nocino, are you there?" Lu Xuedao asked. This is the only way Lu Xuedao thought of possibly reconnecting with Nocino. However, Lu Xuedao sat in the Internet cafe for several hours, and Nocino did not contact Lu Xuedao again. Lu Xuedao couldn't help worrying that it wouldn't be the destruction of the mobile phone. What's wrong with Nochino?

No, no, speaking of which, his mobile phone has been changed once, and it won't have any effect. The mobile phone is just a medium.

Lu Xuedao browsed all kinds of news on the Internet while waiting for Nochino to contact him.

I browsed the news, especially various 'mysterious phenomena' and so on. There are not many relevant news, but there are also a few, and Lu Xuedao is not clear whether these situations have anything to do with online life. While preparing to turn the web page, Lu Xuedao suddenly found a message: there was a slight earthquake in Sichuan..., and a few people felt a slight shaking.

Lu Xuedao clicked in and couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile.

It was completely covered up. The huge gap was about one kilometer long and more than two meters wide, shrinking into a gap about 100 meters long and 20 centimeters wide. As for the school casualties and so on, nothing was mentioned. Well, Lu Xuedao is too lazy to say anything. This is the phenomenon of the country - praise and cover it up. If it is reported truthfully, it may lead to some public opinion. Everyone knows about a harmonious society.

After sitting all night in the Internet cafe, Nocino did not contact Lu Xuedao. Lu Xuedao couldn't help but be a little worried. It was not until the third day that Lu Xuedao quietly avoided the search of the force and the country. After changing several places in a row, he finally got in touch with Nocino.

"Lu Xuedao, what's wrong with you? Why can't I contact you?" Lu Xuedao's game character suddenly became uncontrollable again and suddenly automatically typed a row of subtitles.

"My mobile phone broke down by accident. Really, why did you just appear now?" Lu Xuedao asked.

"Didn't you ask me to learn the consciousness summoning technique? I've been learning these days. How dare you say that." Nocino was immediately unhappy when he heard the words, and the game character turned around directly and said with his back to Lu Xue.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. This time it's my fault. Nocino, thank you for your hard work." Lu Xuedao immediately noticed that he should not blame Nocino for no reason.

"Hmm, as long as you know." Nocino's anger came and dissipated quickly. Download the summoning technique again. This is not the first time it is so complicated. The life field has already begun to assimilate, and there is no vision. It looks like downloading something with a mobile phone. After downloading the summoning technique with his mobile phone, Lu Xuedao directly checked out and got off the machine.


After returning to the small hotel where you can live without a license, Lu Xuedao carefully closed the doors and windows and confirmed that he was not monitored before lying carefully with his mobile phone**.

"The degree of life field assimilation needs to be tested first." This time, Nocino is a little more serious than Lu Xuedao.

"Well, I'm ready. You start." Lu Xuedao said.

Life field assimilation degree detection, according to Baron Flame, if the degree of life field assimilation is not enough, it cannot enter the online world. However, the final result was unexpected by Lu Xuedao, and there was no difference at all. The degree of assimilation between him and Nocino's life field directly reached the highest, as if he were a person himself.

The mobile phone emitted a soft white light, and Lu Xuedao instantly felt that his consciousness was pulled away from his body, and then entered a chaotic whirlpool. Lu Xuedao only felt dark in front of his eyes. When he returned to his vision again, the scenery in front of him had completely changed.

In a messy room, Nocino was lying on ** to calculate something. As a result, as soon as Lu Xuedao appeared, he directly pressed Nochino down. It was not until Lu Xuedao was suddenly punched by Nocino's petite fist that Lu Xuedao came to his senses and covered his stomach in pain.

"Well, you guys are really H. He wants to push me down as soon as he appears." Nocino said in a serious tone.

Lu Xuedao is speechless. Who wants to push you down, the little guy with a big slap. Lu Xuedao ignored Nocino's nonsense and began to look at himself and the room. Lu Xuedao is now naked** and has no clothes or anything like that, but Lu Xuedao didn't care about this, but shook his hands and found that there was almost no difference from reality.

"What are you looking at? You don't wear any clothes, and you are not shy." Nocino covered his eyes, but his fingers separated a small gap and looked curiously and secretly at Lu Xuedao's body.

"Is this your home?" Lu Xuedao grabbed Nocino's sheets and wrapped them around his body.

"Well, this is my home. How about it? It's good, isn't it?" Nocino showed off proudly.

Lu Xuedao laughed for a moment, and then carefully looked at the situation around him. The three-dimensional sense is very strong, but it can still be seen that it is not real, and Lu Xuedao touched it with his hand, and there are still some electronic lines flowing. Lu Xuedao carefully looked at everything in the room and found that although the room was very messy, in fact, it was very exquisite and luxurious. And this is completely arranged according to the size of a human, not the size of a goblin like Nocino.

This is definitely not the room in 3D Artificial Goblin.