huan xing tu

Chapter 35 Rob "Thunder"

Tick! A drop of blood fell from the blade and splashed a brightly colored flower.

There was a dead silence, and the whole hall fell into a dead silence. The young man quietly wiped the blood stains left on the sword and didn't care about the eyes focused on his body.

"Battle, come back."

The young man called war didn't say anything. However, he took the sword, turned around and returned to the middle-aged man.

Following the footsteps of the young people, all eyes moved to the middle-aged.

Just as the young man stood behind him, the middle-aged man stood up and walked out. And Zhan followed him silently, just like his shadow. The figures of the two quickly disappeared into the wind and rain outside the house.

After a night of wind and rain, the morning air becomes particularly fresh. However, everyone who goes out feels an extremely tense atmosphere.

On the street, every other day, there is a white corpse with blisters. Among the bodies, there were shattered blades. Among these dead bodies, there are patrol teams in Luolei Mountain and practitioners who don't know their names. Judging from the identity of the body, it seems that the two forces had a fierce fight last night. However, it seems that the sound of fighting and the smell of blood have been buried by last night's wind and rain.

"Captain, what about the bodies of those people?" A member of the Luolei Mountain patrol asked.

Looking at a body that had been carried away, the captain said, " Throw it into the sea to feed the fish!"

"I see. I'll do it right away."

"Who did this?" Among the onlookers, people asked in a low voice, but no one could answer the question.

In the crowd, a pale man coughed slightly. He wore a purple-gold boxing tup on his left hand. He stared at a body that had been carried away, and then slowly disappeared into the gradually dispersed stream of people.

King Tengjiao, facing the calm sea, quietly meditating.

"Domain owner." There was an old voice behind him.

"I'm back, Elder Eagle."

"Yes." Elder Eagle came over gently and stood respectfully behind King Tengjiao.

"How's the Shenbing Villa?"

"The situation there is a little chaotic now. This morning, there were dead bodies on the street. There is a patrol team in Luolei Mountain, and there are also some practitioners. It seems that there was a scuffle last night.

"It seems that this time the thunder is completely in trouble. However, there are still two days left, and the thunderstorm should arrive. I'd like to see if he hasn't seen it over the years.

"Lord, the immortal order,," the words of the eagle elder were a little hesitant and even trembling.

"Ead Elder Eagle, it doesn't seem like you asked this, right?"

A momentum wrapped the eagle elder in an instant like a sudden storm on the sea. Sweat instantly covered the elder Eagle's forehead and quickly converged along his cheeks to his chin. However, he did not dare to move, let alone wipe the dripping sweat.

The momentum slowly dissipated, and a few steps were taken before the Tengjiao Dynasty.

"I know, you can't help it. All right, you go down first. I will give you an answer about Juxianling when I get back.

Elder Eagle nodded gratefully, wiped his sweat from his face and left carefully.

I don't know whether it is because of the stability of the land or the abandonment of the waves. He casually picked up one under his feet and threw it out, witnessing it fall into the depths of the sea.

"When can I go back?"

Looking at the dozens of porcelain bottles in front of him, Xing Ji was a little embarrassed.

This pile of porcelain bottles are also containing the elixir given by the dry general at the casting conference. But he didn't know why, but he forgot.

"Alas!" He sighed helplessly. Although the injury on his body is almost healed, Xing Ji's heart is thinking about the Xuanbing dagger now. It was the only blade his father cast for him, but now, thinking about the scene that night, the cold expression slowly climbed up to the star's face, "Lei Qian, I will definitely get back the Xuanbing dagger. And your life!"

Stretched his left hand, looked at the purple-gold cracked boxing gloves, and then clenched the shaking boxing gloves of his right hand. Xing Ji smiled proudly. Although the two fists themselves are of the best spiritual weapons, once the two fists come together, they are no less powerful than fairy weapons.

The thoughts turned quickly, and the two fists began to shine: the left hand was purple-gold, and the right hand was earthy yellow, reflecting each other. Looking at the two lingering lights, I remembered what happened last night, and my expression of excitement filled my starry face.

Last night, it rained heavily. After a few days of cultivation, the wounds on Xingji's body were not only eliminated under the nourishment of water elements, but also made Xingji happy that the volume of the ugly stone changed again. Coming out of the recuperation, Xingji wanted to live all over the world to avoid the wind and rain that I don't know when it will stop.

Walking on the street, there is no pedestrian. The star silence on the way suddenly heard a faint sound of metal collision and weak footsteps in front of him.

The breath restrained, and the star quietly hid. After a while, a group of people fought fiercely and appeared in his sight.

"It's the patrol team of Luolei Mountain, and,,, who are they?"

In the rain, in addition to dozens of patrols in Luolei Mountain dressed in purple, there is also a group of monks dressed in messy clothes. Judging from the number of people, Luolei Mountain is obviously at a disadvantage. But they have not fallen behind by years of running-in formation. The two sides fought fiercely, and from time to time, someone would scream and fall down.

"Second brother, another team of people is coming. We must evacuate immediately, otherwise we can't escape. An anxious voice came faintly in the rain.

"Good! Everyone withdraw!" The person who was called the eldest brother shouted loudly.

Hearing the eldest brother's order, all the masked people began to retreat. However, the dozens of members of the Thunder Mountain Patrol seemed to find that their reinforcements were coming, so they counterattacked crazily. I don't know if it was because the team was formed temporarily. When they retreated, chaos began to appear.

"Third brother, you take your brothers first, and I'll break it!" Looking at the brother who was tightly bitten, the 'big brother' shouted and killed him back with a casting hammer in his hand. Seeing that the second brother killed him back again, the third brother threw away the short stick in his hand and changed a casting hammer to follow.

"They are all foundry?" Seeing the casting hammer with a handle, Xing Ji guessed their identity. Just because they are a group of righteous men, I will also find a way to help them.

Feeling dozens of breaths getting closer and closer, Xingji took a look at the right time and shot out of the hiding place. At a fast and strange speed, he quickly grabbed a casting hammer and entered the array of the Luolei Mountain patrol team.

Lightning speed, with two rays of light. The blade that blocked him turned into fragments at the moment of touching the purple light. Under this faint light, a pale face, before there was time to shout, and a casting hammer fell down with the momentum of Taishan's top. Without any sound, the frightened look fell into a ball of mud,,,

"Go!" The star silence threw down the casting hammer and quickly disappeared into the vast rainy night.

There was a knock on the door, and the star silence sitting cross-legged ** suddenly opened its eyes.

"Son, I'm the second child in the store, according to your instructions. It's afternoon now. I'll call you down for dinner!"

"I know. Let's go down!"

The footsteps slowly walked away, and the star silence came down from ** and moved a slightly stiff body. Looking at the power that must overflow in the body, I feel the power coming from my clenched hands. The star silence slowly opened the window, and the remnant sun like fire in the western sky was about to dissipate.

When the footsteps fell from the last stairs, Xing Ji's eyes were dull. Because in the hall of Sihaiju, there is a person sitting on the table that has never been empty. It's her, Aoshuang.

"My current situation?! It's better not to see!"

As I was about to walk towards her, I suddenly paused. Then, he passed by Ao Shuang and sat down in front of an empty table opposite her.

When the food entered the mouth, the star silence did not taste anything. His thoughts all fell on Aoshuang opposite him. Aoshuang sat quietly and thought. The expression on the face changes rapidly, with joy, shyness, worry, anger,,,

"Faun, you are finally here."

Wake up from meditation, Aoshuang looked at Xiao Er standing in front of him. It's you."

"Well, son, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing Xiao Er's words, Ao Shuang's face suddenly became puzzled. Wait for me? Is there anything waiting for me?"

Xiao Er took out a kit from his arms, and Xing Ji saw at a glance that this kit was exactly what he gave to Xiao Er.

"This is another prince who asked me to give it to you more than ten days ago."

"Is it him?" Ao Shuang picked up the kit curiously, and the moment her thoughts entered it. Tears in his eyes began to shake violently. The order of gathering immortals is the order of gathering immortals!

"Where is he now?" His face was full of eager expressions, and his expectant eyes stared straight at Xiao Er.

"I, I, I don't know, he hasn't been here for a long time." Ao Shuang's behavior made Xiao Er retreat two steps.

Xiao Er's answer was like a basin of cold water, ruthlessly extinguishing the hot expectation in Ao Shuang's eyes. Sitting on the bench distracted, Ao Shuang took out a spiritual stone and threw it to Xiao Er casually.

Just as the first ray of darkness devoured the light, Aoshuang left lost. Looking at the figure disappearing in the dark, Xingshi picked up the last glass of wine on the table and drank it all.

Two lights suddenly lit up in the darkness. That was a pair of eyes, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes like wolves. Looking at the vast night outside the window, a dark shadow quickly disappeared into the room.

The moon hangs coldly in the sky and appears faintly in the clouds.

A few flying figures suddenly broke the silence of the night.

At the seaside, a huge sea boat docked steadily on the shore. A gorgeous flag fluttered slowly with the sea breeze. On the flag, there are three big characters embroidered: Luolei Mountain.

Above the deck, Thunder went to the faintly lit Magic Soldier Villa and the town under the mountain. There are also several patrol teams in the town. Lei Qian, drive the boat!"

Thunder stood behind him, raising his arm. The huge canvas slowly rose up. The boat also began to leave the coast slowly.

"Son Lei, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Why don't you even say hello!" Abrupt sound came from the air. Then, five figures fell on the deck.

"Oh! It turned out to be the eagle elder of the demon realm. I don't know what you have to do?"

Elder Eagle's sharp eyes looked around the ship. Suddenly asked, "Why didn't you see your father?"

"What do you mean by that?" Lei Jingtian's face was full of anger, and his hand pressed on the hilt of the sword in an instant.

"Ha ha, what do you mean? Doesn't Mr. Lei know? I just want to borrow something!" Elder Eagle's eyes fixed on Lei Tian's body, with a gloomy smile on the corners of his mouth.

Borrow? I think it's about robbing!"

"Ha ha, since you think so, then I will make your words come true!" Before the words reached Lei Tian's ear, the figure of the eagle elder had floated over.

"In the early stage of distraction! Humph, let me meet you." With a buzz, the long sword came out of the body. Lei Jingtian met the elder Eagle without fear.

Dang! The crisp sound of metal impact. With the fight between the two, other people also joined the battle.

Two figures moved rapidly in the sky above the sea boat.

Every time the two iron claws collide with the long sword, there is a numbing feeling. Looking carefully, I saw a few purple lightnings jumping happily on the blade of the long sword.

Elder Eagle snorted coldly at the sword, and then countless dark shadows flew out of his arms and stabbed straight to the thunder. That's a feather, a feather turned into an arrow.

"Haha, I didn't expect Elder Eagle to start to lose hair!" Looking at the countless feather arrows, Lei Jing laughed. However, when his sword touched the arrow, he could not tell the pain in his heart.

The power contained in every small feather arrow is so huge that what shocked Lei Tian unexpectedly is that the hardness of the feather arrow can't even break the long sword in his hand. Then the impact of the feather arrow, Lei Jing quickly retreated, and the sword danced quickly.

"Thousands of thunder!" In the sky, countless thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, directly smashing the feather arrows.

Choo! Watching the feather arrow turn into flying ashes, Elder Eagle's mouth made an angry cry. Then he suddenly disappeared in place, through a stream of thunder and lightning, and rushed straight to the thunderstorm.

"Look how I catch you old bird!" Looking angrily at the eagle elder who rushed in the thunder and lightning, the thunder rose again, and the sword danced quickly. Every time a sword passes, there will be a thunder and lightning. As the number of thunder and lightning increased, a power grid appeared above Elder Eagle's head and quickly covered him.

Just as Elder Eagle arrived halfway, the power grid quickly contracted into a cage and trapped him in it. Looking at the formed bird cage and the joking face of Lei Jingtian, Elder Eagle's eyes were full of anger. jiuļ¼ With a long roar, a virtual shadow slowly appeared behind him. At the moment when the virtual shadow appeared, people saw the eagle, a giant eagle with extremely angry eyes.

Although it is only a virtual shadow, the two wings of the giant eagle are like two invincible long knives. The formed bird cage was cut into countless broken pieces by the beating wings, and even some fragments of thunder and lightning were swallowed directly by it.

"Hmm! That's the original form of your origin. However, no matter how you change, you will be just an ordinary bird. Let me show you the emperor among the birds! "Thunder!"

The dark clouds in the air squeezed into a ball in an instant, and several thunder and lightning burst out in the clouds. Scared! A cry resounded through the sky came from the clouds. With the sound of the bird, the clouds are like a quietly broken egg body. Cracks appeared on the surface of the clouds, and the dazzling light leaked from it.