huan xing tu

Chapter 36 King of Tengjiao

Standing in the air, Elder Eagle looked solemnly at the thunderbolt in front of him.

"Leishan, you are not qualified to slander!" Lei Zhan's cold words were like a sword, stabbing the elder eagle.

"Thunderzhan!" The first type in the thunder sword. But everyone can clearly feel that the momentum of this sword is far stronger than the thunderbolt! A curved electric light, like a machete, split towards the eagle elder. The roaring wind cut through the sky of the night.

Bang! With his hands crossed in front of his chest, Elder Eagle actually took the incoming arc with his arms. Then he smiled and said, "Thunder Sword, but that's it!"

The cold eyes glanced at the proud elder Eagle, "Really?"

The long sword danced wildly, and the electric arcs kept attacking the smiling elder eagle.

The arms crossed in front of his chest are like an unbreakable wall. No matter the violent impact of countless electric arcs, the elder eagle did not move. The loud noise of the impact shook everyone's horizon.

Looking at the impacted arc, Lei Zhan's eyes burst into dazzling light. But I saw that Elder Eagle's arms were wrapped in a light cyan film. Every time it hits, the light cyan film will vibrate slightly. And with the vibration of the cyan film, all the impact force also disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea. Although the sound made by the impact is huge, it actually does any damage to the eagle elder.

Looking at the pale cyan film, the long sword in his hand rotated quickly around. The thunder elements hidden between heaven and earth began to rush to the thunder battle.

A sphere slowly forms in front of the thunderbolt. The blue-purple electric snake beats happily in the sphere.

"Go!" With the order of Lei Zhan, the sphere rolled towards the eagle elder. In the process of rolling, the volume of the ball continues to increase, and the electric snake inside becomes much thicker.

Feel the powerful thunder element in the ball, and the crossed arms dance quickly. At this moment, the originally quiet sea suddenly threw waves. The roar of the sea breeze urged the waves to rise.

No longer waiting, looking at the growing breath of the thunder element, Elder Eagle chose to take the initiative. The two arms emitted a cyan halo, like two sharp knives, splitting towards the round ball.

"Hmm?" Under the gaze of everyone, Elder Eagle actually got into the inside of the ball.

"He is not afraid of thunder and lightning?" Lei Jingtian's eyes stared at Elder Eagle without blinking. He was very puzzled why he, who got into Qingluan's body, was not fatally harmed.

The two arms seem to have really become two sharp knives at this moment. Inside the ball, electric snakes were constantly cut off by them. Even though the ball is constantly absorbing the surrounding thunder elements, the speed of the eagle elder is much faster than its absorption.

The broken electric snake reintoes into a free thunder element and wanders inside the ball.

"Explosion!" Looking at the decreasing electric snake, Lei Zhan shouted loudly.

"Boom!" The ball suddenly burst, and a wail came from the center of the explosion. It was the miserable sound of the Eagle Elder.

A figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the explosion. There was white smoke in the curled hair above his head, his face was dark, and pieces of broken clothes floated gently in the wind.

coughed violently, and the elder Eagle's dark face showed white teeth. Haha, this is your last strongest move. It seems that I'm right. The thunder sword can't beat you!"

After this short battle, most of the power in the body has been consumed. In particular, the thunderstorm he just used is the strongest move he can use now.

There was a heavy breath in his nostrils, and his anger burned red on Lei Zhan's white and cold face.

Ah! A roar went straight into the sky. Following the roar, Lei Zhan's figure also rose rapidly. As he rose, all people felt that the elements of heaven and earth began to become extremely chaotic. The surrounding air, even frozen, no longer flows.

A powerful force is forming above the clouds.

"This is," the eagle elder looked at the thunderbolt in the clouds and had an ominous foreboding in his heart. Just as the heart began to accelerate, everything began.

"Thunder and Fury!" The thunderbolt shook to the depths of everyone's soul. Faster than this loud shout is a lavender thunderbolt.

It pours down like a torrent, exuding the momentum of destroying everything and running for the eagle elders.

"Thunder and anger? The sixth type of the thunder sword! He didn't hesitate to lose his cultivation!" Looking at the angry thunder war, two words came to Elder Eagle's heart: madman! Lei Wra, as the sixth type of the thunder sword, can only be capable of exerting in the distraction period, but Lei Zhan unexpectedly forcibly issued it with the cultivation in the middle of the cocoon.

Although the thunderstorm did not kill himself. But it also caused some damage, especially the power consumed during the explosion. Feeling the huge energy hidden in the thunder and anger, Elder Eagle now really wants to slap himself twice in the face. It is this mouth that has caused the scourge that is not sure to resist now.

"Fight!" As soon as he gritted his teeth, Elder Eagle stimulated all the power stored in his body and prepared for the worst.

Two pale cyan wing light and shadow appeared behind the eagle elder. With his trembling body, the two wings began to dance slowly, as if they were to spread their wings and fly high.

Wings of the Wind! It's the wings of the wind!" The people below began to whisper.

"Is this the unique "Wings of the Wind" that my father once said?" Xing Ji muttered, and his eyes burst into a strong light. I don't know if this eagle elder can escape!"

At the moment when the purple torrent of thunder and lightning covered the body of the eagle elder, the two wings suddenly swayed, and his figure suddenly disappeared in front of the torrent.

"Transportation?" Xingji was surprised and said, "I didn't expect the Wings of the Wind to have such a special effect. It seems that Elder Eagle can at least save his life. Er! This,,, "

In the star's frightened eyes, the torrent once again ran towards the eagle elder who had just moved out.

Breathing rapidly and watching the torrent chase again, it was like a vengeful viper, chasing reluctantly. It seems that it will not stop if it doesn't eat its prey.

The wings behind him are getting lighter and lighter, but the elder eagle's face is getting whiter and whiter. The power consumed by each teleportation is not a star or a half.

"See how long you can last!" Lei Jingtian said fiercely, as if he had seen the Eagle Elder being swallowed up by the torrent.

The wings disappeared, and the elder eagle stood staggering in the air. Looking at the torrent of thunder and lightning, he closed his eyes in despair.

"Boom!" Another loud noise, and Elder Eagle clearly felt that the feeling of being stared at disappeared. Suddenly opened his eyes, and a magnificent figure stood in front of him.

It's him, King Tengjiao!

King Tengjiao is King Tengjiao, the domain owner of the demon realm, and one of the peak strong men on the ancient heritage continent.

The cold eyes looked down at everyone under their feet, and an invisible pressure weighed on everyone's heart like a mountain.

"The domain owner,," looked at the magnificent figure, and the elder Eagle was so excited that he didn't know what to say. You know, if it hadn't been for the timely action of King Tengjiao, he would have been a cold corpse now, or even wiped out.

"Eagle Elder, you step back first."

Elder Eagle didn't say anything more, but solemnly saluted the king in front of him and retreated quietly. This is not only because the order of King Tengjiao cannot be questioned, but also because his stay now can only be a hindrance.

When that powerful torrent of thunder and lightning was easily wiped out by the King of Tengjiao. Poo!" A bright red bloomed in the night. Lei Zhan roared in pain, and then fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings.

The people below quickly catch the coma thunder war and put it aside. Lei Jingtian observed the movement around him in a panic. However, that familiar figure never appeared.

"Are you waiting for your father's arrival? However, he is not here yet. The voice of King Tengjiao, like a cold rainstorm, completely extinguished the fire of hope in Lei Jingtian's heart.

"You still can't help taking action!" The shocking words were full of helplessness.

"It's my own business that I can't take action. Lei Jingtian, I advise you to hand over the fairy gathering order honestly. Insist that after you do it, you will regret it.

"King Tengjiao, you are also one of the strongest people in today's ancient heritage continent. If you had said earlier that you wanted this fairy gathering order, then I would offer it with thunderous hands. It's just that the immortal order is not on me now. Even if I have that heart, there is nothing I can do. With that, Lei Jingtian crushed the fairy gathering order in his hand.

"In that case! Then there is no need to say anything else!"

The stable sea boat began to shake slowly, but the sea was so calm without a trace of waves. What's more strange is that everyone on the seaboard has a frightened look on their faces. However, he stood firmly in place and motionless, as if he were integrated with a sea ship. It's not that they don't want to move, but a strong breath that controls them to death.

The power in the body is suppressed as if it were frozen. Lei Jingtian's face became paler and whiter, and sweat gushed out of his forehead crazily and converged into a slow stream, flowing quickly along his cheeks.

The sea boat under its feet sinks little by little. This sinking is suppressed by a strong breath. The people on the sea boat are like a statue of the same dignity. But the panicked look is more vivid than ordinary sculptures.

The cold sea quietly climbed over the starboard and slowly spread to everyone's feet. Normally, these monks would not look at them at all, but now, this thin layer of ** is like a demon devouring the breath of life.

The sound came from the cabin. It is the sound of the sea that devours any space in the ship. Glancing at the sea that had climbed to his knees, Lei Tian's heart shouted hoarsely, "Father, come on!"

Swallowing the saliva at his throat, Xingji looked at what happened in front of him in surprise. A huge sea boat slowly sank into the sea under the pressure of breath. I didn't expect King Tengjiao to be so powerful!"

Huh? Is this an inexplicable shaking in Dantian? It's not that the dragon shadow is going to wake up!" Since that brief conversation, Long Ying has never woken up.

The idea quickly moved to Dantian, and a cyan fog moved slowly. The center of the fog is the place where the dragon shadow is cultivated. What makes the star depressed is that in his Dantian, this fog is a dead corner that can't be reached. I really don't know what the hell that Longying is doing in there? The star silence said, and the thoughts returned to the outside world. Just as the starlight thought left, two lights flashed through the blue fog of Dantian.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment, and everything has become so heavy. In the dead space, what can be heard is the strong breathing sound from the sea ship.

Lei Jingtian's heart is struggling painfully at this moment. He doesn't know how to choose. Looking around, his eyes finally fell on himself. The sea kept climbing, and all their people stood there in horror. If someone can move now, then the people here will try their best to leave this place at this moment.

King Tengjiao's eyes always stared ahead, as if the lives of those people under his feet had nothing to do with him. Slowly, his eyes suddenly closed. After a while, there was an unusually strange smile on the corners of his mouth. But this smile made people's heart look so terrible that they couldn't help shivering.

"Eagle Elder, the domain owner," a man next to him asked in a low voice.

"Shut up, the domain owner has his own plans. Just wait by." The eagle elder reprimanded. However, although he said so, Elder Eagle's anxious eyes still looked doubtfully at the King Tengjiao standing quietly in the air. Domain owner, what on earth do you want to do?

On the square of the Divine Soldier Villa, Ouyang and his two sons quietly looked at the distance. And the direction is exactly the direction of the Luolei Mountain sea boat.

"Father, when shall we leave?" Ouyang Shanlian was a little anxious. He quietly touched Ouyang Shanzhu standing beside him. Ouyang Shanzhu just shrugged his shoulders and showed that there was nothing he could do.

Ouyang suddenly smiled inexplicably, "I can go now."

"Ours?" Ouyang Shanlian asked eagerly.

"Refining, casting, you are not qualified to participate in this feast! Stay at home!" The voice hasn't fallen yet. Ouyang's figure has disappeared in place.

On the sea boat.

Just as everyone was helplessly waiting for death to come, the sea water under his feet suddenly stopped rising. And the sea boats are also slowly rising.

There was a burst of cheerful laughter in the distance: "King Teng Jiao, why do you have to be as familiar with the younger generation!"

A figure slowly faded out of the night, exuding a strong momentum! It's the middle-aged man who appeared in Sihaiju with Lei Zhan.

"Lei Zhen, you are finally willing to come out!" King Teng Jiao said with a sneer.