huan xing tu

Chapter 297 There is no way to hell

Chapter 297 There is no door to hell

The underworld, a cold world, is the destination of the lost soul.

Around him, various spirits hurriedly passed by and entered the world of nothingness, the underworld. Listen quietly, and you can hear desolate whists from inside. However, with my own consciousness and vision, I can't perceive the real situation inside at all.

Looking back at the vast distance behind him, he smiled bitterly. Since he embarked on the road of cultivation, Xingji's heart has been ready to fall at any time. However, I suddenly didn't expect it to be at this time. What's more, his heart is so reluctant now, but the reality is not what he can control.

In the distance, there is no light, only a slight breeze.

"I didn't expect," he sighed and muttered, "I don't know where my parents are now? How is Nanqing now? And Ming,,,,,, forget, since it's all like this, what's the use of saying this?

Feeling the invisible barrier in front of him, the star silence slowly calmed down his complex mood.

Once entering this door, there are two worlds of people and ghosts. Over the years, people are separated forever.

The underworld, hell, and the star silence are walking towards it step by step.

Cross the barrier of the underworld and meet the first pass. The name of this pass is Mohui. The reason why there is such a name also has a certain meaning. When the soul body enters the underworld, it indicates that it will never intersect with the world behind it. Once you return because of nostalgia, you will inevitably be punished by God. It is also because of this that the first pass here has the name of No Return.

Geng Zheng is the gateman who can't turn back to the pass. In the underworld, Geng Zheng also has a nickname: Iron Face. Kong Mu is only an official position in the underworld, and the iron face is about Geng Zheng's character. He is selfless and never be selfish.

As a gateman, he is also the biggest official here. Geng Zheng rarely appears at the pass. However, on this day, Geng Zheng appeared here very unexpectedly. The cold eyes glanced at the next listless soul in the city.

"Hey, what's wrong with Lord Kongmu today? Why did you come in person? A ghost asked quietly.

Another ghost next to him carefully glanced around and noticed that nothing had happened before whispering, "I don't know if this is true. I heard that Lord Kong Mu received an order from His Royal Highness the Pluto yesterday."

What command? Can you let Lord Kongmu do it in person?

"I heard that there is a group of souls who came recently, but I don't know whether this person is His Royal Highness's enemy or benefactor. Therefore, Lord Kong Mu will come to check it in person today.

"It turned out to be a cover-up, so let's be careful not to be caught by Lord Kongmu."

After saying that, the two ghosts straightened their chests and stood up energetically.

Above the pass, Geng Zheng asked coldly, "Prosecutor, has the person His Royal Highness asked for come?"

Hearing Geng Zheng's question, the prosecutor hurried up and replied with a pile of books in his hand, "Your Excellency, the people appointed by His Highness are in this group of souls. It's just,,,

Hearing the second half of the sentence, Geng Zheng couldn't help frowning and snorted coldly, "Just what?"

"Your Excellency, such a thing has never happened in our underworld. His Royal Highness has just ascended the throne. Will he do this?"

Geng Zheng sighed and looked at the soul body that was constantly walking in the city. After a moment of silence, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Your Highness is indeed a little, but if this soul has not entered the underworld, I don't think those people will have anything to say, right?"

The prosecutor glanced at it and said quietly, "That adult means,,,,"

Geng Zheng's eyes were cold and he said coldly, "This is not what I mean, but..."

"The subordinate understands, the subordinate understands," the prosecutor said and quickly walked down the city. Then the whispers of the ghosts guarding the gate under the city didn't know what they said.

With the army of souls, the stars slowly came to the underworld, and the pass of Mo turned back was right in front of him.

"Don't look back, never look back!"

"If you don't turn around, you will really enter the underworld." There was no sound in the soul group, only a few officials shouted coldly.

Don't look back, like a huge cold beast lying on the side, and the dark wall exudes a cold and dead atmosphere.

The guard ghosts at the gate carefully checked every soul one by one. After all of them have been checked, they will be put into the pass.

"Hey, Ma Mian, why does today's inspection feel so strict?" The bull-headed ghost asked puzzledly.

The horse-faced ghost did not answer his question, but whispered, "Don't pull me if you want to die. Lord Iron Face is staring at the city head!"

As soon as he heard the four words iron face, the bull-headed ghost's body couldn't help trembling, and his neck also withdrew.

"Next, next," the ghost guarding the gate kept drinking, while those expressionless souls were numbly examined.

Looking at the ghosts around him, Xingjing couldn't help but be surprised. For some reason, he always felt that the ghosts guarding the gate were secretly looking at him. Although they did it very secretly, they still could not escape the star silence.

The soul in front of him continued to decrease with the inspection, and it was the turn of the star silence.


"Star Silence."

"Where are you from?"

"Fairy and Demon World."

The ghost on duty held a thick book and slowly looked at the star silence. Although it seemed that he was checking Xingshi, Xingshi found that his hand hiding in the book trembled slightly.

Walking behind the star silence, the ghost nodded slightly above the head of the city. And the person standing above the head of the city is the iron-faced Geng Zheng and the prosecutor.

Seeing the prosecutor's motion of nod, the ghost on duty shouted arrogantly, "You don't have to enter the customs. Come and kick him out."

As soon as this word came out, Xing Ji's heart suddenly became suspicious. What does this mean? Is it true that the end of the fight against the white tiger is not just death? Are even the nihilistic souls homeless?

"Why?" Xingji suddenly asked angrily.

The ghost said calmly, "Why, I'm the steward here. I don't like you. Come here and kick him out.


There is no room for the star silence to continue to argue. Several ghosts have rushed out of the city and set up the star silence to run in the direction of coming.

The iron face standing above the gate was looking at the distant star silence, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then turned away and left.