huan xing tu

Chapter 298 Rob the corpse and return the soul 1

Chapter 298 Rob the corpse and return the soul (1)

There is a saying that there is a way to heaven, and there is no way to hell. If this means how unfortunate a person is, how "lucky" should the star silence be at this moment?

Hell, right in front of your own eyes, the underworld, should be your last belonging. However, I don't know why, but I was so inexplicably kicked out. Some people may have hidden in a corner and laughed loudly when they encounter such a thing. However, the current star silence can't laugh like this.

Lonely ghost, Xing Ji didn't expect that he would fall to this point at all. Unexpectedly, he became a soul with nowhere to return. He couldn't go to the human world, nor could he go to the fairy and demon world, but the only world he could go to drive himself out.

was driven to an unusually dead place by two ghosts, and the stars looked at the desolate scene around them with some loneliness. The underworld is such a place. There is no vitality, but it is extremely desperate and desolate.

"Alas!" He sighed deeply and stopped for a long time, but never been able to step out. It's not that Xingji doesn't want to leave here, but that he doesn't know where to go at all.

"Is it possible to wander aimlessly in this underworld like this?" Thinking to himself, Xingji looked at the distance and was distracted.

Iron-faced eyes returned to the government office, hurried to his room, carefully checked it, and then opened the door of the secret room in the room.

The secret room is not. It is square, and the decoration inside is also very simple. There is nothing but a table. On the table, there is a dark mirror, which looks nothing special except color.

"Don't turn back and ask Geng Zheng to see His Royal Highness the Pluto." Talking respectfully, Geng Zheng also fell to his knees.

At the moment when Geng Zheng fell to the ground, the ordinary mirror on the table began to change slightly. There was a slight buzzing tremor, and circles of ripple-like waves quickly dispersed with the mirror as the center. And the black in the mirror also began to fade slowly, presenting a strange scene.

Although the mirror has changed and is so close to yourself, you can see everything in it as long as you look up a little. However, instead of raising his head, Geng Zheng became more respectful.

"Geng Zheng, how's it going?" A cold voice came from above and echoed in this small secret room.

"Return to my emperor, the matter has been done, and the person mentioned by Your Highness has come to the pass. According to His Highness's instructions, his subordinates have kicked him out. It is blocked outside the underworld. Geng Zheng answered respectfully, and his body on his knees was still trembling slightly.

"Well, well done!" The voice said with approval, "But where is he now?"

"After my emperor sent someone to send him to 'reate', he has been secretly sending people to keep an eye on him. At this moment, the soul called Xingshi is still dead and has not left.

"I know that I will not forget what you have done for me." The sound echoed in this secret room and gradually dissipated, and finally calmed down.

Looking up, the mirror is as before, and there is no change on it. However, there is a drop of blue sweat on Geng Zheng's forehead. With a long breath, Geng Zheng walked out stiffly. No one would have thought that the iron face that made countless ghosts feel extremely horrible would be so afraid.

When he walked out of the secret room, the fear in Geng Zheng's heart slowly dissipated. Feeling the relaxed atmosphere, Geng Zheng said excitedly, "I didn't expect that His Royal Highness's cultivation would grow so fast that I'm afraid he would reach the level of ghosts soon. At that time,,,,"

Desperation, although this does not belong to the underworld, mentioning this place in the underworld will also make countless souls tremble involutably. You know, the origin of the name of death, but it is not difficult to understand the literal meaning.

When you come to this place, unless you are particularly determined, ordinary people will be desperate to death when they come here. There were countless peerless strong men who wanted to break through with death. However, there is only one result, that is, the heart is dead. Of course, there are also breakthroughs, and the benefits of breaking through here are unimaginable to others.

At this moment, there is a figure standing in his heart. What's more special is that the posture of this figure is very special. The body stood upright, and a step was raised and ready to take a step, just hanging in the air. The shaking is getting bigger and bigger, and there is even a tendency to fall.

At this moment, the heartbeat of the star silence is constantly accelerating, and there is even a tendency to jump out of the body. Xingji's face became more and more ugly, but the soul was constantly dissipating and becoming lighter.

Despair, this is the only thought and the only feeling in the heart of the star silence. At the same time, this idea is also constantly expanding with the acceleration of the heart of the starlight. The amplify of despair pushes the only hope in the heart and the remaining vitality out of the heart. Of course, when the remaining vitality is forced out of the heart, it must be the time when the soul of the stars is scattered.

Xing Ji's heart is very clear about the current situation. However, even if he is very clear about it, there is no way to force the expanding despair out of his heart.

The vitality in the soul is constantly dissipating, and there is also a slight crack in the heart of the star silence.

In a certain space, the underworld holding the blade of the ruling chopping into his own obstacle while staring at the scene in front of him. In the scene, it is the star silence standing like a sculpture.

"No one can help you now. The only thing that can help you is yourself. As long as you can rush out of this heart, nothing can stop you. Star Silence, come on!" Ming, who is usually not good at words, bursts into unimaginably hot eyes. The hands holding the blade of the ruling are also constantly tightening. The bursting veins can't burst in an instant.

split an obstacle that blocked his footsteps into powder, looked at a light spot in the distance and said coldly, "Fengzun White Tiger, how dare you hurt my brother. Just wait for the judgment of my death!!"

The cold voice echoes in this quiet and vast space.

When she woke up leisurely, the first thing Nanqing heard was the roaring wind. The moment she opened her eyes, it was a dead gray color.

"Woth, you're awake. Wait, when I get to the secret channel, we will immediately return to the upper world. The rosefinch flew rapidly, and two huge wings burning flames cut the space into subtle cracks.

"God, I want to go back." Nanqing said fiercely, and there was no emotional fluctuation in her tone, so cold.

Hearing this, the rosefinch's face was instantly full of joy.

"Okay, I'll speed up. Let's go back to the upper bound as soon as possible."

"God, I want to go back!" Nanqing repeated again.

"Okay, I've heard it!" Rosefinch still answered with a smile, but the smile became so stiff the next moment.

"God, I'm talking about going back to the black hole space!" While talking, a colorful dagger appeared in Nanqing's hand, with a slight flame that made people palpitate.

The rosefinch, which looks so beautiful, has a horror that makes the rosefinch feel afraid. In fact, what the rosefinch is really afraid of is not this delicate dagger, but the faint flame on the dagger. This wisp of flame also has a name as beautiful as a dagger: color.

Although the rosefinch is very sharp and can be said to be invincible, it will not die. The real lethality is completely the epitidal place. As long as it is stained to the edge, the edge of the edge is like a blade, which will instantly annihilate the person who was killed by the knife.

As long as the rosefinch collar attached to the neck moves a little, Nanqing will be fragrant and jade.

Looking at Nanqing's gray eyes and feeling her firm belief, Suzaku sighed helplessly and asked, "Wan, what on earth do you want to do? Fengzun White Tiger's mind has been extinguished at this moment, so why do you need to...

Nanqing shook her head and said, "God, I won't go to the Western Tigers to revenge until I have the ability. I'm going back to bring back Xingji's body.

"His body,,, he has already," Zhuque looked at Nanqing and did not finish speaking, but changed the topic and said, "Well, let's go back now. However, you promised me that after taking his body, you would obediently follow me back to the upper world.

"Hmm!" Nan Qing said softly.

When Nanqing took back the rosefinch, the direction of the rosefinch flight suddenly turned and flew to the black hole space again.

Looking at the approaching black hole space, Nan Qing said affectionately, "Star silence, wait for me!"

Deadly, the hope in the heart of the star silence dissipates little by little, and the vitality in the soul is about to disappear. Like the water in the funnel, it is decreasing little by little.

At the moment when the heartbeat was almost stopped, the body of the star silence, which was stiff in mid-air, suddenly trembled violently. At the same time, the face full of despair was instantly filled with infinite high fighting spirit.

Boom! The last poor hope in the corner of the heart, like a flood peak that suddenly bursts the dyke, devouring despair. The remaining vitality in the body also burst out all the strength at this moment.

Ah! A sudden roar echoed in the dead, and a gray thunder appeared in the air above the dead heart.

Space crack, a space crack bombarded by gray thunder.

"Nanqing, wait for me!"