married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 99 Li Bo, who are you?

Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun had a discussion and felt that it was not very appropriate to arrange Zhang Xiaoxiao in the army compound or their home. After thinking about it, the two decided to rent a house. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoxiao only stayed with them for one weekend. At the beginning, Zou Weijun felt that he could take care of Zhang Xiaoxiao. Anyway, there were also medical staff. However, Xiao Jing insisted on being with him, "I'm not papery. We must face everything together."

Zou Weijun put his arms around his chest and looked at Xiao Jing with a smile. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, between Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing must be the protected person. But Zou Weijun knew in his heart that Xiao Jing gave him a sense of security that he had never felt before, and made him feel that her weak shoulders gave him such a strong protection.

"You have to protect me for the rest of my life, you know?"

"Don't worry, the babies and I are covering you!" Xiao Jing patted Zou Weijun on the shoulder carelessly and smiled happily. Zou Weijun stroked her face with his hand, "You look so beautiful."

"The clever words have made the color fresh."

"You don't like to listen?"

"Who said it? I like to hear it very much."

Zou Weijun stretched out his arms, and Xiao Jing was in her arms. Love is always there, so we will always be together for the rest of our lives.

The weekend came as scheduled in an unconscious busy period. Zhang Xiaoxiao came to the rental house accompanied by Li Bo and a special nurse. After entering the door, Li Bo had to admit that Zou Weijun and Xiao Jing had tried their best. Although the house is rented, it is full of the warm atmosphere of home. Li Bo saw a pair of dexterous women's hands from the layout of the room. He guessed that this was designed by Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun did not show excessive enthusiasm or excessive indifference. It seems that it is very common for Zhang Xiaoxiao to come back, and there is no need for any additional emotions. But Zhang Xiaoxiao was very nervous and panicked. She doesn't know where she is, what she should do, and when she can go back.

Zhang Xiaoxiao shrank behind Li Bo, opened her eyes, looked at the room nervously and curiously, as well as the two strangers in front of her - Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun. She muttered, "I want to go back, I want to go back..."

Xiao Jing walked to Zhang Xiaoxiao and said gently, "I think you should take a shower. Do you want to take a shower?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao stared at Xiao Jing's face for a long time. Xiao Jing did not hide, and looked back at Zhang Xiaoxiao with a gentle expression. Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoxiao nodded with a smile, "I want to."

"Venixed," Xiao Jing said politely to the special nurse, "The bathroom is over there. Take her there!" I have put the change of clothes in it. Then she looked at Li Bo and said, "Do you want to stay or leave now?"

Li Bo is a little angry. Xiao Jing is gentle to Zhang Xiaoxiao and polite to special nurses. How can she be neither gentle nor polite to herself? Li Bo couldn't help looking at Zou Weijun, trying to relieve himself. But Zou Weijun walked into the kitchen as if he didn't see it and went to prepare lunch.

Li Bo coughed awkwardly, "Can I stay if it's convenient?"

"Yes, but you can only sleep on the sofa at night."

"Okay, thank you very much!"

"Don't thank me, I'm for my husband." Xiao Jing pointed to a photo book on the table and said, "This is her photo. I also put some in her room, which may help her. Look first. I'm tired and need to rest for a while.

Li Bo looked at Xiao Jing's back and smiled quietly. This woman is really**. She has an instinctive defense against herself. Is there something wrong with you? Or has she ever seen him? In fact, Xiao Jing herself can't explain why she is on guard against Li Bo. Anyway, she just thinks that Li Bo is not simple.

Zou Weijun looked at everything coldly, and he believed Xiao Jing's intuition. He investigated Li Bo and found no problems. But Zou Weijun's heart was even more uneasy. People who had no problems did not exist, but he disguised it better than others. So why did he cover it up?

When people with their own interests sit together to eat, a very interesting picture will appear. Originally, ordinary people put on their own masks and became different people, testing each other and peeping at each other. It seems that only Zhang Xiaoxiao is still herself at this time. She is more interested in Xiao Jing than Zou Weijun, because she has been staring at Xiao Jing's big belly.

"Can I touch it?" Zhang Xiaoxiao refers to Xiao Jing's stomach, but she is not asking Xiao Jing, but Li Bo.

"You should ask her. She promised you to touch it." Li Bo pointed to Xiao Jing and smiled gently.

Zhang Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Jing. She looked pitiful, but her eyes were full of curiosity. Xiao Jing nodded to her, and Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes were lit up in an instant. She timidly stretched out her hand and put it on Xiao Jing's stomach hesitantly. Suddenly, she screamed and said excitedly, "There are people kicking me inside."

Xiao Jing still maintained a gentle attitude, but she lost the temperature little by little in her eyes. From the moment Zhang Xiaoxiao stepped into the door, Xiao Jing had been observing, and Zhang Xiaoxiao also observed Li Bo. Zhang Xiaoxiao's behavior was just like a madman, but her thinking was not chaotic. On the contrary, Xiao Jing felt that she was sober.

This matter has just begun to be interesting. Li Bo is Zhang Xiaoxiao's attending doctor. His diagnosis clearly shows that Zhang Xiaoxiao has mild schizophrenia. Xiao Jing specially consulted some psychiatrists and also consulted a lot of information about schizophrenia. Perhaps there is no need to rely on anything. With only one woman's intuition about another woman, Xiao Jing is sure that Zhang Xiaoxiao is normal. She is not a schizophrenic patient, or at most a psychologically disabled person.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's behavior is understandable. Anyway, she wants to intervene in Zou Weijun and her own life in various ways. However, Xiao Jing's eyes gently fell on Li Bo. What was he for?

Xiao Jing said to Zhang Xiaoxiao in an amiable tone, "This is it! There are two babies. Xiaojun likes to be a daughter, but I hope it is a son, preferably a son and a daughter, and we can all get what we want. Don't you think so?"

There was a cold wind in Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes, but when she looked up at Xiao Jing, her eyes were full of childlike tenderness and curiosity. She touched Xiao Jing's stomach again, "There are two babies! Two..."

Xiao Jing looked directly at Li Bo, and there was a trace of imperceptible tension on Li Bo's face. Xiao Jing said, "So you can understand me. It seems that Dr. Li is really a good doctor!" The words were said to Zhang Xiaoxiao, but Xiao Jing's eyes looked at Li Bo.

Li Bo pretended not to hear the meaning of Xiao Jing's words and tried to eat the scrambled eggs with tomatoes in front of him. Xiao Jing felt very accurately that Zhang Xiaoxiao's hand on her stomach obviously paused for a moment. Xiao Jing said to Zhang Xiaoxiao, "After dinner, you have to sleep, and then we will go out for a walk. Do you think it's okay?"

This time, Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't seem to understand what Xiao Jing said, but smiled at her stupidly. Xiao Jing did not ask. She felt that Zou Weijun's eyes had been following her. She looked at him and said, "Jijun, I'm a little tired."

Zou Weijun stood up and gently helped Xiao Jing up from the chair. "I'll sleep with you for a while. You and the babies are the most important."

Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun walked back to their bedroom, and the closed bedroom door isolated everyone's eyes. Li Bo stretched out and pretended to touch his stomach easily, "Alas! I'm full." He said to the special nurse, "I'll go to the hospital first and come back in the evening."

All the expressions on Zhang Xiaoxiao's face disappeared. She looked at Li Bo angrily, as if she had tens of millions of words to say to him. But Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't say anything. She turned around stiffly and walked straight into her room. The living room suddenly became quiet, and the special nurse shrugged her shoulders and sat at the table to enjoy this quiet and rich lunch.

The weekend passed quickly, and Zhang Xiaoxiao was taken back to the psychiatric hospital by Li Bo. Xiao Jing did not tell Zou Weijun how she felt, and she knew that he was also suspicious. Now Xiao Jing doesn't want to care about this matter. Her most important task is to prepare to be a mother. What's more, Xiao Jing wants Zou Weijun to deal with Zhang Xiao's affairs by himself. Only in this way can Zou Weijun really get peace of mind and peace of mind.

In order to dispel his uneasiness, Zou Weijun began to reinvestigate Li Bo. At this time, he was reading Li Bo's information sentence by sentence. Li Bo is a child who grew up in a single-parent family. Who is his father? Li Bo follows his mother's surname. In the year of Li Bo's return to China, his mother also died. Li Bo and Zou Weijun are the same age, but he is not married and seems to have no girlfriend now.

Zou Weijun felt that this matter was very strange. He couldn't confirm whether there was something wrong with Zhang Xiaoxiao's spirit. But with the deepening of the investigation, Li Bo is becoming more and more difficult to understand. According to the survey data, he has no relatives, friends, or even a father. This person seems to have fallen from outer space and has no contact with people on earth. However, Li Bo's working ability and popularity are first-class, and no one says he is not good.

Zou Weijun thought about the matter very carefully, and he planned to talk to Li Bo directly. However, before Zou Weijun looked for Li Bo, Li Bo took the initiative to find Xiao Jing. The first thing he said to Xiao Jing was, "Zhang Xiaoxiao is not crazy. She just has some psychological problems."

Xiao Jing did not seem to be overwhelmed by Li Bo's active confession. She asked directly and rudely, "Li Bo, tell me who you are?"

"Li Bo."

"Who is Li Bo?"