married and spoiled new wife

Chapter 98 Take her back!

When Zou Weijun left, he turned back to see Zhang Xiaoxiao. At this time, Zhang Xiaoxiao also looked up at him. She smiled cleanly and comfortably, with a very pure smile. For a whole day, Zhang Xiaoxiao's smile remained in Zou Weijun's mind until he came home from work to face Xiao Jing, which was still so clear.

Xiao Jing knew that Zou Weijun went to the psychiatric hospital today, and saw that he had been absent-minded when he returned home, so she guessed eight or nine points in her heart. While taking a walk again at night, Xiao Jing asked softly, "What's the matter with the hospital?"

Zou Weijun paused and patted Xiao Jing's hand. "She has recovered well. Dr. Li said that she has a chance to recover."

Xiao Jing changed her posture and clasped her ten fingers with Zou Weijun. "Is there anything else?"

Zou Weijun walked slowly and looked up at the distance, "Yes. Dr. Li made a suggestion, but I didn't agree.

Xiao Jing followed the rhythm of Zou Weijun and looked up at his side face, "What's the suggestion?"

Zou Weijun did not answer immediately, and Xiao Jing did not ask. The two talked about other topics. Xiao Jing said with a smile, "Zijun and Lily haven't come recently. They are both bad money that value sex over friends."

Zou Weijun turned around and smiled gently, "Zijun has been very busy recently. Even Lao Li can't take care of you. How can he take care of you?"

Xiao Jing pouted and blinked her big eyes, "Honey, are they close?"

Zou Weijun shook his head, "It will take a while depending on the situation. Lily's beautiful thing has just ended, and I'm afraid Liang Tongsheng doesn't have this idea. Lao Li on Zijun's side hasn't added anyone for half a month. I heard that Zijun has lived in the laboratory.

Xiao Jing lowered her head, looked at the tip of her stomach, and stopped talking. Zou Weijun tilted his head and looked at her, "What? It's boring, isn't it?"

Xiao Jing raised her head and looked unhappy. "Everyone is busy. I'm the only one who eats, sleeps and eats. I'm about to become a pig."

Zou Weijun laughed. He stopped and gently held Xiao Jing's shoulder. Looking at Xiao Jing's eyes was full of deep affection, and the gentle expression made Zou Weijun's handsome face look particularly soft and touching. His lips fell on Xiao Jing's forehead, on the tip of her nose and on her lips, "My silly girl, what you are doing now is the greatest thing in the world. You are giving birth to life, and you are going to be a mother. In my heart, you are becoming more and more perfect and beautiful.

Xiao Jing put her head on Zou Weijun's shoulder and put her big belly between the two people. "You are not ashamed. How can you praise your wife so much?"

"Who made my wife so good! Let them envy and hate!"

The sun has disappeared, but it has left a sunset all over the sky. The sunset turned the figures of the two people into a painting. Parents and babies are happy, quiet and warm. Life is actually so simple. As long as we can snuggle with each other, the world will no longer have wind and rain.

In the evening, when Xiao Jing and Zou Weijun were lying in **, Zou Weijun raised the topic of Zhang Xiaoxiao again. He told Xiao Jing about Dr. Li Bo's advice, "Maybe a normal life will help her."

Xiao Jing didn't say anything, and the silence spread around in the dark, and she couldn't calm down for a long time. Xiao Jing exhaled softly, "Milan, I want to know your attitude."

Zou Weijun sat up from ** and leaned against the head of the bed. "You should know my attitude towards her. No matter what happened, I don't want her to live a bad life. I know she hurt you, but Jing, if she is really shattered, will we really be happy?

Xiao Jing turned over and wanted to sit up. Zou Weijun held Xiao Jing's waist and put the pillow behind her back. Xiao Jing found a comfortable position. "She is to blame herself for her current appearance. We have never hurt her. Do you want me to bear the result now?

"Jing, you misunderstood. That's not what I mean."

"I just want to know your attitude."

"I have refused."

"Then why did you still tell me?"

Zou Weijun stopped talking again. Xiao Jing turned on the bedside lamp and said, "You must make it clear to me today."

Zou Weijun looked at Xiao Jing carefully, and his eyes were full of helplessness. Xiao Jing had never seen such a Zou Weijun. She suppressed the anger in her heart and looked at Zou Weijun with her lips. Zou Weijun said, "Jing, do you want to hear the story of me and her?"

"Do I have to listen?"

"No, I just want to tell you."

"Okay! I'll listen to you."

Zou Weijun held Xiao Jing's hand and slowly said, "My childhood was very lonely, and my mother asked me very much. My mother is a very strong woman. She doesn't allow herself to be sad and haggard, let alone me. She does not accept any form of sympathy and assistance.

In my memory, childhood is cold. Only Zhang Xiaoxiao is the only warmth, and she has been doing her best to take care of me. Not only did she leave the delicious food to me, but she was criticized by the teacher, bullied and looked at by her classmates for me. But she never told me that she was kind to me.

I don't know how she changed. Although Zhang Xiaoxiao has disappeared when I was a child, I still can't treat her as an enemy. Jing, I hope you can understand me. If Zhang Xiaoxiao hurts you today, then I will not hesitate to hit her and protect you. But she's crazy. I... I really don't know what to do."

Xiao Jing silently looked at Zou Weijun under the light, and the orange light covered him in the center. Xiao Jing suddenly understood one thing. Everyone has a past, and now it is made up of the past. You can't separate a person's experience. It used to be him, and now it's him. Xiao Jing is not unable to understand Zou Weijun's mood, but it is difficult to understand and accept.

She looked down at the two hands holding together, "What do you want me to do?"

Zou Weijun also lowered his head. He shook his head and shook his head again, "You have done a lot. Don't think about it anymore, okay?"

Xiao Jing said to Zou Weijun, "Army, hug me!"

Zou Weijun took Xiao Jing into his arms and wrapped his arms around her body. Xiao Jing lay in his arms and forced her eyes to say, "Milan, I understand that you also believe in you. If you completely turn a blind eye to her situation, you will not be the little army I love. She used to be your relative, but now she is crazy. You shouldn't let go.

Zou Weijun buried his face in front of Xiao Jing's chest, "Don't talk about it, okay? Jing, let's not talk about it."

Xiao Jing had a beautiful smile on the corners of her mouth, found a very comfortable position in Zou Weijun's arms, and fell asleep quietly. Zou Weijun reached out and turned off the bedside lamp, lay beside Xiao Jing, and quietly listened to Xiao Jing's even breathing. My heart calmed down in an instant. Maybe we should have a good sleep tonight.

The next day, Xiao Jing took advantage of Zou Weijun's work and went to the Third People's Hospital of Binhai City in person. Because it is not the visiting time, she can only look far outside the ward. Zhang Xiaoxiao is sitting on her bed, snuggled happily in the imaginary Zou Weijun's arms, talking about some family trifles.

Xiao Jing can't hear what she is talking about, but she can see her face clearly. In Xiao Jing's impression, she has never seen Zhang Xiaoxiao without makeup. Now, the plain Zhang Xiaoxiao is in front of her eyes, quiet and pure. Like a child waiting for her mother to pick him up, Xiao Jing suddenly felt a little nervous.

She can't connect Zhang Xiaoxiao in front of her with Zhang Xiaoxiao, who hurt herself, framed herself, and was arrogant in front of her. Xiao Jing felt that the hard ice in her heart was melting. However, she knew that once Zhang Xiaoxiao intervened in the life of her and Zou Weijun, the life that had finally calmed down would set off a huge wave.

Xiao Jing found Li Bo, "Is normal life really effective for Zhang Xiaoxiao?"

Li Bo was a little dazed at Xiao Jing. He had seen her and forgot where she was, but he must have seen her. Li Bo restrained his mind and said in the doctor's tone, "No treatment can be guaranteed to be 100% effective. I'm a doctor, and I must be good for the patients.

Xiao Jing didn't notice Li Bo's expression. She was trapped in her own meditation, "Can you tell me specifically?"

Li Bo asked Xiao Jing to sit down and said seriously, "Now Zhang Xiaoxiao lives completely in her own fantasy. She subconsciously escapes from today's pain. If she is trapped in fantasy for a long time, her spirit will be completely confused. Now she still has some normal thinking. If the disease continues, she will completely become crazy and can no longer regain her mind.

"I still don't understand how taking her out of the hospital can help her?"

"Normal life can stimulate the patient's nerves from the outside world, so that she can slowly get out of her fantasy. The life in the hospital is actually very closed and lacks the stimulation of normal life.

"Exciting? What should she do if she gets sick?

"I will be ready to work. As long as I give her medicine on time, I will also tell you some precautions, and there will be no big problems. And when I go home for the first time, I will follow back and send professional nurses. Moreover, "

Xiao Jing narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you so thoughtful to every patient?"

Li Bo's eyes are smiling, but his expression has not changed much. "Yes, I am the same for every patient."

"You are really a good doctor."

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Xiao Jing left the mental hospital and sat in the car and looked at the scenery outside the window. This city is big or small, prosperous and noisy, full of all kinds of people and all kinds of desires. Or Zou Weijun is right. Even if Zhang Xiaoxiao is crushed at this moment, Xiao Jing will not feel happy in her heart. Most importantly, Xiao Jing wanted to give Zou Weijun a chance to pay off his debts and let him return everything he owed to Zhang Xiaoxiao at one time.

When the car was parked at the gate, Xiao Jing sent a WeChat message to Zou Weijun, "Pry her back!"