Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 94 All in one place

The polar bat, a small monster living in a dark area. It is much smaller than ordinary bats. But it looks almost the same as ordinary bats.

According to records, this is a kind of warcraft that comes out day and night, and is most afraid of the sun. In the sun, this small beast will lose its way, and as long as it bask in the sun for two hours outside, it will die.

Because of this, the polar shadow bat has always been regarded as a life condensed by the power of darkness.

The weakness of the polar bat is obvious, but its fierce reputation is still frightening. Because the lethality of this polar cat bat is as prominent as its weaknesses.

Although these small monsters are not big, they are very flexible and very smart. They also know their weaknesses, so the polar catbats never go out in broad daylight. In addition, the polar catbats also know that their single combat effectiveness is not strong, so they go out in groups. Some people have seen tens of thousands of polar yin bats attacking other powerful monsters at the same time, and in less than ten minutes, there was no scum left in the warcraft.

The polar yin bat is not big, but its teeth are very sharp. Their protruding fangs can even cut open the bones of monsters.

In addition to sharp fangs, they also have another weapon, that is, sonic attack. Groups of polar bats launch a sonic attack on a target, which can soon shatter the opponent's eardrums and even make the opponent fall into a coma. The polar yin bats will also take this opportunity to rush up and enjoy their rich meals.

If that's all, the polar bat will not have such a fierce name. There is something more troublesome about this polar cloud bat, which is to swallow the spiritual power and soul power.

Spiritual power is the source of human and monster power, and soul power is also the source of spiritual existence. The polar bat can swallow these two forces, which means that the person killed by the polar bat is completely dead, and the real soul is scattered.

Whether it is a person or a monster, when the cultivation is strong to a certain extent, the soul can have a certain chance to be reincarnated, but no matter how powerful the person or monster is, no matter how powerful it is, there is no chance to be reincarnated.

Human cultivation is nothing more than two purposes, power and life. Having supreme power is the pursuit of many people, but more people want to prolong their lives or even live forever.

The polar bats have so many horrible abilities that can completely shatter human dreams, so even if the weaknesses of the polar bats are very obvious, they still make them famous in the human world.

No matter who encounters the polar yin bat under any circumstances, his heart will not be relaxed, and so will Xiang Chen.

However, Fortunately, they still have a way out and can follow the original road back to the outside world. This extremely dark bat does not dare to be exposed to the sun.

However, in this case, they should not go into this hole to find the treasures hidden in it.

How to choose? It's embarrassing for everyone.

Going out can avoid the fierce group of polar yin bats, but there is no chance to hunt for treasure, and they have to leave here as soon as possible after going out, because the stone gate covering the cave has been broken, and these polar yin bats can fly outside at any time. At night, all the creatures outside will become the targets of their attack.

Xiang Chen weighed his mind and finally decided to eliminate these polar yin bats in this relatively narrow space.

Of course, it is not that simple to do. Although Xiang Chen is confident that his flame power can restrain the polar catbats, he is not crazy enough to fight against a group of polar catbats.

"Do you really want to fight head-on with these polar yin bats? Your flame does restrain the polar yin bats, but the speed of the polar yin bat is very fast. It is estimated that your flame has not burned them, and you will be close to them!" Lin Teng was worried.

Xiang Chen smiled and seemed to be confident. He said to Lin Teng, "Of course I can't do it alone. Aren't there still you? We are still very hopeful with you!"


Lin Teng and others were stunned when they heard what Xiang Chen said. They didn't think Xiang Chen would lie, but his spiritual attributes did not seem to be useful for the polar cat bat.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to deal directly with the polar yin bat!" Xiang Chendao.

"Then what do you want us to do?" Jiang Yingxue frowned.

"Well, Lin Teng, I want you to produce large areas of vines here and fill the whole hole. I want the gaps of these vines to pass through two polar yin bats side by side at most!" Xiang Chen pointed to the cave.

"This is a little difficult, but it should still be possible for me!"

Lin Teng waved his hand, and a green light emerged from his hand. Then countless Tengmans were born in the cave, forming a net as Xiang Chen's request.

"Well, it's true, but I need more. It's better to have such a net 200 meters ahead, and there should be vines between the net and the net!" Xiang Chen looked at the net made by Lin Teng and nodded slightly, but then said his new request.

"What are you talking about? 200 meters!" Lin Teng's face immediately showed bitterness.

The distance of 200 meters is not far, but it is necessary to use spiritual power to generate vine nets at a distance of 200 meters, which is not a small amount of spiritual power consumed.

However, Lin Teng has roughly understood what Xiang Chen wants to do. Although there were some complaints, Lin Teng still worked honestly.

I saw a green stone suddenly in Lin Teng's hand, which was the crystal with the wooden attribute that Lin Teng did not always want when he broke through the tower.


Lin Teng's efficiency is still very high, but after a while, the distance of 200 meters in front of Xiang Chen and others was blocked by Teng Man.

But after doing all this, Lin Teng was also very tired. This is still his cultivation promoted to the virtual tower, which could not be done before the breakthrough.

"That's good, that's great. I'll give you this to recover. Maybe there will be another big war later!" Xiang Chen turned his hand and handed a green crystal to Lin Teng's hand.

"Now you look more and more like a local tycoon!" Lin Teng also took over the crystal directly. If he can really break through this barrier, the road inside is indeed long. It's hard to say what will happen.

"Yiyi, you make a little fog in this Tenman. I feel that these polar catbats live in such a dark environment. They should not fly so flexibly by their eyesight. If I guess well, they should rely on sound waves to distinguish the direction. The fog can affect the return of sound waves, and should not cause these extremes. The yin bat suspects that it is better to let the fog gradually thicken 20 or 30 meters away from Tenman, which should not be a problem for you. In addition, I have seen the battle between you and Ying Xue, and you seem to be able to observe the movement through the fog. I want you to monitor the movements of these polar yin bats at all times!" Xiang Chen said to Yun Yiyi.

"You are very smart. I'm afraid it won't be too good for anyone to be your opponent!" Yun Yiyi was stunned. She didn't expect Xiang Chen to be so careful. She only had sex with Jiang Yingxue once and was seen through by Xiang Chen.

However, Yun Yiyi still carried out what Xiang Chen said without any hesitation, and her task was much easier than Lin Teng.

"Little, don't be idle. Let these Teng Man bloom some flowers. The brighter and more fragrant the better..."

"I know, you want these guys to see the flowers, smell the flowers, and be happy and be willing to leave, right?" Hua Xiaoxiao rushed to the road.

"Ha ha, almost, but I want you to be ready to attack those polar yin bats flying into Teng Man with petals!" Xiang Chen's original intention was to use the fragrance of flowers to interfere with the smell of the polar yin bat, but when he saw that Hua Xiaoxiao was so confident, of course Xiang Chen would not take the initiative to break it.

"You have arranged everything else, so what are you doing with me?" Jiang Yingxue also came to join in the fun.

"Of course, you also have a task. After a while, I will set a fire after these polar bats enter the Tengman area. You are responsible for dealing with those polar bats coming out of the fire!" Xiang Chendao.

"Why didn't I find you so treacherous before? How did you come up with such a vicious means to exterminate the species? Before Jiang Yingxue said anything, Hua's little voice came over again.

"I don't think I'm vicious enough now. I should throw you into the group to attract their attention!" Xiang Chen deliberately smiled gloomly at Hua Xiaoxiao.

"Sister Yingxue, look at him, a big man bullied me as a little woman!" Hua Xiaoxiao dragged Jiang Yingxue and said coquettishly.

"Okay, he's teasing you!" Jiang Yingxue said with a smile.

"Can you stop making trouble? The polar yin bat has entered the cloud area I laid. These guys are really powerful that they can still tell the direction in my clouds." Yun Yiyi reminded.

"Little, you have to get ready!" When Xiang Chen heard Yun Yiyi's words, his face became serious.

"You don't have to worry about it!" Hua Xiaobai glanced at Xiang Chen and came to Yun Yiyi again.

"It seems that this little girl has something to think about you?" After Hua Xiaoxiao turned around, Jiang Yingxue came to Xiang Chen's ear.

"Are you a little girl looking for a fight?" Xiang Chen stared.

"Don't worry, as long as you like, I won't be jealous!" Jiang Yingxue came over again.

"I said what's going on in your head. I'm your fiance now. Are you still in a hurry to take me a concubine?" Xiang Chen really doesn't know what to say to Jiang Yingxue.

"I'm not in a hurry. Look at that little girl. I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with it!" Jiang Yingxue said with a smile.

"I said, can you two not flirt there? The polar yin bats have entered the vine area. My flowers have limited lethality to this group of guys. What should I do now?" When Xiang Chen was talking to Jiang Yingxue, Hua Xiaoxiao said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'm ready!" Xiang Chen was very confident. He turned around and said to the Yan Loach suspended in mid-air, "Xiao Long, I think you seem to be good at drilling the ground. You walk behind those polar yin bats, and then follow my command. Let's set fire together and catch these polar yin bats all!"