Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 95 Collapse

Xiang Chen's arrangement involves everyone and makes everyone feel that only they can do this. From these arrangements, it is not difficult to see Xiang Chen's meticulousness.

For this, even Jiang Yingxue, as a woman, is a little admirable. A woman is born with meticulous life, but if she counts everyone's characteristics in such a short time, she can't do it.

It can be said that Xiang Chen has a very thorough understanding of the characteristics of everyone in this team.

It's not only Jiang Yingxue that thinks so, but Lin Teng and Yun Yihua Xiaoxiao all secretly give thumbs up to Xiang Chen's observation.

Of course, while several people admired Xiang Chen, they were also a little happy. I am glad that I and Xiang Chen are in the same team, and I am also glad that I and Xiang Chen are not enemies.

No matter who it is, I'm afraid that an opponent like Xiang Chen will have a headache.

"These polar catbats have almost all entered the vine area. This vine still has a great impact on the movement speed of the polar cat bat. Their speed is now much slower. In addition, the small floral fragrance also seems to make these polar catbats very uncomfortable. But they are very tenacious, and it is estimated that it will not be long before they can completely fly out of the vine area!" Yunyi has already laid her own clouds in front of her. These clouds are not only her weapons, but also her eyes and ears.

"Very good, it's time for me and Xiaolong to take action!" Xiang Chen also sincerely praised Yun Yiyi's ability. Being blocked by the vines, he can't tell how many polar catbats there are, but it is crucial that Yun Yiyi can clearly grasp their movements.

"Now is not the time to praise me. You'd better act quickly. These polar bats are going to fly out of the vine area!" Yun Yiyi had a smile on her face. Obviously, Xiang Chen's affirmation also made her happy, but she was more worried that these extremely dark bats would fly out of the vine area.

Xiang Chen did not speak, and his hands made a magic seal, and then began to circle the Yanho behind the polar yin bat in advance.

The soul knots concluded between monsters and human beings are very complicated. Of course, there are also many common uses. Within a certain distance, monsters and humans that have concluded soul knots can feel each other's existence through the power of souls and communicate through soul knots.

Of course, this distance is not infinite. How far it is depends on the strength of the monster and the cultivation of human beings.

As far as Xiangchen and Yanloach are concerned, they can perceive and communicate with each other within ten miles, and a longer distance will not work.

However, perception and communication are only two common uses of soul knots, and it is also necessary to determine whether the monster is safe when it is separated from humans. Due to the particularity of soul knots, people and monsters who have formed soul knots can be perceived at the first time of each other's death.

If the monster dies, the monster soul integrated into the human soul will merge with human beings, and human beings can also notice the death of the monster that has concluded the soul with itself.

If human beings are killed, the part of the soul power of the monster integrated into the human body will also disappear, and the monster as the soul knot can immediately detect the loss of the soul.

However, the biggest role of the soul knot is still to let people share power with monsters. Of course, the sharing of this power also has primary and secondary. Because human beings integrate into the soul of monsters, they can mobilize the power of monsters at any time. Monsters need the power of human beings to mobilize human beings. Insent.

"Xiaolong, we are ready, and we are starting to move!" Xiang Chen's will was instantly transmitted to the yan mandarin through the soul knot.

At the same time, a sharp angle suddenly appeared on the ground more than 200 meters away from Xiangchen.

As soon as this sharp corner appeared, several dark flames flew out of it!

The owner of this sharp horn is, of course, the dragon in Xiang Chen's mouth, that is, the Yan Loach. Yan wonton is amazing now. Its flame is the same as Xiangchen's flame, but because it is a life evolved from the essence of fire, it can control the number of flames far more than Xiangchen. Now it doesn't have to show its head at all to attack, as long as the sharp corners come out.

While Yanyou took action, Xiang Chen also released his own black flame.

The flames released by Xiang Chen and Yan wonton are completely black. These flames can be perfectly invisible in the dark cave. If it hadn't been for the extremely high temperature, no one would have noticed the existence of the flame.



Two hundred meters apart, the black flame instantly burned from both ends.


The vines that Lin Teng had spawned before became ready-made firewood, and immediately exceeded the sound of gas explosion after encountering the flames released by Xiang Chen and Yanho. At the same time as the gas explosion sounded, it turned into flames and burned.

"I said, captain, the trick you came up with is too smart. This crackling is more lively than setting off firecrackers during the festival!" Hua Xiaoxiao couldn't help but get excited when she listened to the crackling and lively movement.

"It's a pity that Xiang Chen and Xiaolong's flames are so strange, black, otherwise they will be more like fireworks!" Yun Yiyi also came to join in the fun.

"Yes, yes, but the greatest hero here should be Lin Teng. Without those vines as firewood, it will never be so lively!" Hua Xiaoxiao joked at Lin Teng.

After listening to Hua's little words, Lin Teng could only smile bitterly. He took so much effort to produce so many vines, but now he was burned by a fire. What's more, he said that it was firewood. This firewood was really expensive enough, and Xiang Chen also paid a crystal for it.

"There is a short novel that is right, that is, the greatest hero here is indeed Lin Teng. Without his Tengman area and reducing the speed of these polar cat bats, the flame of Yan Omi and I can't burn them to death at all." Xiang Chen explained with a smile.

"I think you'd better not be happy too early. I found that a few polar catbats have reached the edge of the flame and are about to rush out!" Yun Yiyi has been observing the movement of the polar yin bat. She found that several lucky polar yin bats rushed through the vine area and were about to come out.

"Let's deal with a few separately. The reason why this thing is terrible is that there are too many. I think we can still deal with just a few!" After Xiang Chen said, he raised the Huayan halberd high. The flame released on the Huayan halberd is different from Xiang Chen's flame. It is crimson and can illuminate the space of the cave!

"It's coming!" As soon as Yun Yiyi finished his words, several polar bats flew out of the fire.

These polar yin bats are covered with a faint black gas. Through the black gas, you can see a petite but ferocious little bat.

"These should be more powerful in the group of bats, but they were not injured when they rushed out of the flames?" Hua Xiaoxiao was a little surprised. Originally, she thought that even if these polar yin bats rushed out, they would be burned all over, but she didn't expect that they were all safe and sound.

"They are indeed not injured, but this should also consume a lot of dark power. I think their strength is not as good as before!" Xiang Chen took a look, but his idea was a little different from Hua Xiaoxiao.

"It seems that you are still careful, and I have the same feeling. These polar yin bats have been consumed less power by the flames, but their speed is still very fast!" Yun Yiyi said.

"So let them consume it again!" After Xiang Chen said, several fireballs flew to several polar yin bats that had just rushed out of the flames and turned dizzy.

"I'll come too!" Lin Teng's hands flashed green, and many Tengmans grew out again.

At the same time, small flowers also arrived.

These poor polar yin bats were surrounded and beaten before they could react, and soon died beyond death.

After that, some extremely dark bats flew out of the sea of fire. However, in the face of long-prepared Xiang Chen and others, they can only end up with hatred.

The process of burning the polar cat bat lasted for about half an hour. Half an hour later, the hole returned to calm again. Except for the burnt smell and the burning ashes inside, the polar yin bats have long disappeared.

Xiang Chen's move does work. So far, there is no record of eliminating the entire group of polar cat bats with such a number of people.

"Let's go in, but everyone should be careful. I always feel that I have something that makes my heart palpitate!" Reminded Chen.

"Opportunities and dangers in this world always coexist, and we will be careful!" After several dangers, Lin Teng seemed more mature and firm than before.


With the deepening of Xiang Chen and others, the temperature in the cave began to decrease, and at the same time, it became more and more humid. From time to time, water will drop water on the ground on the top of the cave. And small water depressions appeared on the ground.

"Why do I feel that this place is becoming more and more like the underworld, which makes people feel creepy!" Hua Xiaoxiao usually likes to shout, but as she gets deeper and deeper, she has become less and less talkative. She tightly pulled Jiang Yingxue's sleeves with both hands and kept look around.

"Have you ever been to the underworld? How do you know what the underworld looks like? Xiang Chen took a look at Hua Xiaoxiao and couldn't laugh or cry. This little girl is both poisonous and surprisingly timid. It is really rare to have so many characteristics concentrated on one person.

"If I have been there, can you still see me?" Hua Xiaoqi swelled.

"There seems to be light in front!" Xiang Chen was also too lazy to argue with Hua Xiaoxiao. At this time, he found that there seemed to be a little gray light flashing in front of him.

"There won't be a ghost!" Hua Xiaoxiao's hand holding Jiang Yingxue became tighter.

"This is probably the treasure we are looking for, but you'd better be careful!" Xiang Chen is not good at treasure hunting, but he can feel that Yanho is a little excited, so it is likely that it is close to the treasure felt by Yanho.

The others didn't say anything, but carefully followed Xiang Chen's side. Everyone was alert.

After walking for a while, Xiang Chen and others took a turn and walked dozens of meters, and the surrounding space became more and more open.

"Then why do you insert a sword?" When they came to the most open place, everyone finally saw something, not a panacea, but a long sword inserted in the ground, with red light flashing on the sword body from time to time.

Before coming here, the cave was still cold and humid, but after coming here, Xiang Chen and others felt a heat wave coming to their faces.

"This should be a spiritual sword with fire attributes. How can it be here?" Xiang Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the baby mentioned by Yanyou was this.

"Little Dragon, don't!" Just as Xiang Chen flashed, Yan Dyou had rushed to the position of the sword. His long body circled and pulled it out. When Xiang Chen reminded him, it was too late.


At the moment when Yano pulled out the sword, the whole earth trembled.

"Let's go, everyone. This place is going to collapse!" After saying that, Xiang Chen took everyone to retreat quickly.