Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 257 Extermination of Golden Ant

Gold-eating ants can be said to be a hegemonic existence in the Xiling wilderness. All life that dares to appear in front of them, whether human or monsters, will be attacked crazily. Moreover, the number of golden ants is very large, but their actions are very consistent, just like a well-trained army.

What Xiang Chen met was such a group of difficult opponents. In addition, he also found another terrible place for gold-eating ants, that is, many gold-eating ants can grow a pair of thin wings and fly.

You should know that golden ants are completely different from ordinary monsters. They feed on purple stones every day and gather a lot of golden spiritual power in their bodies.

One of the characteristics of golden spiritual power is its weight. Although it is not too big, the weight of a golden ant is very amazing. It is not easy for such a golden ant to fly. But the group of golden ants in front of them did it. They not only flew, but also flew very fast.

Xiang Chen also had to improve his speed again. Where his figure passed, there were fire clouds everywhere. Even so, it was still difficult to shake off the pursuit of golden ants.

However, not all the golden ants are chasing Xiang Chen. Most of the golden ants still can't fly, and only a small flying ant army is chasing after them.

Xiang Chen ran thousands of miles in one breath, but the flying golden ants still did not give up.

"Senior Zhangling, you have explored a long distance. Help me see if there is any help behind this group of flying golden ants!" Xiang Chen's face became solemn, and the difficulties of golden ants were far beyond his imagination, but if it was just this small group of flying ants, he would not be completely help dealing with it.

Xiang Chen himself is good at fire spiritual power, and there are also fire spirits and fire dragons that are not weaker than him. Water and fire spiritual power can be said to be the nemesis of golden spiritual power. If it is just this small group of flying ant army, then Xiang Chen can completely combine the power of fire dragons and fire spirits to turn them into a pool of iron water.

"The speed of this group of golden ants is very fast, but there is no help from the rear. It seems that this golden ants can't fly, so the number of golden ants that can fly is not too much, but I'm afraid it's not easy for you to destroy them all." The voice of the Thor staff is very dignified, and obviously it is also very surprising to the difficulty of eating golden ants.

"In any case, I have to try it. Besides, there are still dragons and fire spirits here, and the seal on the fire halberd has been completely lifted, so I also have a lot of cards here, but I'm afraid that using fire spirit like this in the Zijin Mountains will attract the attention of other golden ant colonies. If you attract another group of golden ants, it won't It's easy to deal with!" Xiang Chen's face was solemn.

"You can rest assured that there are no golden ant colonies within thousands of miles. The fluctuations of your use of fire spiritual power should not spread thousands of miles away!" The thunder stick spirit sensed the movement around him, and then said to Xiang Chen.

"That would be great, Xiaolong, fire spirit, let's get ready and pick up our golden ant-eating friends later!" When Xiang Chen spoke, two fireballs had appeared around him. One was naturally a fire spirit, and the other was a fire dragon.


As soon as the fire dragon appeared, it immediately stretched its body and turned into the shape of a dragon, but its size was not fully unfolded. It was not in a combat state. It was so big that it was inconvenient to even speak.

"Big boss, what do you want to do?" As soon as the fire dragon appeared, he asked curiously.

"Master, I think this golden ant is not easy to deal with. Even if it is a real fire, it will take a little time to cremate it!" The form of the fire spirit has also changed from a small fireball to a small phoenix, and the voice is full of solemnness.

"Of course, I also know that this thing is not easy to deal with, but if we don't destroy one of them and let them follow, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome. I feel that these flying golden ants are just the pioneers. If they are not destroyed quickly, I'm afraid that the golden ants will follow them!" Xiang Chen has a vague feeling that the relationship between the golden ant colony is far from what he saw, and there seems to be an invisible force that controls the whole golden ant colony.

"I see. I'll listen to your command later. I'll take action whenever you say you want!" Huolongjiao trusted Xiang Chen the most, and he also followed Xiang Chen the longest.

"I think we have to make a plan. It's better to use our strength to gather these golden ants together and then take action together!" The fire spirit's head is obviously more flexible, and it has begun to think about how to do it more thoroughly.

"Fire spirit makes sense, so that I will attract the attention of golden ants in the bright places. With my flame spiritual power, golden ants will not be able to get close to me for a while. In addition, my Jiuyang overlord can also persist for a period of time. During this period, you two will set fire from the periphery. We must attack internally and outside to maximize this group. Destroy the winged golden ant colony!" Xiang Chen thought for a while and said.

The fire dragon and the fire spirit did not say much. According to Xiang Chen's explanation in advance, they first found a place to hide, only waiting for Xiang Chen's order, and then launched an attack on the golden ant colony from behind.


Everything was arranged, and Xiang Chen began to wait. About half an hour later, the group of winged golden ants finally arrived.

From afar, it seems that a purple cloud appeared in the sky. This purple cloud keeps changing its shape, but it is rapidly approaching Xiangchen.


In order to attract the attention of golden ants, Xiang Chen simply released his fire spirit. Gold-eating ants are very ** for fire spiritual power, but it does not mean that they are afraid. After Xiang Chen released the fire spirit, the group of golden ants seemed to have found their target and swarmed around Xiang Chen.

It is best to have three or four thousand flying golden ant colonies. Each one is three or four feet long, which is one size larger than ordinary golden ants running on the ground, but their bodies are relatively slender, and their long wings occupy a lot of space.


In order to prevent the prey from escaping, the golden ant colony quickly surrounded Xiang Chen, and the closest golden ant to Xiang Chen has launched an attack.

The attack seemed to be a signal, and then the whole group gathered overwhelmingly towards Xiang Chen.

"It's now!" Xiang Chen shouted in a low voice, and then a bear's black flame appeared on his body. This black flame is also mixed with various light spots, which are the traces left by the real fire of Jiuyang and the fire of Nirvana.



With Xiang Chen's low shout, two fire points also appeared on the periphery of the whole golden ant colony, and the flame power of these two fire spots was not surrounded by Xiang Chen at all.

In an instant, the location of the whole golden ant colony turned into a sea of fire. Three directions and three different flames instantly surrounded the whole golden ant colony.

In fact, Xiangchen's flame is still a little similar to the flame of the fire dragon dragon. The only difference is that Xiangchen's flame is also mixed with various colors of light spots, while the fire dragon dragon is a purer flame.

As for the flame of the fire spirit, it is completely different from Xiang Chen and the fire dragon dragon. Its flame has a trace of purple in the golden color, and this trace of purple is a little stronger than in the sea of red fire, which shows that the nirvana real fire on the fire spirit body is changing to the real nirvana fire of the Phoenix clan.

Whether it is Nirvana True Fire or the black flame of Xiangchen and Fire Dragon, the temperature is very high, and even ordinary steel will vaporize instantly. However, the strength of this group of golden ants is far above ordinary steel, and they can survive a few breaths in these three flames before turning into molten water.

These breathing time seemed to be short, but for the golden ants, it was an opportunity to attack. A large number of golden ants hit Xiang Chen's body and planned to make the final fight.

Unfortunately, in addition to being good at controlling the spiritual power of flames, Xiangchen has also practiced the Jiuyang hegemony formula. The strength of his body is not comparable to that of even golden ants. Even if it is a golden ant that can eat all teeth, it is difficult to break Xiang Chen's defense for a while.

The flames of the three fires continued to be released until a cup of tea gradually extinguished. At this time, the golden ants that chased after them had all turned into iron water. Xiang Chen and Huo Longjiao were wrapped in a layer of metal armor, but the fire spirit still maintained its original appearance.


Xiang Chen exerted a little force, and the armor wrapped around him fell off one after another.

"Master, these metals are very strong and are definitely an excellent choice for making weapons. Why don't you directly put them into the small space? I will refine some things with these things and add some new breath to the small space!" The fire spirit flapped its wings.

"Okay, this thing can last in my flame for so long. If it is refined, it is indeed a good material, then put it all away!" After Xiang Chen said, the light on his arm flashed, and the iron piles scattered on the ground were collected into the small space.

"Well, the matter here has been dealt with. It's time for us to continue to look for Jinji Lingzhu. Come out and feel the most powerful place of Jin Lingli!" Xiang Chendao.

"I know, master!" After saying that, the earth spirit fell to the ground again, and the golden light surged on the four hoofs.

After about a cup of tea, the earth spirit flew into the air again and said to Xiang Chen, "Master, I feel that it is about ten days away from this direction, and we can reach the place with the strongest golden spirit. Moreover, in this place, I don't feel the smell of golden ants. It must be golden ants. You can live on the periphery where Jin Lingli is relatively thin, but it is not good for this place where Jin Lingli is relatively abundant. However, although there are no golden ants, there is a strange power here, which seems to be able to cut everything, so we have to be careful.