Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 258 Golden Essence

After a fight, Xiang Chen, the fire dragon and the fire spirit turned all the golden ants that chased into iron water, and these iron water instantly condensed into a big iron pit. For Xiang Chen, these are also good things, and the fire essence claims that it can refine all kinds of items, so Xiang Chen simply received all these big iron piles in his own small space.

At this time, the exploration of the earth essence also has a result. The place where it can feel the strongest golden spirit is somewhere outside this place, and it will arrive in more than ten days.

There is no fluctuation of golden ants in that place. Maybe the golden spiritual power is too strong to survive in this place. In addition to these, the earth spirit also felt something, which is similar to the existence of a storm, but unlike other storms, this storm is formed by the condensation of golden spiritual power, and its power should be good.

Of course, these storms are naturally not frightened.


The fire cloud flashed at Chen's feet and flew away in the direction indicated by the earth essence.

Fire spirits, earth essences and fire dragon dragons all follow closely, and they are also rare to come out. Few people can appear in this Zijin Mountains, so they are not afraid of being discovered by others.

Ten days is nothing to Xiang Chen, and he soon arrived at the place mentioned by the local essence. The peaks here are particularly sharp, like cutting an axe.

"What a strong golden spiritual power!" After entering this mountain range, Xiang Chen felt great pressure, which was a sense of oppression after his spiritual power was pure to a certain extent.


Just as Xiang Chen sighed about the pressure here, he heard a roar. Then Xiang Chen saw a spinning storm winding out from the peaks.


The storm passed by was full of broken sounds. It turned out that the periphery of the rotating storm touched the surrounding rocks.

Now Xiang Chen finally understands why the peaks here are as flat as knives and axes, which is the credit of this rotating storm.

After some observation, Xiang Chen found that the rotating storm was transformed by pure golden spiritual power, which was the best knife and axe. Even those hard purple gold stones had no resistance in front of him.

When exploring the purple spinning storm, he found a small peak, which was completely flattened after the spinning storm.

"This is too terrible. Who can survive under this spinning storm?" The three guys, Huolongjiao, Huojing and Tujing, all showed a shocked look in their eyes.

Xiang Chen also has a dignified face. No wonder Wang Chunyang, who is blessed with the sun, said that the danger of the Zijin Mountains is still above the white grassland. It turns out that the most powerful here is not those golden ants, but the golden spiritual storm that will appear.

The destructive power of golden spiritual power may not be as strong as the spiritual power of fire, but in terms of sharpness alone, the spiritual power of the five elements is absolutely the best.


Although Xiang Chen knew that the golden spiritual storm in front of him was very powerful, he had to go deep into the mountains in order to gather the five spiritual beads. Therefore, after exploring, he decided to go to the mountains to look for it in person.

Xiang Chen looked very careful. Every time he advanced a distance, he had to see if there was that kind of golden spiritual storm passing by. Although his Jiuyang hegemony is not weak, he is not willing to easily accept the test of this golden spiritual storm.


With the gradual deepening of Xiangchen, the golden spiritual storm has become more dense than outside, and the distance and time of the interval are getting shorter and shorter.

"Master, if you go a few hundred miles deeper, it should be the strongest center of the golden spiritual power. I have felt the golden spiritual power storm group there. If you go deeper, I'm afraid we will be in danger!" The earth essence looked a little nervous, but it saw with its own eyes how those purple stones were flattened by the golden spiritual storm. From a certain perspective, the earth essence is actually a kind of solid stone, so he also has a certain fear of the golden spiritual power.

"It's normal for you to feel nervous about the five elements. Why don't you enter the owner's small space first? Leave the golden spiritual storm here to us!" Recently, the fire spirit has taken great care of the earth spirit, just like a big sister taking care of her younger brother.

"Hmm!" The local spirit is also very obedient, as if she really treats the fire spirit as the eldest sister.


With the response of the earth spirit, it immediately turned into a ray of light and returned to Xiangchen's small space.

The task of the earth essence has been basically completed here, but Xiang Chen did not stop and still went to the place with the strongest golden spirit.


After about hundreds of miles, Xiang Chen felt a sudden restlessness of the spiritual power around him.


After the spiritual restlessness, Xiang Chen saw several golden spiritual storms in the distance.


In the face of so many golden spiritual storms, Xiang Chen couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, and his heart became heavy.

There are also fire spirits and fire dragons that feel the same as Xiang Chen. It is obviously impossible for them to avoid so many golden spiritual storms.

"Little dragon, fire spirit, I think you will also enter the small space. With so many golden spiritual storms, I am more flexible to act alone!" Xiang Chen said solemnly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" The dragon was very obedient and went straight into the small space.

The fire spirit does not move. As the essence of fire spiritual power, it does not want to lose to the golden spiritual power.

"I'm still sure to deal with this golden spiritual power!" The fire spirit said to Chen.

"Well, follow me closely and let's rush over together!" Xiang Chen didn't say much. The fire spirit is the life evolved from the phoenix's bloodline. He is very proud that even if it has five elements of spiritual power, it will maintain its superiority.



Xiang Chen and the fire spirit rushed out almost at the same time, and soon arrived at the area where the golden spirit storm was ravaged.

shua shua......

When he got here, Xiang Chen did not dare to be careless at all. He kept changing his direction and shuttled between the rotating storms.

However, even if Xiang Chen's body is flexible, it is not easy to pass through so many golden spiritual storms.

After several dangerously avoiding the golden spiritual storm, he was finally brushed by the golden spiritual storm.

Xiang Chen felt that his body seemed to have been cut by thousands of steel knives at the same time. Even if there was a Jiuyang hegemony, it was still inevitable to suffer severe pain.

Fortun, his Jiuyang hegemony formula has been cultivated to the seventh major success, otherwise I'm afraid he will be buried in this golden spiritual storm this time.

After experiencing a storm attack of golden spiritual power, Xiang Chen also broke out in a cold sweat, but after the crisis, he felt that there seemed to be a special force in his body.

"This golden spiritual storm can even improve Jiuyang's hegemony!" Xiang Chen's face was full of surprise, and he didn't expect that this golden spiritual storm would also have an improvement effect on his Jiuyang hegemony.

I realized the effect of the Golden Spirit Storm on Jiuyang's hegemony, and Xiang Chen was much less afraid of this Golden Spirit Storm, and even intentionally or unintentionally sought contact with the Golden Spirit Storm.

In this way, Xiang Chen's speed became faster. In the end, he basically no longer took into account the blowing golden spiritual storm.

"Master, be careful. I feel that there seems to be a presence similar to me in front of me!" Xiang Chen was moving forward with all his strength, but he heard the sound of the fire spirit.

"Who is it?" As soon as he was reminded by the fire spirit, Xiang Chen immediately noticed it, which really made him find a breath.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be very cautious and find my existence." As soon as Xiang Chen's words were finished, a pure white little guy came out behind the stone.

This little guy looks a little similar to the Nether Tiger, but he is much smaller.

"You are the essence of golden spiritual power!" Seeing this mini little white tiger, a touch of surprise flashed in Xiang Chen's eyes.

"Your insight is not bad. Yes, I am the essence of Jin Lingli!" The mini white tiger is old-fashioned.