
Chapter 17 The Arrival of Bai Ru

In addition, Feifan bounced up and looked at the dark shadow that had just attacked him in the fog. His legs were kicked out in a row. The fog was suddenly diluted by his movements, faintly revealing the true face of the figure.

It's a gray jacket again, but at this time, he was completely gone. The water in his whole body seemed to have evaporated, and his clothes looked like a bigger size. It hung on the bone shelf wrapped only with purple dry skin, and his facial features on his face also collapsed, and his eyes and nose were It turned into a black hole, and the face could only be faintly discernable. What's more, in less than one night, the gray jacket turned into a male corpse that had been buried for hundreds of years, and it was also a movable working corpse.

As he saw the gray jacket, his feet had kicked the gray jacket that had just turned around and was about to jump on him. The consecutive tripods were invariably hit the chest of the gray jacket. The gray jacket that was about to jump forward with his hand was kicked backwards by this extraordinary three-legged kick, and he let out a cry like a night owl. Strange scream, this sad cry came from far away in the fog, and there was a series of echoes. The indescribable horror was harsh, which made people upset and had a layer of goose bumps on his body.

What's more, after kicking him, he was also shocked by the rebound force and fell to the ground again. I didn't expect that the guy's body was hard. These legs were like kicking the steel plate, which made him keep breathing cold and felt that his leg bones were almost broken.

However, these legs were finally not kicked in vain. As Kuang Feifan kicked the gray jacket, his body was unstable and stumbled back. Behind him was the iron gate of the yard. The lock hanging on it had been opened and thrown aside, and only the thick chain was wrapped around and was not taken off. He was hit by the gray jacket. "Bang With a sound, the iron door slowly opened a gap of more than one person wide, and the gray jacket did not stop retreating and rushed out directly.

Wang Feifan lay on the ground and heard the door ringing in his ears. He clenched his teeth and got up with his hands. He ran to He Shaoqing with pain, bent down and carried him and rushed to the door.

When he walked out of the courtyard door and stepped on the road outside, a sigh full of helplessness seemed to ring in his ear. Moreover, Feifan resisted the horror in his heart and rushed out of the courtyard without looking back.

Behind him, the originally diffuse fog receded like a tide, and the big iron fence gate closed again in an instant.

Moreover, when Fei Fei carried He Shaoqing to the middle of the road outside the courtyard, he had been nervously hanging in the air before he put down more than half of it. The familiar street scene under the street lamp and the down-to-earth road under him gave him a feeling of returning to the real environment. At this time, the night was thick. Although he did not know the specific time, there was a figure on the road. None, people don't feel a different gloomy feeling. Moreover, Feifan doesn't want to look back at all. He Shaoqing on his shoulder seems to be getting heavier and heavier, and his feet are stepping on the ground like stepping on cotton.

He walked so mechanically, walking forward in the middle of the road with a deep and shallow foot. It seemed that he had walked for a long time. Finally, he could see the main road in front of him. Occasionally, one or two cars drove by. What's more, he stretched out a hand, rubbed his eyes soaked with sweat into his eyes, took a deep breath and whisper. He said, "He Shao, we escaped."

When he finally reached the intersection, his head was dizzy. At this time, his physical strength was really a little overdrawn. Finally, he stopped and put He Shaoqing down against the wall on the sidewalk. Through the light of the street lamp, you can see that He Shaoqing's face was like gold paper, angry, and his body was a little stiff. What's more, he was shocked. He was worried that his life was in danger. He quickly reached out to explore his pulse. Under the look, He Shaoqing's pulse was also looming, and it seemed that he might hang up at any time.

Moreover, Feifan's heart was extremely anxious, and he couldn't help but feel a little chaotic. Looking at the wound on He Shaoqing's shoulder, the blood vessels on the injured arm rose slightly. You can clearly see the veins that are almost black, and the wound is more serious and swollen into black and purple. Moreover, he trembles and stretches out his hand lightly. I gently pressed the swollen place and found that the skin was like mud, and it seemed to be ulcerated from the inside out.

"He Shao, He Shao..." Moreover, Feifan called gently, but He Shaoqing clenched her teeth and had fallen into a deep coma. Seeing He Shaoqing's situation, he frowned and had to try to send him to the hospital as soon as possible. Although he could not determine whether such an injury could be treated in the hospital, there was still a chance to go. If he did nothing, he could only watch He Shaoqing die slowly...

Bang Feifan reluctantly stood up, looked at the situation on the road, and wondered whether he should casually find a resident and knocked on the door to borrow the phone. At this time, a car slowly drove from far to near. Moreover, Feifan subconsciously raised his hand to block the dazzling headlights. In a trance, he saw the * on the roof of the car.

For a moment, he was overjoyed and rushed to the road with open arms. The police car stopped in front of him. When he saw the two patrolmen coming down from the car, he reached out and pointed to the position where He Shaoqing was lying behind him and said, "There is * in your pocket, take him to the hospital..." Then he couldn't support it any more and fainted.

What's more, when he woke up from the endless darkness and regained consciousness again, he only felt a headache like a crack, as if someone kept poking out with a small spoon. He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were as heavy as lead, and there was no way to open them at all.

"Wake up? Would you like some water?" A soft voice came to his ears, but his extraordinary head was still drowsy, so he could not tell whether it was a man or a woman, but when he heard the word water, he still subconsciously hummed.

Then, he felt someone gently lift his head, and a cool ** dripped onto his cracked lips and seeped into his fiery throat, which made him feel that his headache seemed to be relieved.

Moreover, Feifan closed his eyes and gradually recalled the things before the coma in his mind. The small building, female ghosts, strange babies and mummies appeared in his memory one by one. His muddle-headed head couldn't help replaying those strange and horrible fragments. Suddenly, his heart tightened, He Shaoqing.

He opened his heavy eyelids blankly, but the dazzling light made him subconsciously close his eyes, and the soft voice in his ear sounded again: "Extraordinary, how do you feel?"

What a familiar voice, but this time Feifan opened his eyes carefully and slowly. What he could see was a beautiful face and a concerned look.

Holding her extraordinary head is a young woman, with willow eyebrows and apricot eyes, beautiful nose and cherry lips, coupled with Sai Xue's skin and a big wavy soft black hair, and two cute little pear vortexes that appear when smiling, she is definitely the best beauty of the fairy level. Although Kuang Feifan did not fully wake up, he still recognized it at a glance, and it was Bai Ru who supported him beside him.

Seeing that Feifan woke up, Bai Ru couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. A smile like a spring breeze bloomed on her face. She could see Bai Ru. Moreover, Feifan was refreshed and opened her mouth to say something, but her dry throat made him just make a "cluck" sound in his throat.

"Don't worry, take your time." Bai Ru couldn't help saying a little nervously, put the sponge she had been holding in her hand to the extraordinary lips, and gently squeezed the water into his mouth. At this moment, he couldn't help but regret that it would be good if Bai Ru could feed him water in another way.

Of course, this idea just flashed through his mind. At this moment, he felt that his throat was much more comfortable. He immediately stared at Bai Ru nervously and asked in a hoarse voice, "What about you?"

A smile appeared on Bairu's lips: "Don't worry, he's fine. Let's talk about it when you feel better, okay?" Her soft words and the reassible smile made Kuo Feifan's mood suddenly relax. The tension and uneasiness in his memories disappeared at this moment, which made him immediately feel a huge wave of fatigue. Soon, he fell into a deep sleep again.

Bai Ru looked at the extraordinary situation of falling asleep, and there was a trace of worry in her eyes. His current situation is really not suitable for asking too much, but in the intensive care unit upstairs, He Shaoqing is still in a coma. When Bai Ru came, He Shaoqing just stopped breathing. If she is one step later, I'm afraid The doctor who rescued him is about to announce the time of death. It was Bai Ru who hanged He Shaoqing's life and then cleared the poison to heal the wound. Then he pulled back He Shaoqing, who had closed the ghost door and was ready to push the door in, but his consciousness had not recovered. According to the hospital, the heart stopped beating and caused the brain to lack oxygen, causing the patient to fall into a deep coma. Whether or not to wake up or when to wake up is a problem, and most of them depend on the patient's will.

Bai Ru sighed gently and walked out of the ward. In front of the window not far from the door, a man in a leather jacket turned his head and looked at her. Bai Ru shook her head gently. The man shrugged his shoulders and continued to look out of the window.

Bai Ru came to the door of the intensive care unit No. 13 on the fourth floor. Seeing her appearance, two men sitting at the door of the ward stood up, and one of them greeted Bai Ru, "Dr. Bai, you're here."

Bai Ru smiled and nodded: "Let me see how He Shaoqing is doing. Are you tired, too? Why don't you go downstairs to drink something?"

The big man shook his head: "It's okay, you're busy."

Bai Ru said "um". These two people are arranged by the serious crime team to guard He Shaoqing here, and it is not easy for her to interfere too much. Since she knew that something happened to He Shaoqing, the serious crime team has characterized it as a "serious obstruction of public service". It is estimated that if there was no "crime of assault on the police" in the criminal law, they would have done this It is defined as a serious crime of assault on police.

Because He Shaoqing and Kuang Feifan have been unconscious, and there is no way to do the record. After checking at the scene of the accident, they can't find out who the murderer was. Therefore, the serious crime team had to send people to stay in the hospital. First, wait for them to wake up to make the record, and second, it is I'm afraid that since the murderer has attacked them once, I don't know if there will be a second time, so I can send someone to protect them.

Although the situation is extraordinary is a person on the side of the forensics, the serious crime team still decided to arrange people to protect him. What has just happened by the door and window of the extraordinary ward is the casual clothes of the serious crime team that protects him.

Is this protection really useful? Bai Ru is not very sure.