
Chapter 18 Ghost Pressing

The two people guarding at the door of He Shaoqing happened to come from the fifth group of the serious case he is currently in. The big one is Xu Hui, the captain of the fifth group and He Shaoqing's police instructor. He did not know Bai Ru before, but when he learned that He Shaoqing was seriously injured, he even stopped breathing, and the hospital was ready to give up treatment. After treatment, it was Dr. Bai Ru, who was as beautiful as a model in front of him, saved He Shaoqing despite the obstruction of the hospital. Xu Hui couldn't help but feel a little gratitude in his heart and a little more admiration.

"Bear by the way, Dr. Bai, how's the extraordinary situation?" Xu Hui suddenly asked.

"I woke up once, but fell asleep again. The ingredients of the sedative are a little bigger, otherwise there is no way to fully recover his body. It is estimated that if he is fully awake, it will be tomorrow morning at the earliest." Bai Ru thought for a moment and said.

Xu Hui frowned and said worriedly, "It's been more than ten hours since the early morning. Except for knowing that they were injured and unconscious, nothing suspicious has been found. It's really tricky."

Bai Ru sighed gently, but didn't say anything. She knew that others might not believe some things, but also might regard her as a problematic person.

Entering He Shaoqing's ward, Bai Ru carefully examined his body. Although the wound had been cleaned and disinfected, his heartbeat became stable and normal, but she still did not mean to be sober.

Bai Ru thought for a moment, pulled a chair and sat next to He Shaoqing, gently held He Shaoqing's hand with both hands, closed her eyes slightly, and felt his physical condition attentively.

Bai Ru and Kuo Fei were born on the same day of the same month of the same year. At the beginning, it was this coincidence that they became a couple. At the age of 25, she has the triple status of a doctor of clinical pathology, a master of clinical psychology and a hypnotherapist. At present, she is currently the chief physician of the psychiatric department where they are staying in. Because she likes psychology.

In Kuang Feifan's view, Bai Ru can become the chief physician at such a young age, which shows that she is a very capable woman, but she doesn't know, or what he doesn't need to know is that Bai Ru also has another ability. To be precise, it is a kind of ability, an ability that most people don't know, she can Spirit.

Bai Ru did not really talk about her ability, because she knew that Kuang Feifan did not believe in this kind of thing. In his impression, it was just some legends and stories, which were the products of people's words. She didn't think of taking the situation to really see the devil. She has this ability, but she also knows the troubles and troubles that this ability brings to ordinary people, but she can't help but refute a few words when she is called a trick to see a ghost. Sometimes she argues and even turns into a quarrel. At this time, she can't point it out. The fact that she has this ability, in the end, she and Kuang Feifan chose to break up, from a couple to an ordinary friend who occasionally talked on the phone and came out for dinner for a month or two.

He Shaoqing's situation is very bad, not only physically, but also spiritually. When she saw his wound, Bai Ru immediately concluded that she had been poisoned, and the poison gas had invaded the heart, but at that time, there was no medicine to relieve the poison in her hand, but on the one hand, He Shaoqing was an extraordinary best friend, and on the other hand, When she was dating, He Shaoqing came over to be their light bulb every three times. Over time, she and He Shaoqing could also be regarded as friends. In this case, it was impossible for Bai Ru to let He Shaoqing hang up like this.

Forced to be helpless, Bai Ru stopped the doctors and nurses in the emergency room with the promise of "everything will be borne by herself" and used the "golden needle life-sustaining" technique that she had never used since she learned to temporarily protect He Shaoqing's heart. The ancient way to relieve the poison is black donkey's hoof or But now, if the city wants to find a black donkey's hoof in a short time, it is much more difficult than climbing to the sky. As for glutinous rice, although the corpse poison can be pulled out, He Shaoqing is now quite poisoned. Even if he uses glutinous rice, the poison in him will not be removed for a while, and he will definitely die.

Fortunately, Bai Ru has her own method. There is no medicine that can relieve the poison of the corpse, but it is not in her hands, so what she has to do is to ensure that He Shaoqing's body can not die. In addition to protecting the pulse with a golden needle and sealing the thirty-six acupuncture points on his body, after He Shaoqing's heart finally returned to beating, she also used all Western medical means, adrenaline, anti-toxic serum, etc. Everything she could think of was basically used by He Shaoqing. Of course, she also added glutinous rice, but this hand Duan did it secretly, afraid that it would be troublesome for others to explain when they saw it.

In addition, she has called several friends far away from home, and the antidote should be delivered to her soon.

I hope it works. Why did Bai Ru take a breath after changing the glutinous rice on the wound again? She estimated that it would be impossible to go home tonight and stay in the hospital all night. She decided to see how the extraordinary situation was later, but before that, she had to go back to the office. She needed to continue to connect online. Luo can help her friends.

Night gradually came, and the extraordinary condition of lying on the sick** suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. He wanted to open his eyes, but found that he could not lift his eyelids anyway. He wanted to sit up, but his body seemed to be held down by something. No matter how he struggled, his hands and feet could not lift, and his whole body felt stiff. Bang's.

At this time, he suddenly saw a pair of hands slowly crawling up his neck.

The hands are not like the withered hands in the small building in his memory. They are a pair of thin hands with only skin and bones, the size of an adult's palm. The skin on the arm is extremely pale and abnormal, and there is a faint cyan color, and you can even see the squirming blood vessels under the skin.

Moreover, he couldn't see who the hands belonged to, but he clearly felt that the palm was extremely heavy and hard, which was not in line with the appearance. The hands slowly approached his neck on his body. Where the palm passed, he felt a cold from the underworld, and his body was gradually in this cold. Gradually lost consciousness.

At this time, Feifan's consciousness was extremely clear and his hearing was surprisingly sharp. He could hear many people crying outside the house, but his body was quiet enough to hear his heartbeat. All this happened, an idea flashed in his mind that he should have met a ghost bed.

A nameless anger couldn't help rushing to his heart. What's more, Feifan didn't know that he had offended the unlucky man and passed on all his bad luck to him. First, he chased the thief into the ghost building. Now he wanted to sleep well and actually played with him.

According to the extraordinary knowledge, the scientific explanation of the phenomenon of ghost press is due to blood circulation problems caused by poor sleeping posture. But he has now completely put aside those scientific explanations, and the ghost press is the hell pressing his bed. At this time, the ghost hand had grabbed his neck and kept grasping it hard. He felt that he was almost out of breath. He didn't know if his anger had provoked the adrenaline in his body to soar. Suddenly, a roar rushed out. His two hands that were originally placed on his side could actually be raised. He immediately used two He grabbed the ghost hand holding his neck and pulled it out hard.

With a groan that pierced his eardrums sharply, he suddenly opened his eyes, the ghost hands disappeared, and the faint crying stopped. He lay flat on his sick**, and his hands still maintained the posture of raising his arms in front of him.

Is it a nightmare? Or did you really meet a ghost? At one point, he even doubted whether he was still alive. However, it was just a moment of confusion. He turned over and sat up, feeling cold sweat all over. He wanted to lift the quilt and get out of bed to get a glass of water, but hesitated for a moment. After all, the warmth in the quilt could make him feel a real sense of security.

The terrible experiences in the ghost building made Kuo Feifan more or less have some fear, especially in the face of the darkness alone, and his heart hung to his throat. However, the burning thirst in his throat forced him to find water to drink.

At this time, he had realized that he was in the hospital and remembered that Bai Ru had fed him water. At that time, he also asked He Shaoqing's situation and heard that there seemed to be nothing serious. Recalling this clip, he couldn't help but feel a little easier. He turned his head and glanced at the disease**. The fluorescent table on the bedside table showed that the time was 12:40. The faint light of the hand trembled, coupled with the ticking sound always gave people an illusion that something was approaching the bedside.

In addition to the watch, there was only one water cup left, which was still empty. There was not even a kettle on the table. He licked his lips that were about to crack, reluctantly climbed out of bed, grabbed the water cup, and prepared to go out to the water room to get a glass of water to drink.

The corridor outside the door of the ward is extremely quiet. The wards on both sides were dark. Not to mention the patients, they didn't even see a nurse on duty. This is the inpatient department, which is clearly like a dead grave. His mind was still a little confused. He really didn't notice this after he went out, but after a few steps, he noticed that something was wrong, and the situation around him was not the state that a normal hospital should have at all.

"No way, it's just over, come again?" Moreover, Feifan was so angry that he almost threw the empty cup in his hand on the wall, but he still resisted and turned around to go back to the ward.

As soon as he took two steps, his eyes widened, and a familiar scene appeared in front of him again. When he first left the ward, he clearly remembered that there was a ward on the right to the end of the corridor, facing a glass window, but now, except for the walls on both sides, he could not see a door, let alone the end of the corridor.

In horror, he suddenly looked back, but saw that there was only a dark blur behind him, and the endless corridor stretched straight into the darkness.

He tried to take a few more steps forward and found that there were only his gasps and footsteps in the whole corridor, but each sound stimulated his eardrums and knocked on his atrium. Even if he tried his best to slow down, the sound he heard was getting heavier and heavier, and gradually His footsteps staggered, and he suddenly realized that the footsteps were not just from him, but someone or unknown things were following him!