
Chapter 142 Last Words 15

As the monkey's face disappeared, a cold wind suddenly swept through the house, and the blue fire snake immediately set the wall black. I was stunned. I don't know if the monkey's soul was also burned by the fire, let alone what happened to him now.


I kept calling his name, and the idea of "Will he have lost his soul" kept flashing in my mind.

There was silence in the room. I keenly felt that the temperature in the room had returned to normal. I couldn't help sighing. The monkey was dead, and I didn't even know whether the soul was still there.

It's also strange to say that after knowing that the monkey died, I didn't feel much sadness. My mind was full of what he had just said to me, and he came.

I immediately thought of the situation when I was in the mental hospital. Wu Qian once said the same thing, or the "he" in the monkey's mouth should be her, the female ghost in red, or the little ghost who pestered my father.

The monkey died, but I don't know where it died and how it died.

After a little stabilized my mind, I felt pain and itching all over my body. I lifted my sleeves and found that the place entangled by long hair on my body not only had red strangulation marks, but also a little blood beads. It seemed that the long hair just now did pierced into my skin.

I found a towel, rushed under the water pipe, wiped the blood spots on my body, and felt that my body was sour and soft, so I had to sit **. My mind was in a mess for a while, and I couldn't find any clue. I simply put the relic back into my pocket, hoping that the soul of the monkey would come back to me again.

But he stayed at the monkey's house until dawn, and the soul of the monkey never appeared again.

Looking at the gradually bright sky outside the window, I remembered that I should leave his house as soon as possible.

On the way home, I didn't take the car, but chose to walk in order to find some clues or something, but except for a bunch of assumptions, I didn't know what to do.

Along the way, I always felt something was wrong behind me. It seemed that someone was staring at me secretly, but after checking for a long time, I didn't find any suspicious targets.

Only when I got home and opened the door, I knew that I was right, because as soon as I opened the door, I immediately felt a tingling in my back neck and lost consciousness the next second.

After regaining consciousness again, I found myself lying at the gate and looked up. The house was almost turned upside down. At that time, my first thought was to grab something.

Sure enough, some of the cash at home and the money in my wallet are missing. These are not important. The most important thing is that the reli is missing.

Obviously, I lost consciousness just now because someone sneaked on me from behind. I couldn't help but be angry and anxious, and there were some fears. The robbers who came in just stunned me. It would be very easy to kill me directly.

Because the relic on my body disappeared, my heart was even more chaotic. I instinctively locked all the doors and windows of my home, and then nestled in **. My whole body couldn't help trembling. Compared with seeing a ghost, the experience just now made me more afraid. Death was so close to me at that moment.

I can't help but hate the guy who came into my house to grab things. It's a relic, not a gem. Where can he sell? At the same time, I feel a little strange. It seems that I have never heard of such a way of grabbing things near my doorstep.

Fortunately, what was lost was the relic that Uncle Ye gave me before his death. I have found a place to collect the relic that I put at home before.

What we need to do now is to call the bank as soon as possible. I need to report the loss.

After barely completing the loss reporting procedures, I just felt dizzy. In the end, I couldn't think about it at all. I simply fell into ** and fell asleep drowsily.

I don't know how long I slept. I suddenly woke up and opened my eyes to calm down. I noticed that the light in the room was dim, and I couldn't help but be shocked. I didn't feel that I had slept for a long time. Why is it dark?

When I looked up, I was surprised to find that there was a thick fog outside the window, like a huge white cloth hanging outside. Not only that, I also felt a wisp of cold wind slowly seeping into the room. I accidentally squinted, and there were many small beads of water condensed on the wall beside the bed.

Looking out of the window, there seemed to be a continuous shadow flashing in the white fog, and horrible and ferocious faces flashed through the fog, making people feel cold, like the cameras in countless horror films shaking in front of them. I really want to close my eyes and not look, but my eyes are locked and I can't move them.

Time seems to have solidified. I don't know how long I have been forced to stare outside, and my brain is blank. The fog gradually dissipated, and I couldn't come back to my senses.

To be honest, that experience is actually not terrible for me. I have experienced more horrible situations. I just saw those things, I suddenly thought of one thing and lost my remit. It seems that I will keep seeing ghosts again, and there are still problems in that place that have not been solved.

I haven't thought about that place for a long time. What I saw this time reminds me of the horror of that place all of a sudden.

The gusts of wind in the house have disappeared, but the water droplets on the walls, the ground and window glass are still there, and the moisture is still blowing on the surface. After lying down in ** for a long time, I dared to turn over.

The relith was deposited by me in the bank safe. This is a secret. It's my secret alone. Although Yueyue has to pay, I'm still more relieved to put it there.

After looking at the time, I knew that it was close to evening. I definitely couldn't go to the bank today. I spent almost a night trembling. The next day lasted until noon that I went straight to the bank.

I feel that if the sun is so full at noon, the chance of encountering ghosts will definitely be extremely small, and there are many people at that time, so it should not happen to things such as grabbing things.

It was still very smooth to get the reli. After getting it, I felt more secure. I came home carefully. I wore a small cloth pocket with a red rope and hung it around my neck, and the relith was put in the cloth pocket, thinking that this should bless me.

I didn't expect that a few days later, I was attacked again, and the relizi was robbed again.

I really don't know if I'm unlucky to get home. I've tried to change my work and rest time to get out late and come back early, but I still can't prevent the boring stick from grabbing things.

If good people hadn't noticed and sent me to the hospital, I would have died completely on the street.

Speaking of which, the hospital was the place I was most afraid of, especially at that time when I could see the ghost again, but I lost the protection of the relicon.

Because the hospital asked me to stay in the hospital for observation for a day, my worries soon became a reality, and the sky gradually darkened. Although I was lying in the observation room**, I could still hear all kinds of crying in the corridor outside the door.

Although there are many patients in the observation room besides me, I can still clearly feel that the temperature in the room is slowly decreasing.

At this moment, I actually felt an unbearable urge to pee.