
Chapter 143 Last Words 16

I'm lying sick** and regret that I didn't ask for a pot before, so now I have to get up and go to the toilet.

My head was still a little dizzy. I tried to get up from ** and gritted my teeth and walked to the door of the observation room.

Until then, I didn't understand what had happened. I barely remembered that I was knocked down from behind downstairs. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. My body had been looted, and the medical expenses were all on the basis of the kind-hearted person who sent me to the hospital.

I opened the door of the observation room, and the scene in the aisle made my scalp numb.

In front of the door, a girl walked over with another girl. I heard the girl who was supported said painfully, "The back pain can't be better. It's really annoying."

I didn't pay attention to how another girl comforted her. I only saw a shape baby covered with blood being tightly wrapped around the waist of the girl who was supported. The small arm was deformed and elonged, which had already exceeded the limit that people should have. Two small hands that had just been seen in the shape of hands were tightly tied together.

I hurriedly staggered my eyes and didn't look at her.

When he finally walked into the toilet, a man in a hospital uniform was washing his hands in front of the basin. Suddenly, the right water suddenly became bigger and splashed all over him.

"Damn, there's something wrong with breaking the pipe." The man scolded and left without turning off the water pipe, but I clearly saw a figure in a black robe suddenly turning the faucet big. Most importantly, the figure couldn't see his feet.

I didn't even wash my hands and went back to the ward.

When I went back, a ragged tramp wandered in the corridor waving his long dark nails. I tried not to squint past him. I saw him turn around and hang bare two dirty feet on the ground, floating behind me all the way.

There were waves of shade behind me. I walked into the ward, lay down directly**, closed my eyes, and felt that the thing stood by my bedside for a long time before leaving.

I secretly opened my eyes and looked at it. The observation room was actually not clean. There was a woman standing facing the wall inside. From time to time, she turned around and looked at the room, and her blue face had turned into purple tongue and spit out her lips.

I don't know how I survived that night. After dawn, I didn't want to go downstairs to go through the discharge formalities.

I am already very happy to be able to spend the night safely in the hospital.

After returning home, I didn't dare to go out for a long time, for fear that I couldn't stand the horrible experience, and I was afraid that things in that place would find me.

Although he was robbed and reported to the police twice, there was no progress because no witnesses could be found.

I endured it like this, and I felt panic all day long. At that time, I was like a prisoner who had been sentenced to death but didn't know what day his sentence was. I sat at home stupidly and couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep.

If it goes on like that, I don't think I can hang up by now.

But in the end, I was not defeated, but the reason was a thirst.

At that time, I got used to going to the kitchen when I was thirsty. I turned on the faucet and took a few sips directly. As soon as I looked up, I saw the mirror hanging on the wall above the pool. I seemed to see an unknown figure flashing in the mirror, and I couldn't help but be shocked.

But when I looked carefully, I found that it was just reflected by myself, but at that time, I almost didn't know myself. My hair was like a messy bird's nest. The beard on my face was long, and my eyes were deep. In the black eyes, the red blood was almost white. The eyes are covered.

I touched my face and approached the mirror to look at it carefully. Unexpectedly, I saw that the red blood in my eyes was beginning to spread around at a speed visible to the naked eye. Countless blood was like countless igniting fuses, radiating towards the ears, nose, lips, neck and top of the head, as if looking at myself. His face is breaking apart.

"Ah..." I was shocked and couldn't help punching it.

With a crack, my face was torn apart in the blink of an eye.

But I soon found that in the large and small broken lenses with blood, there was a face that did not look like a human or a ghost, and every pair of eyes on each face showed a frightening blood red.

In fact, it is common for me to see this situation. During that time, I often fell into a daze until midnight and suddenly found someone squatting at my feet; and when I opened the refrigerator, I could see a vague shadow flashing on the mirror-like door.

Some people once said that the extreme fear is anger. Now I feel angry, and my left and right are dead. I have to resist before I die. It's too lame to wait for death.

The first thing to fight back is to tidy up the room. I don't know how long I have been depressed. In short, the whole room has become dirty and messy. I don't know if it's because the doors and windows are closed. The room is not only dark but also wet, and the corners are smelling of mildew.

It took a lot of effort to clean up the room. I suddenly found that I was hungry, which was the first time I was obviously hungry.

There was nothing to eat in the refrigerator, and I couldn't even find a bag of instant noodles. I simply went out and not only bought food, but also bought this notebook. I want to write down everything that happened when I can still live and have memory. At least after I die, when someone finds my body, I can still Seeing this book, I know what I have experienced.

After a good meal, I decided to choose another life.

I began to go out, looking for a place to stay in the future, and then rented out the house I live in now.

No one can imagine where I will choose to live and live with the rental of a house.

I sneaked into the monkey's house, and most of the information we once collected was about that place. Although no one has ever been able to explain to me about that place, now I must try to figure out some clues from the information.

First of all, we can be sure that there are evil spirits rampant in that place, and it seems that they do not intend to let go of the people who have lived in it.

Next, according to the rumors collected by the monkey and heard when I lived with Uncle Ye, there was nothing strange when I began to live in the place. Some strange things were the attic and the basement. I heard that when I lived in, there were also people living in the attic, but soon they moved away. The reason is unknown. It should be A couple who have just got married, but due to the unknown information, the monkey did not find the name of the family and the address behind them, and Uncle Ye only provided this information with a limited memory.

After that, the attic and basement became a place to pile up debris, but after a period of time, people found that horrible things began to happen in that place. Late at night, women's crying and incomprehensible songs, corridors or some corner corners of women were seen faintly. The audible baby cries,

Are there two ghosts, one big and one small? I can't help thinking so.

But why do ghosts attack people who have lived in it? How did they find these people?

Now, I'm the only one alive among those who may live in. Ye Wenmo, who fled abroad, doesn't know whether it's life or death. I think most of them may be dead. I'm afraid it's impossible for the monkey to find him to death.

Now, all the three relics left by Uncle Ye's master have disappeared and lost what to protect me. The ghost of that place may have stared at me.

For a moment, I suddenly had an impulsive mood. I was going to go there and face those evil spirits who could kill me directly.