
Chapter 151 is coming

Wang Feifan is very depressed. Anyway, he once faced evil spirits and bravely fought zombies. Now he is with Feng Ping, but it has become the bait to seduce ghosts. In ancient times, there was a fox scholar in the middle of the night, and today he has become an extraordinary dark seduction ghost.

Of course, it is impossible for him to repent now, and at this time, he also understood why Feng Ping passed the shird the shird. The original purpose was to make himself willing to come to help.

According to Fengping, Fengping lay directly on the ground by the bedside, while Fengping sat on a lounge chair in the corner of the living room and turned on the floor lamp next to him, looking very serious.

The room calmed down for a moment. In fact, he looked at his watch. In fact, it was only a few minutes after ten o'clock. Originally, his extraordinary personality could completely withstand loneliness, but his recent experience made him change more and less. When he was alone, he always felt unsteady.

After turning over a few times, he finally got up from the ground, poked his head out of the bedroom door, and took a look at Feng Ping, which shrank in the corner of the wall. When he saw him sitting there with a calm face, he thought about not to disturb him alone. Then, he caught Feng Ping's eyes. He realized that in fact, Fengping is also boring now.

In fact, this is the case. Waiting for ghosts to appear is a common and helpless thing for Feng Ping. Only when ghosts come out can there be a tense situation.

"Master Feng, what time do ghosts usually come out?" Moreover, Feifan asked, and there was a little bit of ridiculity in his tone.

"Hmm..." Feng Ping snorted lazily, turned his head and looked at Kuang Feifan for a long time before saying, "Anytime."

What's more, he was very dissatisfied with his half-dead attitude and simply came out of the bedroom.

Feng Ping frowned and did not object. He pointed to another empty lounge chair beside him.

Didn't you say that strange phenomena often happen? Why is it so quiet now? Moreover, Feifan sat down and asked.

Fengping rubbed his eyebrows with one finger and said lightly, "It has something to do with the props I arranged. The ghosts hidden in the room can no longer appear at will. They can only act in the direction I guide, but if they break free from the shackles, it will be extremely troublesome."

At this point, he took a look at the extraordinary situation and looked at his hand.

"You have something in your hand." He said.

Kuang Feifan was slightly stunned. Maybe Feng Ping accidentally saw the rosary on his wrist. He smiled and said, "I wear beads."

Feng Ping stretched out his hand to him: "Can I have a look?"

Wang Feifan paused and reached out to take off the rosary and handed it to Feng Ping.

In his hand, Feng Ping's eyes were stern, and his expression looked quite surprised. He raised his rosary to shine under the lamp and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Kuang Feifan smiled and said, "Bai Ru sent me to protect myself. I didn't ask about the origin."

Feng Ping shook his head gently and said with a sigh, "This is an authentic human bone rosary. Speaking of which, I haven't seen such a pure one for a long time. There are too many fakes on the market, and I seem to feel that there is a strong spiritual power in it."

"People...human bones?" What's more, I was shocked.

He did not ask Bai Ru about the material and origin of the rosary, and Bai Ru did not explain it to him, so this was the first time he learned that the string of rosary beads he was wearing was actually called human bone rosary beads.

Human bones are naturally human bones.

Looking at his strange face, Feng Ping smiled and explained, "It's okay. What are you afraid of? The human bone rosary can be said to be a unique magic weapon of tantra, which is quite powerful. Especially if the beads on it are made of extremely high lama bones, it is even more amazing."

He enthusiastically told Kung Feifan about the origin of human bone rosary beads, and it seemed that the string of rosary beads in his opponent had a great interest.

"Cough..." Kuang Feifan coughed twice when he paused and stretched out his hand to prepare to come back.

Feng Ping hesitated for a moment before handing the rosary back to him and said, "Put it on, but it's better not to use it tonight..."

"What?" What a surprise.

Fengping shrugged his shoulders and said, "Or, please don't use it unless you have to. If you make good use of it, you can directly break up the ghost. It's a little too domineering."

Kuang Feifan rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "At present, I don't feel that I have so much ability. It's all ghosts to deal with me. It seems that I really haven't scattered ghosts."

"It's normal, because you're too ordinary." Fengping took it for granted.

Seeing that Kuo Feifan's face was not good, Feng Ping added: "Actually, this is also related to your current physical condition."

However, his words still make Kuang Feifan feel unhappy. According to what he just said, the human bone rosary is so powerful. Why is it in his own hand? It is an ornament, which can bless himself at most and avoid evil. You should know that he also taught several horrible evil spirits with the rosary beads before. Is it all gone? Shit luck?

Feng Ping knew that he had just made a mistake and closed his mouth knowingly and was not ready to continue to discuss the topic of rosary.

For a long time, Kuang Feifan sighed, put on the rosary again, and then said, "Well, I don't have to spray blood on the rosary tonight. Anyway, it hurts every time I bite my tongue."

Feng Ping laughed a few times and didn't dare to answer this. He said, "Well, are you going back to stay by the bed? If there is any abnormal situation, just do as we said before."

Hu Feifan said "um" and stood up.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a bad mood, Feng Ping couldn't help but say, "What, do you remember what to do?"

The extraordinary glanced at him: "If you feel that the ghost is looking at me, try to stay still. If the ghost wants to deal with me, try to avoid it, and then lead it to the red rope gap on the other side of the balcony."

With that, he took another look at the two positions of the balcony and the gate. At the gap of the red rope, there were several earth-burning human figures, which could barely be regarded as clay dolls, and the handwork was extremely rough.

When he saw Feng Ping take out two dolls from the yellow paper bag, he also asked him. He said that this could be attached to it. Similarly, the soil for burning dolls also used century-old tomb soil.

Lying down by the bed again, he sighed for a long time. He didn't really care about Feng Ping's words. He'd better finish his "media" work.

As the house calmed down again, gradually, the extraordinary was a little sleepy, and his upper and lower eyelids began to fight. At this time, he felt chills.

The bedroom floor is covered with a thick carpet and covered with a blanket. Under normal circumstances, you should not feel cold on your body, but now you obviously feel a cold wind blowing through the blanket, and the carpet under you has lost its original warm and soft feeling and become cold and humid.

It seems that...is coming...