
Chapter 152 The muddy water in the bathtub

Moreover, Feifan was lying on the ground with his back to the side of the bed and felt that the carpet suddenly became cool and wet. He couldn't help but be shocked. He looked up, reached out and touched it, and immediately his fingertips were wet.

came to my eyes and looked at it. Before I could see the situation clearly, there was a smell of rust penetrating into my nose.

It's amazing. You don't need to look carefully to know what's on your hand.

In order not to startle the snake, he slowly turned his head and looked at the bed behind him.

The double bed is not high, and you can see ** as soon as you lean.

In fact, as soon as he turned his head, he saw that there was a continuous ** flowing down the side of the mattress, but strangely, there was no change on the mattress, and the ash sprinkled evenly on it was intact.

But immediately, Huan Fei saw that the bedside, the wall and even the roof were splashed with blood, and the blood splashed on the wall seemed to have just fallen on it, and the sticky blood slowly slid down on the wall.

In addition, he couldn't help but be stunned, but when he got up from the ground, with a wrong look, the scene around him returned as before.

He took a closer look at the ground, and the carpet was not soaked with blood.

Whether it was an illusion or a real appearance just now, it disappeared this second.

No one shakes, and there is no gust of wind. Moreover, Feifan knew that he could not walk to the balcony, so he could only wait quietly for the ghost to appear.

He slowly approached the bedroom door from the bedside and turned his head to find that the door had been closed at some point.

"Damn, the wind and the sky don't care, let the door close? Don't even say stare at me..."

Moreover, Feifan was ready to walk over and open the door.

not far behind, a dark shadow flashed through the house.

"When it is..."

He keenly heard a slight sound of bells ringing by the window of the house.

Although there was only a sound, he couldn't help looking at the window and into the light of the house from the window, with dark shadow shaking.

He couldn't help but be stunned. There were only low bushes in the flower beds outside the building. Although the street light lines in the community can penetrate into the house, there are no tall trees in front of the lamp, and there is no tree shadow illuminated by the light to form a shadow through the window. So what will be the dark shadow in the light now?

I couldn't help leaning against the window. He wanted to see what the shadow was formed.

At this time, his body was facing the double bed, and when the corner of his eyes passed, he suddenly felt something wrong.

It seems that there is a person sitting by the bed just now.

Turn your head, ** empty.

I suddenly felt that I was probably nervous just now.

Then, his eyes widened, and a mark appeared on the incense ash by the bedside, like an indentation formed after someone had just sat by the bedside.

His heart tightened and he couldn't help looking around to find unusual places in the house.

Suddenly, there was a faint "gurgling" in the room without lights, not the kind of thing rolling over the floor, like the sound of water flowing into the water outlet.

The bedroom he is staying in now is the master bedroom of the whole suite, and the bathroom in the master bedroom, that is, the bathroom, and the sound comes from it.

It was immediately remembered that the child who had just started school died in the bathroom.

Is the ghost of the child in it?

He turned his head and looked at the door. He didn't know what Fengtian was doing outside. Did he know that something strange had happened in it?

After listening carefully for a while, there was no sound outside the door.

What's more, he frowned. He didn't forget what Fengtian once said. Don't panic when you encounter anything. Keep calm. At present, there is nothing that can hurt you. Only the atmosphere in the air makes people feel tense.

He turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

When he walked past the double bed, he couldn't help looking sideways. ** Nothing else appeared except the mark.

He was not going to look any further and stared at the bathroom.

Behind the bed, a figure gradually appeared in the air, with only a white outline, but the shoulders were empty. The figure seemed to carry something tied with a long rope in his left hand and shook gently around.

What's more, his body stiffened. Although he didn't see anyone, he also felt a feeling of someone behind him from the bottom of his heart.

He stopped and wanted to look back, but before he looked back, the sound of water coming from the faucet came from the bathroom in front of him.

Moreover, Feifan's expression glanced around with the corners of his eyes nervously, did not look back, and accelerated his pace and walked to the bathroom.

The bathroom door is closed. When you get close, you can hear the sound of flowing water inside. It seems that someone is putting water into the bathtub.

The smooth and white bathtub couldn't help but emerge again in front of Feifan.

He leaned against the door and gently pushed the bathroom door open.

The crack of the door was getting bigger and bigger in front of him, and he couldn't help but be stunned. In the bathroom, there was a thick shower curtain.

He clearly remembered that the shower curtain inside had been put away and tied with a rope, but now it has been pulled open and the bathtub is completely covered.

The sound of water release stopped when the door was completely pushed open, and the fog in the bathroom was soaring. This situation should have appeared only when hot water was put in, but now it gives people a cold and humid feeling inside.

There is a mirror hanging on the basin closer to the door, which is now covered with a layer of water vapor and cannot illuminate the indoor situation.

In addition, with a heart hanging, he raised his foot and walked in.

When I passed the mirror, I inadvertently glanced at him. I could vaguely see his outline. Just as I was about to turn around, I suddenly found that there was something dark behind my left shoulder beside the figure reflected in the mirror.

Wang Feifan was shocked and subconsciously looked back, intuitively making him think it was a piece of hair.

At the moment he turned around, the bathroom door slowly closed as if it had been pulled by an invisible hand.

Moreover, Feifan didn't notice that the door was closed. Seeing that there was nothing behind him, he resisted his panic and still walked to the shower curtain.

He sank, summoned up the courage to reach for the side of the shower curtain and suddenly pulled the curtain open.

What I saw in front of me was quite surprised. There was about half a tank of water in the bathtub, but what was puzzling was that it was not clear water, but red and black muddy water. When the curtain was opened, the water was slowly leaking down the mouth.


The water in it seems to be a little sticky, and bubbles emerge from the water from time to time, and then explode one by one. The water rotates on the mouth of the water, forming a small vortex.

Moreover, Feifan stared into the bathtub in a daze. He was a little distracted for a moment. In his secret, he could realize that his eyes could not leave the bathtub, and the water gradually decreased. In a trance, he saw the muddy water that he could not see the bottom there. A pair of eyes were slowly opening, approaching the small black vortex, and the extraordinary double The pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank, and he only felt a dazzle, and an indescribable darkness was gradually approaching him, as if to swallow him up.