
Chapter 167 Boy

Moreover, he couldn't believe what he saw. Just a step away from a candle, there was a figure floating in the swaying candlelight, and he could see the face of the figure. It seemed that it could be said that the figure was not a person.

The figure in mid-air has a baby face, but it is a incomplete baby face. On the white face, there are no black eyes in a pair of big staring eyes, and two equally white eyeballs protrude from the eyes and stare at a place, and Feifan feels that those eyes do not seem to be staring at him. Instead, he stared at He Xu lying on the floor behind him through his body.

There is no nose or ears on the face. Except for a pair of eyes, there is only a large open mouth. The almost pale lips are very large. It can be faintly seen in the rotten and purulent mouth, only half of the tongue is wriggling, and the white maggots on the mouth, tongue and teeth are also squirming.

Moreover, Feifan can clearly distinguish that the scream came from the mouth of the baby face. However, if he only saw such a face, he felt that he would not be scared to tremble slightly. What shocked him was that the body under the baby face seemed to be pulled by three people. The long deformed people are twisted together. He can't tell how the three people are entangled together, because their bodies can't be seen at all, but their heads are exposed.

The extraordinary vision has always been good, so in such a dim candlelight in the room, he can still see the gender of the three people's heads, two women with shawls and a short-headed man, but they can't see their appearance, because each of their heads is blurred.

What's more unexpected is that the three people who make up the body are still wriggling their bodies, which causes their heads to change their positions from time to time. The only thing is that they are all opening their mouths and screaming, and harsh screams rise one after another in the four mouths of the four people. If it weren't for the extraordinary rosary to protect themselves, I'm afraid I'm afraid that the sound has pierced his eardrums.

However, no matter how the three people on his body twist, the baby face still stared at the extraordinary side, which made him have an idea. If it hadn't been for the circle surrounded by red rope around He Xu, I'm afraid the baby face would have rushed over long ago.

Go up or don't move.

This idea flashed in Kuang Feifan's mind, and then he decided to wait and watch the change. As for the reason why he covered his head, he himself would not be driven crazy by the scream.

Unfortunately, just after making this decision, he suddenly heard a faint "cluck" sound, like the sound of the upper and lower teeth in his mouth when they couldn't help bumping.

The sound was mixed with screams and could be heard in his ears, which surprised Bu Feifan, but diluted the fear brought to him by the baby face. He carefully distinguished it. Hearing the sound should not be far from him, he couldn't help but look at He Xu lying on the floor.

At this look, I found that during this period, He Xu seemed to have woke up from his previous coma, but because of the impact of the screams, he is now in a semi-conscious and semi-coma. At this time, he was like a shrimp, and his whole body almost curled up into a ball, with his hands holding his head. The "cluck" sound was made by him. Although he couldn't see He Xu's face, he believed that the expression on his face was also distorted by great pain, which could be seen from the constant twitching of his whole body.

I believe that it is precisely because the pain felt is too great that He Xu can't make a big move. He can only move like now and endure it vividly.

This embarrassed the situation for a while. He knew that if it went on like this, He Xu, who was half dead, would definitely die here. That is to say, he could not just stay by his side, but must stop the screaming of the baby face as soon as possible.

"Fuck you... uncle..." Kuo Feifan roared, rushed forward and punched the baby face.

The baby's face moved slightly and disappeared into the candle. The wind suddenly blew the flame on the candle, but it was not extinguished by the wind. Instead, the strong wind brought by the extraordinary body rushed forward and almost extinguished the candlelight.

The scream disappeared in the house for a moment.

Moreover, Feifan looked at the candle that was almost extinguished by himself. Although he did not know much about the methods of Fengtian, it seemed that these candles formed a circle, making the baby face unable to come in.

If it is extinguished...

In addition, Feifan took a cold breath and hurriedly retreated away from the candle.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the baby face suddenly appeared next to another candle and seemed to be ready to scream. Moreover, Feifan almost had a certain resistance to the body in front of him at this time. He rolled his eyes, raised his hand, and sprayed the "anti-ghost agent" directly.

This action was quite rapid, and a misty drop of water did not fall at all and completely fell on the baby face.

Fortunately, I didn't worry about the situation of water fog extinguishing candles. Fortunately, the effect of the "anti-ghost agent" is indeed effective.

The sprayed baby face twisted his body in pain and disappeared into mid-air again, but he noticed that this time the baby face faded in mid-air little by little, and did not directly turn into a gust of wind as before.

There is a door!

I glanced at He Xu and found that his body seemed to be a little relaxed. It seemed that if the scream did not appear, his pain was also relieved.

Kuang Feifan gritted his teeth and held up the "anti-ghost agent" to wait for the baby face to appear next time.

But when the baby face appeared in front of a candle again, it still shocked Wen Feifan. There was red blood from the corners of his eyes on the face, like tears. Not only his eyes, but also the corners of his mouth began to slowly ooze blood. What made him sweat more, there were white maggots coming from his mouth. The gushing out, the squirming body is really disgusting.

The most unbearable thing is that those maggots keep falling to the ground from the mouth of the baby face and then begin to crawl forward.

It's disgusting...

Kuang Feifan couldn't help grinning and rushed forward with another spray.

Unexpectedly, this time he took action slowly, and Feng Tian, who had been sitting in front of the mirror, threw the red rope ring in his hand before him.

What's more, when he noticed that he did it, he also realized that the reason why Fengtian would take action this time was that the baby face appeared next to a candle closest to the mirror, basically facing the mirror.

Fengtian threw a red coil and suddenly hit the neck of the baby face. When the rope ring was tightened, he saw that the baby face was obviously stiff.

At the same time, the three heads on the baby face suddenly began to stretch forward desperately, opening their mouths as if they wanted to bite the tightened red rope.

But Fengtian obviously won't give them a chance. As soon as they pulled their wrists, the baby face flew towards the mirror.

"Quickly, force it into the mirror with a spray." The wind and sky are in an extraordinary situation.

From the shaking rope, it can be seen that the baby face does not want to return to the mirror like this.

What's more, he didn't dare to neglect. He pressed the button on the spray and even stepped on the maggots on the floor.

Fengtian pulled the baby face and approached the mirror little by little under the continuous pressure of the "anti-ghost agent".

The closer it is to the mirror, the more resistant the baby's face is, but because the red rope is bound, it just keeps struggling. The three heads on the body keep biting the red rope, but as soon as they hit it, they dodged as if they were burned, and then continued to bite the red rope...

When the baby's face looked at the mirror, Fengtian pulled the rope and shouted, "Come on, smash it with rosary beads."

What's more, Feifan didn't think about it, so he threw the rosary in his hand.

Unfortunately, the rosary did not hit the baby face, but on the mirror and then fell to the floor.

I was extremely surprised to find that the baby face had drilled into the mirror before being hit by the rosary.


Moreover, Feifan stamped his feet unwillingly. It is estimated that after the baby face enters the mirror, he may be able to avoid him.

But Fengtian didn't seem to have the intention of giving up. On the contrary, he took out the only black dog blood left and splashed it when the baby face had just appeared in the mirror.

Suddenly, with a "cluck", the place splashed by black dog blood on the mirror was as if it had been hit by a hard object. A crack appeared, and then spread around, like a cobweb. Moreover, Feifan and Fengtian clearly heard it. A scream came from the mirror, which was different from all the previous screams, although it was the same It is full of desperate screams in the face of death, but it can't make them feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, he felt an unprecedented relaxation, which was a unique sense of relaxation after the war, because he had seen that the whole body of the baby face suddenly collapsed into several pieces, as well as the two men and one woman who made up the body.

When they looked at the baby face in the mirror and broke into countless pieces, the huge mirror in front of them also began to crack, and then fell from the wall to the floor.

At the same time, the eight candles on the floor also disappeared without wind, and the house suddenly fell into darkness.

For a long time, Kuang Feifan gasped and muttered, "Is it over?"

After sinking for a moment, Feng Tianchang breathed and said in a relaxed tone, "It should... be over."

It's just that it's obviously not time to rest. Moreover, Feifan tried it. The light of the whole villa was still not on, but the door could be opened. He found the electric gate in the house and looked at it, and the main gate fell off.

After closing the gate, the villa finally became bright, and the whole experience was like a nightmare. When they saw the dead maggots still remaining on the floor of the practice room, they still felt a little nauseous.

Fengtian found his bag, turned out a bottle of oil from it and poured it on the body, burning the body clean. Then, the two carried He Xu, who fell into a coma again, back to the living room.

At this time, Kuang Feifan couldn't help thinking of something and asked Fengtian, "By the way, how could you find water to wake me up in the living room just now?" If I had known, I should have prepared more for the cold water pipe.

"Uh..." Feng Tian was stunned, scratched his head quite unnaturally, and said awkwardly, "Actually, that's not ordinary cold water..."

"What? Added ingredients? Fragrant ash?" Moreover, he asked curiously.

Feng Tian grabbed his chin and said in a low voice, "Mixed the boy...urin..."