
Chapter 168 Paranormal Video

"What?" Kuang Feifan asked again as if he didn't hear it clearly, but Fengtian did not answer this time. What he just said was obviously heard, but he didn't want to believe his ears.

"Bah..." Thinking that the water still flowed into my mouth before, and Feifan subconsciously took a few sips. No wonder I felt a little strange at that time. I'm afraid that although it was diluted by water, I still didn't avoid my sensitive sense of smell.

Feng Tian did not look embarrassed at all, and his limbs lay on a sofa.

Moreover, Feifan also understood that no matter what, the water was poured down to save them, but the material added in it was really unbearable. He looked at Fengtian doubtfully and asked, "You are still carrying a boy's urine?" That thing..."

Suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to Fengtian as if he had found a new continent and shouted in surprise, "So you are still a child..."

"Stop..." Feng Tian reluctantly straightened up, stared at his eyes and waved his fist in extraordinary condition, raised his voice to stop him and continued to speak.

"Hahaha..." Moreover, Feifan seemed to have found something interesting. Although he stopped talking, he couldn't help laughing. Thinking of Fengtian once said that his blood was worse than his, and with this added water, it was not difficult to infer the situation of Fengtian.

It's finally Feng Tianxiao's turn to be depressed. There's nothing he can do. He didn't intend to say this kind of thing. Although it's nothing, it's easy to make people "despise" it.

It's just that the boy is the most scarce "species" in the exorcism industry. He can't break this limit casually unless he has to.

"Have you laughed enough?" Feng Tian is not angry with the extraordinary situation.

In fact, Feifan rarely laughs at a person so exaggeratedly, but Fengtian has been "making" him, and it is rare to have a handle in his hand. What's more, Feifan simply laughed at him half-truthily.

waved his hand, and Huan Feifan slowly returned to his normal look. Looking at He Yang and Julie, in addition to their miserable appearance, especially Julie is still full of blood. At this time, they are already in a coma.

He tried his best to cheer up. He got up and checked the two people again. Fengtian took a look and said, "It's okay. They are just sleeping now. The perfect physical defense mechanism will not be life-threatening, but they may be a little frightened mentally. I guess they will have to find a psychologist for them after waking up. Take a look."

When it comes to psychologists, I can't help thinking of Bai Ru.

It's just that the current situation does not allow him to think about other things. Seeing that the two people's lives are indeed okay, he can't help but breathe, find two bottles of mineral water, hand them to Fengtian a bottle, and also find a sofa to sit down and rest.

After drinking half a bottle of water, he was a little uncomfortable with the silent atmosphere in the room and couldn't help asking, "What was that thing in the mirror just now?" It seems that the body is those three students... It's too weird."

Fengtian said "um" and said, "The games they played actually 'please' a fierce soul. I have only seen it once. The ability of the fierce soul is to devouring the soul of the person killed by it, and it will not disappear if it is not completely devoured. These two children are very successful."

Sung Feifan couldn't help smiling bitterly: "The sound of that thing is really powerful."

Feng Tian shrugged his shoulders, and an awkward look flashed on his face and said, "Actually, I was also negligent. If I hadn't forgotten that there was a TV, I wouldn't have been forced by it to that situation."

"Uh..." For his explanation, Feifan can only express his speechless. At least it has been solved, and this matter can be regarded as an end so far.

Fengtian calmed down, got up and tore off the red rope that had blocked the stairs before, and then went upstairs to find the guest room. It seemed that he was ready to go to bed.

Kuang Feifan frowned: "You don't care about them anymore?"

He pointed to He Xu and Julie on the sofa.

Fengtian waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's better not to touch them now, just let them stay like this. When they can wake up naturally, they will be completely fine."

After thinking about it, it was time to teach the two children a lesson, so he shrugged his shoulders and simply followed Fengtian upstairs to find a house to sleep. He stayed with Fengtian for a long time. Unconsciously, he also fell into that kind of informal problem.

The two can be said to have slept until dawn. It was not until the door of the room where Wen Feifan slept was kicked open by Fengtian that he reluctantly opened his eyes, looked at Fengtian standing at the door holding his mobile phone, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

"It seems that we still have to go back to Futianyuan." The look on Fengtian's face is ugly.

This sentence and his expression told Kuo Feifan that the matter of Fu Tianyuan did not seem to be solved. He jumped up from **, patted his face, and followed Feng Tian out of the house.

"I have asked He Xufu to drive directly here." The wind and sky sounded.

The two were not polite and casually washed in He Xu's bathroom. At this time, He Xu and Julie on the sofa also woke up.

Obviously, the two had not been free from the crazy screams last night. As soon as they woke up, they couldn't help screaming. Feng Tian did not intend to be gentle at all. One of them enjoyed a glass of cold water, which calmed them down.

Because their parents were asked to come at noon, Fengtian could only let He Xufu come here to find them. Soon, the doorbell rang.

Moreover, Feifan went to open the door and saw He Xufu standing outside the door breathlessly, with a frightened look on his face. He couldn't help but be stunned and asked, "Why are you like this?"

"The car at the door was not allowed in. I ran in." He Xufu shook the notebook under his armpit, couldn't help licking his dry lips and said.

Moreover, Feifan hurriedly pulled him into the room. Seeing the messy living room, He Xufu couldn't help but be stunned. Even though he realized that Master Feng must have been busy all night last night, he said to the two with admiration, "You two have worked hard all night. Didn't have a good rest."

Feng Tian smiled and waved his hand to him without saying much. He waved to send He Xu and Julie to the bedroom with him to have a good rest.

He Xu said that Julie was shocked again when she saw that her face was full of dry blood. Feng Tian didn't bother to explain to her. She just let her clean up by herself, and then almost let her rest in a commanding tone.

Moreover, he knew that he didn't like the two children, but it was true that if they hadn't played games together, so many things would not have happened, so he didn't persuade Fengtian.

Although Fengtian did not have a good impression of them on the surface, after all, the two still experienced the scene of last night. In order to avoid the fact that they could not relax and rest at this time, he deliberately matched two cups of water to ward off evil spirits, let them drink them, found two sleeping pills for them to take, watched them go to bed, and fainted. After falling asleep, he went downstairs to find He Xufu.

When he got down, he found that He Xufu looked restless and was turning around like a headless fly in the living room. Even if he sat on the sofa, he stood up again as soon as he touched the sofa, like a hemorrhoid.

"What's going on?" Seeing his appearance, Fengtian stepped forward and asked directly.

As soon as he saw the two returning from upstairs, He Xufu reached out and took Fengtian to sit on the sofa like a savior, and then quickly opened his laptop. While adjusting the program, he said in a rather frightening tone: "When I went to check in the morning, I found a terrible situation..."

Pang Feifan also came over curiously and heard He Xufu continue to say, "You don't know. Originally, as soon as I entered the door, I felt quite normal, but when I entered the master bedroom, it really scared me..."

Fengtian frowned and said, "To the point, you can't say it clearly on the phone, and now it's still so lingered."

He Xufu smiled dryly and saw that he kept licking his lips. Moreover, Feifan handed him a bottle of water, and then said, "Just say something."

After taking the water, He Xufu looked at the two and deliberately lowered his voice, "As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the camera fixed by the tripod fell down."

"Uh..." Kuang Feifan thought for a moment and turned his head to ask Feng Tian, "Are you safe? Didn't you calm down?"

The wind shook its head.

He Xufu was very dissatisfied with the two of them. He shook his hands exaggeratedly and said, "Please, I haven't finished talking yet. I have called out the files recorded in the camera and the camera installed yesterday. You can see for yourself..."

At the end, his voice began to tremble, which made the weather extraordinary and situation not help but become serious.

At this time, the program in the computer was also adjusted. Seeing that He Xufu's hand touching the keyboard has been shaking slightly, he patted him on the shoulder, let him sit aside, and then took over to call up last night's video from the computer.

Both the camera and the digital camera have night vision function. He first opened the files recorded by the digital camera.

At the beginning of the video, the bed in the master bedroom is in the center of the view, and you can also see the corner of the bathroom, which is exactly the bathroom door.

Kuang Feifan turned his head and asked He Xufu, "Have you finished reading it? Did you write down the time?"

He Xufu grinned: "No... I've finished reading it."

I had no choice but to adjust the video to four times the speed. Finally, at exactly 12 o'clock, there was an abnormal situation in the video.

A small white shadow floated out of the bathroom and sank into a wall.

Moreover, he hurriedly returned the playback speed to normal and looked at it again after a period of time. Sure enough, a white figure floated out from the closed bathroom door. He was not tall and soon disappeared into the wall next to him.

Looking further, there is a new situation in the video. The white figure keeps flashing and disappearing in the house, and it looks like wandering around.

Unfortunately, there was no clear picture. Soon, the video painting changed and suddenly tilted to the side. It seemed that someone should have pushed the tripod down next to it, but there was nothing in the picture.

"This..." Before Feifan expressed his opinion, He Xufu pointed to another document and said, "Look at this, look at this..."

Opening the file, I found that this was a section recorded by the camera installed in the corner of the roof of the living room, which was just directed to most of the living room.

Suddenly, without warning, a white object gradually went down from the lens and then covered the whole camera. Then it seemed that a pair of eyes flashed, followed by a grin mouth, as if smiling, and a white underneath moved in front of the camera until it was on the edge of the camera from top to bottom. The fate disappears.

The corner can be 1.7 meters high from the ground.