
Chapter 206 Burning the Body

The wind and sky flashed from the front of the freezer to the side. At the same time, it was surprised to find that the black fog coming out of the cabinet door rushed into the air, forcing the white mist that filled the house.

In the blink of an eye, the black fog no longer came out. Because he was worried about the old man, Feng Tian leaned over and looked into the freezer. There was indeed a man in it. When he saw the man clearly, his heart couldn't help sinking down. The person lying was the old man, but now he seemed to be lifeless and had been out of breath for a long time.

Although I'm not sure when Lao Hou died, he should not die for too long. If the sound he just heard was made by him, it would only be a few minutes, but his body was stiff, as if he had died for a period of time.

Feng Tian hesitated for a moment and stretched out his hand to pull out the metal plate in the cabinet. Lao Hou, who lay flat on it, stared at a pair of godless eyes, with a ferocious expression, as if he had seen something terrible at the moment of death, but his stiff body lay straight up to the sky, as if he had not struggled to resist when he died.

What's more strange is that Lao Hou's hands were placed on his chest, and his frozen hands actually held a black skull skull, which surprised Feng Tian's heart. Although the skull was already fleshless, he could still distinguish that the reason why it was black was not because of the painting, but because of the passage. It is caused by the fire of the charm in Taoism, that is to say, this skull is likely to belong to Luo Jingjing. At the beginning, Lao Hou once said that he would throw the charm that had been kept in his hand to Luo Jingjing's face after the corpse transformation.

It's just that the spell caused Luo Jingjing's body to turn into a skeleton. Why does the skull appear in Laohou's hand and where are the other parts of the bones?

Feng Tian was full of doubts, and suddenly a cold wind blew in front of him, blowing the fog. The wind just brushed the skull in Laohou's hand. Seeing that the black skull was blown away by the wind, it turned into a piece of black dust and floated into the air with the wind.

This made Fengtian involuntarily shocked and hurriedly retreat far away from the freezer. He was not sure whether there was any danger if the dust from the skull stained his body.

While the skull disappeared, Laohou's twisted and stiff face suddenly began to flow blood from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. At this time, the red blood was particularly eye-catching and dazzling, and the smell of choking blood suddenly emanated.

The wind and sky knew what was wrong, but they didn't wait for him to react. As the blood could not stop flowing out, blood rivers had formed on the head of the old marquis. The old marquis's whole body dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a mummified corpse that had lost moisture and elasticity. His round eyes were particularly prominent. , like bulging goldfish's eyes, and then seemed to continue to expand. Suddenly, the eyes burst open, and the black and smelly ** splashed everywhere.

And after the red blood flowed to the plate below the body, it flowed down to the ground along the edge of the plate. Unexpectedly, it converged into a small river on the smooth ground, as if it had life, continued to flow forward, winding, like a walking blood snake, and the direction was standing at this time. The place.

Feng Tian's consciousness wanted to retreat to the side, but at this time, he felt that something was approaching him behind him. He was alert all his life. He hurriedly turned his head and looked at the position where he was about to go. A black figure was floating in the air. The figure was actually made of black fog. To be precise, it should be A human figure was wrapped in the black smoke emitted from his body. Because the black fog was too thick to see the man's appearance.

But Fengtian always felt that the figure was like a woman. He couldn't help but move. Is it the remnant soul of Luo Jingjing?

This idea is just a flash. At present, it is not the time to analyze and study. Fengtian believes that the black smoke is absolutely not simple. I'm afraid that if he encounters it, the possibility of his life being finished is infinite.

There is a blood river in front and black smoke in the back. Fortunately, the area of the morgue itself is not small. If the speed of action, it is not difficult to provide space for him to dodge.

But soon he found that the blood river seemed to have wisdom, just like he used to circle the space with red rope when he started to exorcise ghosts. The blood river was constantly changing its direction, but the purpose was not to force him, but to encircle him.

With the wriggling blood-colored river, the human figure formed by the black fog also rushed to him in the air, and the posture of opening his teeth and claws made Feng Tian have to avoid him as much as possible.

What makes the wind and the sky more depressed is that even if you spray the "ghost spray" into the black fog, it can only barely block it. The water droplets spewed out disappear when they touch the black fog. Its effect is only to make the black fog thicker and lighter, but it is not enough to eliminate the black fog human form.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Fengtian does feel a little nervous at this moment. He is not lack the ability to respond to such a dangerous moment, but in the past, when he took action, he was used to grasp the favorable position of the environment first and arrange various countermeasures, so he is more like a trap and other prey to come in. Instead of becoming a target that is being forced into a trap as it is now.

The current situation couldn't help but make Feng Tian angry. He gritted his teeth and stretched out a middle finger at the black fog human figure, and involuntarily looked back at the situation behind him to find out which position it was more favorable to retreat next.

Suddenly, he saw the three incense by the door that had been extinguished at an unknown time, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He turned to the incense burner and bent down to hold the incense burner.

The incense burner is loaded with about half incense ash, and the bottom is fine sand. In his impression, he remembers this incense burner, and the fine sand there should be mixed with Guanyin water, and the effect of exorcism should be at the upper level.

Feng Tian laughed fiercely, which was a rare expression for him. With his hand holding the incense burner, he faced the black fog human figure. Seeing that the distance was almost the same, he shook his hand, and the incense ash in the incense burner was sprinkled directly with fine sand.

Sure enough, in a burst of dust flying, the black fog figure covered his face. In time, the figure seemed to have been splashed by sulfuric acid. The gray sand completely annihilated the black fog. It was faintly visible that there was indeed a human figure hidden in the fog, but when the gray sand fell on the human figure, a ball of blue fog rose up in the air, accompanied by With the corroding sound, I still can't see the human figure in the fog, but it doesn't matter. The figure covered by dust twisted his body painfully and couldn't help raising his hand to grab his face and body.

Fengtian seemed to hear the sad and painful cry of the human figure, but he didn't care. On the contrary, his heart was relieved and a cold smile appeared.

And the gray sand sprinkled on the ground also effectively prevented the blood river from continuing to flow forward. Soon, the wind and sky's face sank again. The gray sand only blocked the trend of the blood river flow, but it could not completely make it disappear. On the other hand, the figure was not subdued by the gray sand. It seemed that it was still painful, but the black smoke was gradually It came out of itself again.

Seeing this situation, Fengtian also felt a little helpless. Obviously, unlike the ghosts he usually see, it is likely to be the product of the nine-turn soul formation.

Fengtian was a little embarrassed, his mind changed, and finally made up his mind to completely end all this, but once he did it, the possibility of not to disturb the people outside was almost zero.

gritted his teeth, Feng Tian took a deep breath, put his hand into the pocket of his clothes, and took out five columns that were not too long. That was his own *. The reason why he dared to put it in his pocket was that although it was self-made, it was very stable and would not usually go wrong.

Similarly, because it is homemade, the power is naturally different from normal *, and the effect is certainly impossible to be the same. The risk factor of use is quite high.

Or, what he has in his hand is only called * on the surface.

Fengtian took out one, clamped the rest under his armpit, held the two ends of * with both hands, gently folded it, broke a crack, and threw it into the ground not far away. Only a thick ** flowed from the fold.

He made a way to break another one and throw it to the ground. Then he quickly ran to the door of the morgue, drew a blood charm on the palm of his hand, patted the door, and opened the door of the house that had been forbidden.

Fengtian put his body against the door, pulled open a circle of paper wrapped in the remaining three *, and pulled out the "*", but this "*" was not lit with a flame, but needed pure yang blood, also known as child blood.

Naturally, the blood on the tip of the boy's tongue was the purest, and Feng Tian had to bite the tip of the tongue again and squeeze out the blood to it.

The way is different, but the effect is the same. The blood-stained * immediately emits green smoke and makes a "hash" burning sound. However, Fengtian has been calculated for a long time, and it will not explode and burn immediately when it is lit.

After all three * were lit in the same way, he began to calculate the time. It was not until about that he shook his hand and threw it out. * was thrown high into the air, rolling and rotating circles one by one. At this time, Fengtian didn't care about admiring his homemade work and squeezed out of the door. Just now, he was able to fight for the strength to breastfeed. The door couldn't make him unable to move.

Returning to the corridor, he ran to the door of the stairwell before he could breathe, reached out to open the door and rushed in, locked the door of the stairwell from this side with his backhand, and then took three steps and two steps up the stairs to the courtyard outside the teaching building.

At this moment, in the morgue, the three * flying in the air exploded before falling to the ground, which was different from explosives. After the explosion, the * changed into countless flying flames. Small but countless fires splashed around. Even if they touched the freezers on both sides or on the ground, the flames did not go out. Instead, it burns and spreads around.

In a short time, the whole morgue was shrouded in a sea of fire, and the flames mercilessly devoured the black fog human figure and the blood river on the ground, and the body of the old marquis was burned out.

The flame did not go out so easily. The fire alarm rang harshly as soon as the flame was lit, and the whole layer of automatic sprinkler device was also activated. Unfortunately, it had no effect on the flame in the morgue. Only ** in * can be completely extinguished with the flame.

The wind hurried up the stairs and pushed open the door in front of him. The cool wind blew on his face in an instant, and he was finally relieved. That tight heart can finally be put down now.

Stepping on the ground in the courtyard, Feng Tian turned around and closed the door of the stairwell and pushed the garbage bin next to him to the top, which could block it for a while. That's why he didn't want to use * at the beginning. This kind of place is not suitable for that kind of big killer.

There are already people coming here not far away. Fengtian can't help but hope that only some people will come, but he doesn't plan to stay any more. When he sprinkled incense before, he was also disgraced. If someone sees his current appearance, I'm afraid it is more likely to call the police directly.

Fengtian flashed along the side of the building and walked to a secluded place. Just as he wanted to call to find the extraordinary situation, he suddenly felt something strange behind him. Just as he wanted to turn around, a cold hand like a dead man put on his shoulder.