
Chapter 207 Xiao Zhang's Wish

Without taking out the phone, he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He couldn't help but be shocked. The feeling of no temperature reminded him of the cold dead body for a moment. As the old saying goes, his shoulders can't be turned back, otherwise the three yang fires on his shoulders and head will be extinguished. Immediately, his shoulders sank and his figure He leaned forward and jumped forward with a force under his feet, and then turned around and sprayed out the "ghost repellent spray" that had just been taken out of his hand.

"Damn, what are you doing?" There was an extraordinary and stunned voice behind him.

Only then did Feng Tian find that the person who had just reached behind him and put his hand on his shoulder was actually extraordinary.

"Why is it you?" Fengtian was also a little surprised.

"I came out to find you and saw you sneaking this way. Of course, I followed you. What's the matter? There seems to be an alarm bell ringing?" Moreover, Feifan reached out and wiped the drops of water sprayed on his face and asked.

Fengtian looked in front of the teaching building at a distance and saw that some people had focused on watching there, but he didn't see anyone planning to rush in, so he was relieved and then said strangely, "Why are you so few people?"

"What?" Kuang Feifan followed his eyes and looked back. His heart moved. He couldn't help asking, "Is this alarm bell related to you?"

Fengtian motioned him to continue to walk forward with him, telling him what had happened as he walked.

When he learned that Lao Hou was also unable to save him, he couldn't help but feel sad. Although Feng Tian realized that there might be changes on his side, he did not know the details and believed it was not a pleasant experience. But because of this, he needed to say it and let others share it, otherwise it was likely to be more likely to hold it in his heart. Uncomfortable.

"Your side..." Feng Tian stared at the extraordinary face and asked.

In addition, Feifan couldn't help sighing and telling Feng Tian about his pursuit of Zhao Hongcheng and the fact that he was almost affected to jump downstairs.

When he finally recovered from the roof, he realized that he must have been affected by something, so he reluctantly got up and stumbled back to the hospital. He didn't know what to do with Fengtian, and he couldn't think of anything about what to do below. He had to quickly find the whereabouts of Fengtian.

However, the phone couldn't get through, and the places where the hospital could be turned around, and there was no trace of Fengtian. At this time, he thought of the teaching building next to him and hurried downstairs to the compound to take a look at the teaching building. At this time, many people had found Zhao Hongcheng's body, and the matter of someone jumping off the building was also spread in the hospital. .

Obviously, jumping off a building is more attractive than ringing the alarm bell, so only some people appeared in front of the teaching building just now, and most of them stayed around the scene where Zhao Hongcheng's body was found.

Five to save Zhao Hongcheng and Lao Hou, neither of them felt a little depressed and a sense of frustration arose, but there was nothing they could do. They didn't know much about the nine-turn soul suppression array in advance.

The two found the side door of the hospital and went out from there back to the street. Then they breathed a breath. What's more, the extraordinary is better. At this time, the wind is gray, which makes people likely to be suspicious. If they are alert, they may call the police.

As they walked to the parking place, they studied the current situation. This is the only thing for Lao Hou. They can only say nothing on Aunt Hou's side. In the end, it may be counted as missing persons. As for Zhao Hongcheng's matter, because he belongs to a lonely family, and to some extent, there is no worries.

At present, the more important thing is the safety of Wang Hai and his girlfriend, but Feifan has called them before, but no one has answered, which makes both of them a little worried.

"Try again." After getting into the car, the wind and weather were extraordinary.

Sang Feifan took out the phone and dialed it again. Unexpectedly, after ringing twice, it was connected. Wang Hai's lazy voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Where are you?" Kuang Fei asked directly.

Wang Hai was obviously stunned, but he quickly realized the extraordinary voice and casually said, "What's the matter at home?"

Wang Fei was shocked: "Didn't I tell you to let you go to the Taoist temple?"

I heard a messy sound on the phone, and I didn't know what he was tossing around. After a while, I heard Wang Hai's rather panicked voice: "I'm sorry, I... I forgot it in a hurry."

Wang Feifan almost went crazy. He held up the phone and waved it meaninglessly, took a deep breath, so that he should not be impulsive, and then he gritted his teeth and continued, "Wait for me. Fengtian and I will pick you up immediately."

After saying that, he was about to hang up the phone. Fengtian next to him had been listening attentively. At this time, he hurriedly said, "Wait, ask for the address."

Moreover, Feifan was also dizzy. Hearing what he said, thinking that he didn't know Wang Hai's address at all, he quickly loosened his finger that was about to press the hang-up button, asked Wang Hai's current location, and hung up the phone tiredly.

He was not in the mood to inquire why Wang Hai was disobedient to Taoism. In fact, fortunately he did not inquire about this question, otherwise, if he knew the reason, he would have to go away.

The reason why Wang Hai didn't rush to the Taoist temple in time is very simple. He has just been with his girlfriend Xiao Zhang.

To be honest, Wang Hai is not to blame. Originally, when he was in the hospital, he found that Zhao Hongcheng was missing and notified the situation was extraordinary. Then when they arrived at the hospital, he heard that he was told that he would take his girlfriend to the Taoist temple. He was also ready to do so, but as soon as he got home, he found that his girlfriend was sitting on the sofa and wiped tears. Naturally, he The task is to make your girlfriend happy.

Xiao Zhang's full name is Zhang Xiaohui. The reason why she cried is just because she has experienced terrible things during this period. It is inevitable that she will be depressed. More importantly, she and Wang Hai will get married next month. It has been a while since this decision, and her biggest wish is to A baby, so they have been thinking about getting pregnant during this period. For this reason, she and Wang Hai have been calculating the days and find a good time to finish this wish first, even if they are pregnant before marriage.

It happens that these days are the best time, but suddenly encountering this strange and horrible thing, she and Wang Hai are naturally not in the mood to think about it anymore, but today she is alone in the house, and the already depressed mood is suddenly amplified, and tears are inevitable.

When Wang Hai saw this situation, of course, he had to sit next to him and start to coax her. As a result, he didn't know whether Zhang Xiaohui was like this or women. The more he coaxed, the more he cried. Wang Hai almost tortured Wang Hai with one head and two big, and he couldn't lose his temper. There was nothing he could do. Wang Hai thought he was a hanging thread and could find such a In his eyes, his virtuous and virtuous girlfriend is too late to hurt. How can she be wronged?

And when he heard Zhang Xiaohui say the reason for crying, his heart tightened and his head suddenly felt bigger. He didn't expect that his girlfriend could complain that he had not taken the initiative to make out recently in the current situation.

I have to say that this reason is also justified. Speaking of today, today is the last day of Zhang Xiaohui's calculation. After today, the chance of getting pregnant will be reduced, and that goal is the biggest for Zhang Xiaohui.

Looking at his girlfriend's aggrieved appearance, Wang Hai's brain was hot and immediately threw the extraordinary things to Java. The only thing that came to his mind was not to disappoint his girlfriend. At present, the most important thing is to satisfy his girlfriend's wishes.

As soon as this idea came out, it was uncontrollable. Wang Hai stood up, stretched out his hand to pick up Zhang Xiaohui, and went straight to the bedroom in her exclamation. Before Zhang Xiaohui came to his senses, he had put her on **. Then, he took off his clothes, smiled and threw himself to bed.

Only then did Zhang Xiaohui understand what he was going to do. She couldn't help but be angry and funny. She beat him twice, but she did not object. Wang Hai skillfully untied her clothes, reached out and pulled the quilt, and immediately covered the infinite spring light in it.

Wang Hai sold his strength for a long time and sweated all over. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaohui didn't have time to cry anymore, which made him relieved. After a few words, he actually slept in a daze.

Until he was woken up by the extraordinary phone call, Zhang Xiaohui heard it first, but neither of them heard the previous phone calls.

When Wang Hai heard that Kuang Feifan mentioned going to the Taoist temple on the phone, Wang Hai remembered and hurriedly got up to look for clothes. Zhang Xiaohui couldn't help but be stunned.

When he hung up the phone, Zhang Xiaohui asked, "What's the matter?"

Wang Hai said to her while wearing it, "I forgot the business. Come on, get up, put on your clothes, and go to the Taoist temple with me."

Zhang Xiaohui frowned and didn't understand what he really meant.

After Wang Hai hurriedly explained what happened in the hospital, Zhang Xiaohui was also shocked and quickly got up to dress and make the bed, which was her habit.

Almost clean up, Wang Hai returned to the room with her. He said worriedly, "They will pick us up later. Don't say why we didn't go in time."

Zhang Xiaohui couldn't help looking at him and said angrily, "I blame you all."

Wang Hai suddenly became angry and eased his breath. Then he curled his lips and said, "I don't know who got up first."

"You..." Zhang Xiaohui stared at him fiercely, and Wang Hai quickly apologized with a smile.

Zhang Xiaohui hummed at him angrily and turned around and left. Wang Hai quickly asked, "They will come in a moment. What are you going to do?"

"Can't you go to the toilet?" Zhang Xiaohui said angrily.

Wang Hai had to laugh twice and shut his mouth wisely.

Zhang Xiaohui didn't go to the toilet for convenience. Her purpose was to check whether there was a chance of success in the cloud and rain just now, but when she went in, she found that the inspection tools had been used up and had not bought a new one. She was a little disappointed, so she casually walked to the basin and prepared to wash her hands and go out.

At this moment, the light bulb on the top of the toilet suddenly flashed, and then flashed a few times, but it did not go out.

The building is likely to have unstable voltage and current for a long time. She didn't care. She just raised her voice and said to the door, "Sea, do you have time to check our home appliances?"

"Oh..." Wang Hai obviously noticed the flashing light outside and agreed.

Zhang Xiaohui turned back and turned on the faucet. Unexpectedly, the faucet did not flow down as much as she wanted. She only heard a few purring sounds in the water pipe. It sounded like the sound made when the water supply was stopped. Then, a drop of black drops of water dripping from the faucet into the basin below, which seemed to be a steady smell. Taste.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Xiaohui couldn't help frowning and just about shouting at Wang Hai again to let him come in and look at the water pipe. Suddenly, the moment she looked up, she saw a woman in white standing not far behind her.

Zhang Xiaohui couldn't help screaming in horror and subconsciously looked back, only to find that there was no one behind her.

But this did not let her feel relieved, but kept the posture of turning her head and did not dare to move, because at the moment when she looked back, the corner of her eyes glanced at the corner of the toilet, there seemed to be a person standing facing the wall. However, she was not sure whether it was an illusion, and because of this, she was not Dare to turn around and look over again.

Involuntarily, Zhang Xiaohui's mood was already extremely nervous. In her ears, she could hear her heart beating like a drum. The feeling of not being sure made her feel suffocated, and she was so nervous that she was even about to faint.

At the same time, Wang Hai, who was in the living room, also heard her cry and couldn't help but be shocked. He hurriedly rushed to the toilet and stretched out his hand to open the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhang Xiaohui walking out from the inside, as if nothing had happened.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you call it? Wang Hai hurriedly asked.

Zhang Xiaohui looked at him and suddenly smiled: "What's wrong? Am I all right?"