
Chapter 228 Absolute Darkness

Fengtian saw that Beping covered his injured waist and sat down. He knew that the injury was likely to be not serious, and he couldn't help but be shocked, but at this time, the hungry man's waved claws had already caught him. Although he had tried his best to lean forward to avoid the claws, it seemed that he would be hit sooner or later if it went on like this.

The situation was urgent. Unexpectedly, he endured the pain and rolled the flashlight from the ground to Fengtian, knowing that there was nothing he could do about it. Fengtian lowered his head, leaned over from the waved ghost claws, grabbed the flashlight that was still on, and returned and hit the hungry ghost Lu Chai-like arm with all his strength.

The hungry man's claws were strong, but his arms were as fragile as they looked, with a "cluck" sound, and the bones were directly broken by Fengtian.

But the claws holding the belt did not loosen. In a hurry, Fengtian couldn't care much. He scolded stupidly, his shoulders collapsed, took off his satbag strap from his body, got up and raised his flashlight and smashed the hungry ghost until the guy's bones were basically broken and he couldn't move.

At this time, Kuo Feifan still did not dare to stop, barely moved his body and kicked away another hungry ghost who wanted to get close to him. Seeing this situation, Feng Tian hurriedly stopped his busy work, turned around and rushed to Kuang Feifan and vigorously drove away several hungry ghosts who came over, but he immediately found that the situation was becoming more and more for them. Unfavorable, the hungry ghosts began to gather again and approach them. I don't know if the smell of blood on the extraordinary body triggered the smell of the hungry ghosts.

Suddenly, a flash of light suddenly crossed Fengtian's mind, but he knew that the current situation was extraordinary and important. First, he quickly pulled him aside, threw him a towel, and asked him to plug it first. It would take a while to treat his wound.

Then, Feng Tian turned out a small plastic bottle from his satan bag and sprinkled half a bottle of ** on himself, and the remaining half of the bottle was sprinkled on Fanfan.

There is no need to mention the smell of his nose. Moreover, Feifan has smelled bursts of stench into his nose and almost vomited. He endured the feeling of about to turn it out. He trembling and complained, "I've been injured, and you still abuse me."

Obviously, Fengtian is not used to the smell, and the facial features on his face are squeezed together, but he still said, "I can't help it. Just bear it. I'm not trying to confuse the hungry ghost's sense of smell."

Then, he grabbed the extraordinary towel that covered the wound, took out another piece and threw it to him, then pulled the blood-stained towel into several pieces, and threw it out like a ball to the sky girl in the dark.

After throwing a towel, he motioned to give him what was in his hand.

At this time, Kuang Feifan also understood what he was doing. Although he didn't know whether it would work, he could only describe his mood speechlessly when he thought that the boy was attracting hungry ghosts with his own blood.

After a while, the two found that this helpless method seemed to work. They even quietly saw a hungry ghost crawling on the ground crawling straight in front of them, ignoring their existence.

Fengtian then leaned over and turned out a first aid kit from the bag. The whole bottle of Yunnan white medicine spray was sprayed on the extraordinary wound, and then found the hemostatic patch, which was much more useful and convenient than the bandage.

"How about it?" Feng Tian asked in a low voice.

At this time, his face turned pale, and the pain made the muscles on his face twitch. While watching the wind and the sky busy, he forced his spirits and said, "It's a small matter, it's almost the same as mosquito bite..."

Although he said so, he was very afraid. If he retreated a little slower, he would have to hook out his intestines.

However, even if they are injured, there is no time and place for him to recover. Even if the dangers encountered continue to move forward are endless, they have to leave. This is persistence and gambling. There may be hope of life if they go forward. Staying in one place, there is no other ending except waiting for death.

What's more, he didn't know that he was defeated by the injury on his waist. After all, he has a good physique, and the more frustrated he is, the braver he is. Even at the last moment, he won't give up. Of course, if he didn't have this mentality, he might have hung up in the ghost building.

Although there are still hungry ghosts around, the blood-soaking towels scattered everywhere and the stench on the two of them do effectively hide their traces. Fengtian no longer continues to squeeze out the road from the ghosts, but walks forward step by step with extraordinary care. If you encounter a hungry ghost blocking the road, dodge as much as possible, do not They contact each other so as not to expose their two real prey.

I don't know how long it took to walk like this. From groups to three or three taels, finally the hungry ghost could no longer see it. It was not until then that Kuang Feifan whispered to Feng Tian what the stench on his body was.

Fengtian did not answer him immediately, but took out the compass and repositioned it. He found that they had indeed deviated from the direction they had set before and adjusted their orientation. He wanted to reach out to help the situation, but he shook his head and said he didn't need it. So he laughed twice and told Kuang Fei that that ** was originally intended to drive away the dog. As for the ingredients used in beasts, you can rest assured that there are absolutely no substances that are harmful to the human body, but you don't need to know what exactly is.

He was so angry that he repeatedly reprobled him: "You are not a beggar gang. Why are you doing these messy things? Do you still bring them with you every day? Does it have anything to do with your work? Besides, a dog is a beast?

Feng Tian sneered: "Isn't a dog a beast? What do you think should be called when you meet a biting dog? Besides, my work requires me to go anywhere, so I need to prepare everything, otherwise I will not cry every day, and there will be no place to cry.

The two kept talking and moving forward. In fact, their nerves have been in a highly tense state for a long time, and they are in an unknown danger. If they don't find a way to relax, they will soon collapse, so naturally, they use bickering to remind each other's brains that they are still alive. .

As he walked, he suddenly closed his mouth and stretched out his hand to signal Feng Tian to stop. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that there was always a gloomy wind passing behind him, like a tingling on his back, and the back of his neck was cold, as if someone was blowing there from time to time.

He told Fengtian this feeling and asked him to take a look around with his flashlight. Unexpectedly, Fengtian just raised his electric light and turned around. Before he could check it carefully, the flashlight suddenly changed from bright to dark, and then flashed twice and then went out.

In an instant, the two fell into the real darkness. At this moment, they knew what absolute darkness was.

At this moment, Feng Tian and the extraordinary situation subconsciously exclaimed. No matter how bold they are, people still can't ignore the fear and fear of darkness in their hearts. This has nothing to do with men and women, nor do with courage. It is a human nature. In general, even the core of the universe is an infinite and profound darkness, and At present, there are too many things hidden in the darkness around them that they can't know. Who knows what else terrible things will appear in this deadly silence.

However, after screaming, the two coughed dryly almost at the same time to cover up the cry that had just lost their state due to panic.

"Don't worry... the flashlight... is out of power." Feng Tian said with some self-deprecating.

He touched the black and found the power-powered square battery in his bag, replaced it and turned on the flashlight to shine in the direction where he had just stayed.

But in this photo, the expression on Fengtian's face immediately solidified like a clay sculpture, and his eyes were full of panic and disbelief.