
Chapter 229 in the dark

At this time, he was sitting on the ground with one hand covering the waist injury. The flashlight suddenly went out and made him shocked. But when he heard that there was no electricity, he was relieved. Before the tense nerves were completely relaxed, the flashlight on the other side of Fengtian lit up again. He couldn't help looking up at Fengtian and suddenly When I saw his frightened expression, I couldn't help but be shocked.

He noticed that the flashlight was shining on him at this time. Obviously, Fengtian's expression was only revealed when he saw him. Thinking of it, he felt that there was a yin wind passing behind him. It seemed that there was really something behind him, and it was very likely to be quite terrible, otherwise Fengtian would not have this expression.

Moreover, Feifan didn't have much time to think at that time. He sat on the ground with injuries on his body. He wanted to run again, but he was afraid that he could not escape in time. He simply tilted his body and fell directly to the ground and rolled over to the windy position.

It was not until he almost rolled in front of Fengtian that he stopped and looked back at the place where he had just sat. He couldn't help trembling and couldn't believe his eyes for a moment.

Just where he was sitting, a person exactly like himself was standing there, staring coldly in the direction of him and Fengtian.

He can be sure that the man is himself, and even that it is by no means the figure in the mirror. The figure in the mirror is the opposite of the real person. Moreover, now he is lying on the ground, and the man is still standing there, looking at the indifferent expression on his face. If you have to describe it, it is after death. The appearance of makeup.

Although there have been similar situations before, I don't know why, when he saw the appearance that was no different from his head toe, he suddenly felt that that person was himself, but then he couldn't help wondering if that person was himself, what was he?

For a moment, he was extremely surprised and didn't know what he was thinking at this moment. Who knew if it was caused by the evil spirit. Thinking of this, he was about to get up, but he only felt dizzy. As soon as he got up, he fell down again. He had to sit up with his elbows supporting his upper body and whispered to Feng Tian: "That is What?"

After waiting for a while, he didn't hear Fengtian answer his question. Moreover, Feifan turned his head and took a look at Fengtian. It didn't matter. He only saw Fengtian still holding a flashlight to shine on the figure over there, but behind him, a person exactly like Fengtian was holding a flashlight and smashing Fengtian's head sitting behind him. Come down.

In addition, he was shocked and hurriedly stretched his arm, grabbed Feng Tian's arm stretched forward by holding the flashlight, and forced his upper body to lean forward. His head naturally stretched forward, just avoiding the flashlight that hit him horizontally.

Unexpectedly, after Fengtian was rescued by him, he not only did not imagine thanking him. On the contrary, his face changed, shook his arms hard, broke away from his hand, stood up with his hands on the ground, and shook the flashlight around.

The extraordinary couldn't help but be stunned. Fengtian's reaction made him feel a little puzzled. He looked at Fengtian confusedly and couldn't help asking, "Hey, Fengtian, what's wrong with you?"

But Feng Tian didn't even pay attention to him and still searched around for something. Probably because of excessive tension, his movements were slightly stiff, and it looked like his whole body was rusty.

Moreover, Feifan realized that something was wrong, so he had to get up from the ground and reach out to pull Fengtian, but then hesitated. Unexpectedly, before his hand touched Fengtian's body, another Fengtian who had just raised a flashlight and hit people suddenly raised his flashlight again. This time, he waved it to his head.

He couldn't help but realize that he had completely ignored this situation, but now he was not allowed to think too much about it. Seeing that the flashlight waved to him was about to bring a wind, he could only endure the pain in his waist and squat down to avoid the iron-like flashlight.

After dodging, he was just about to fight back, but he saw that the person who was exactly like Fengtian, like a dense fog, gradually melted and dispersed. Seeing the twist, elongation and deformation, he soon disappeared into the air.

At the same time, he subconsciously saw the figure like himself, but found that the man was gradually disappearing into the air.

Although these two figures disappeared, they still couldn't explain Feng Tian's behavior just now. He looked back at Feng Tian. Unexpectedly, he was seeing Feng Tian turning the flashlight in his hand, which seemed to take a picture on his face.

Fengtian's hand is a strong flashlight, which shines directly on people's eyes, which can definitely cause blindness. Therefore, when he saw that he intends to shine a flashlight on his face, he was shocked. He hurriedly grabbed the flashlight and held the front of the flashlight in one hand, so that the flashlight did not shine directly on Fengtian's eyes, but shot upward.

However, because of this, because the light from the flashlight is close to Fengtian's face, and Feifan saw that there was something wrong with his face at a glance, that was his eyes.

Or around his eyes, it looked vague, and there seemed to be a layer of fog covering his eyes. He couldn't help but look carefully. The more he looked at it, the more he felt. It was not a layer of fog, but more like a pair of hands, a pair of almost transparent hands.

But he just looked twice. When he grabbed the flashlight, Fengtian couldn't help but stiffen, and soon he began to pull back the flashlight that was caught by the situation.

Although there must be something wrong with Fengtian, he didn't know what to do for a while. If it was expected to be good, it was a pair of hands blindfolded by Fengtian, but who it was and how to crack it, and he didn't come up with any good way.

Fengtian held the flashlight and pulled harder and harder. What's more, he couldn't help hesitating for a while. His hand involuntarily loosened, and Fengtian took the opportunity to grab back the flashlight.

Unexpectedly, his power to grab back was a little stronger, and his body couldn't help staggering back. He inadvertently touched the key in his hand, and then the flashlight was accidentally turned off by him.

Suddenly, the two fell into absolute darkness again. Fortunately, this time, they did not subconsciously scream, but reached for the can of gas cylinder in the back of their trousers.

As soon as he took out the cylinder and lighter, he did not light it at the first time, because after falling into absolute darkness this time, he suddenly found something that he had not noticed before, and he could see something shaking in the dark.

The reason why images can be seen in absolute darkness can only be said that these shaking things are lighter than the dark color of thick ink.

This is the best explanation he can think of after seeing those things, but this is not the most important thing. He stares at those things carefully. Gradually, he distinguished something from the shape and outline of those things.

He couldn't hide the shock in his heart and couldn't help taking a breath. Deep in his heart, he didn't want to believe what he had identified, because in that case, those things that appeared in the dark were the remnants of many human beings.