The same is true


The same is true

The same is true

Author: light black tea

Category: Xianxia

State: Completion

16 years ago, Su Jingtao, the proud of a generation, was born and defeated the masters of the major faction. The seven-star stone of Wulin's treasure wandered into the rivers and lakes, and the war between good and evil began, and the five schools of righteousness and the three saints of the devil gate took action one after another. Sixteen years later, a chicken-ribbed power agent accidentally crossed into the Tang Dynasty, which was full of martial arts. Because of fate, he became the focus of all forces. The proud daughter of Emei, the unruly princess, the daughter of Tangmen, and the strong women who were in charge of the business industry gathered one after another. Whether it was the fate of the previous life or the marriage in this life was doomed. However, A huge conspiracy is unfolding around him step by step. Let's see how he enters the game, breaks through the game, and shines brilliantly!

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