The same is true

About martial arts

Everyone has a martial arts dream in their hearts. Since Jin Yong sealed the pen, Gu Long passed away. The already weak martial arts are even more declining. This is an indisputable strength. I can't change anything. I just want to write about the world in my heart.

Click on the website, and you can't find a few martial arts books all over the station. And the traditional martial arts are not seen by many people. Occasionally, I see a few pleasing books, and there are no clicks. I recall that when I was reading Jin Yong's novels crazily, every time I opened the book, I savored it carefully, but I was afraid that I read it too fast. And every time I see the end of the book, I will be sad.

Even if many works today are also well conceived, I still can't find the original feeling. At least every time I get a novel, it will bring an expectation, but now, there are fewer and fewer books that can give me this feeling.

It has been passed down from generation to generation. The hero's dream we have never stopped. If the dream does not stop, martial arts will naturally not decline. Our unique Confucian chivalry in the East is far more pure and clean than the chivalry in the West. It is the most comfortable fantasy of reality. And the older we get, the more disappointed we are in reality, and our dreams will be stronger and more touching.

Martial arts novels are not easy to write. They need experience, knowledge, quite sufficient historical preparation, a strong cultural background, a great amount of reading, a unique style of writing, and of course, time, energy, inspiration, and a little genius. I think there are many people like me who want to write martial arts, but they are afraid that no one will read it if they can't write well. Fortunately, I don't care about these ridicules, and I can't interfere with whether anyone sees it or not. I can only say that I will always have a martial arts dream in my heart, and I hope to see that martial arts can occasionally recall the world of swords and shadows.

My book may not be wonderful enough, my writing is not fine enough, I know my family background, and I don't complain about anything. I just want to say that I will stick to the end of the book anyway, and whether anyone reads it or not, I will stick to it. Perhaps when this book is forgotten, I still write a legend that is not wonderful, wielding martial arts that I don't want to give up.

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