The same is true

Chapter 11 Car Beauty

The scorching sun in July is unbearable. In a rather dense forest, a winding path extends out. At noon, the sun shone down from overhead, shining on the path and into the woods through the treetops. The pipes look quite eye-catching. At this time, two teenagers came from afar. Both of them were dressed in white, carrying a black iron bar on his shoulder and luggage hanging on the stick. The other man walked side by side with a sword, with light footsteps, although his head was sweaty. The journey is indeed not slow, as if it is not affected by the weather at all.

Liu Hao said, "Brother, where is the Casting Sword Villa? Why haven't you arrived after walking for so long?

Xue Ling didn't seem to care about the pace behind his hands. A bad smiling face, two thick and slightly ripples, as if it had always been smiling. It's like the bright moon in the night sky. The scattered pace adds a trace of unruly. The two came out of Youlan Valley, and even if there was a map, they still lost their way. If the two had not been strong in martial arts and hunting and eating, I'm afraid they would have been in the wilderness.

"Cast Sword Villa is in Suzhou, and we will go all the way south. Now that you have enough time, you'd better find the nearest town to buy two horses and go thousands of miles. Do you want to walk there? Xue Ling said in a tone.

Liu Hao thought for a moment and said, "Yes, otherwise how many pairs of shoes will have to be worn out."

There is a dense forest ahead, which is particularly dark compared with other places, and it is difficult to shine in at noon. Xue Ling looked at the terrain and said, "The front is a good place to cool down. Go and have a rest." Liu Hao nodded "Oh" and followed quickly.

The two found a big bluestone and just sat down. Xue Ling's face suddenly changed, and there was a hurried sound of horses' hoofs in the distance, from far to near. The horse's hoof sound is steady, and there is the sound of weapons hitting. They also used this kind of ghost-headed knife and quickly judged it. The two of them haven't met anyone along the way. How can there be anyone in this remote place? Be careful, and avoid trouble: "Someone, brother, find a place to hide quickly."

He jumped and hid in a big tree. Although Liu Hao was big and moved slowly, a few bounces also hid in the woods. Although I don't know my brother's intention, it's always right to follow him. There was no one on the road, but at this moment, a large amount of dust suddenly rose in the distance, followed by the sound of snow. Three strong horses came. After a few laps in the woods, I finally stopped at the weakest place of sunshine, which was the cool place for Xue Ling and Liu Haona.

The two people on the tree couldn't help but be stunned. They looked at these big men. Immediately, the situation of the three big men made a pale blue silk fir, with gold thread on the silk shirt. At a glance, they knew that this was by no ordinary people could afford to wear. Under the saddle of the three horses, there were also golden tassels. The sun shone on the horse building, and the pedals also shone brightly. Under the scorching sun, the three of them only felt golden, like a statue of gold in the temple. A moment later, the three of them rippled their horses, and the horses hissed and slowly walked to the dark of the dense forest.

A gloomy man looked around and turned down: "Let's rest here. I guess this is their only place. Just wait here. It can't be wrong."

Another bearded man with a scar on his face pulled half of his face from the corners of his eyes, which was very powerful. Jumping down and coming to the remaining one, "Brother, isn't it just a woman? Isn't our brother three still available?" Without waiting for others to answer, he inserted a gold ring knife in his hand into the ground and sat down. The knife entered the ground half a foot, and the golden ring kept ringing, and the weight seemed to be not light.

The man called the boss has a gloomy face and doesn't say a word. He frowned slightly and said, "Lao San, this reckless problem should also be restrained. We all live by licking blood on the edge of the knife. If there is a little difference, it will bring disaster. In recent years, many sects have been looking for our whereabouts. If it hadn't been for this big deal, we would never have left the mountain so soon. Liu Hao and Xue Ling hid their hidden breath not far away and were not noticed. Although Liu Hao didn't know what to do after him, he could guess that this fierce appearance was not a proper act. Xue Ling's eyes turned, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The scar man was waiting to say something, and the gloomy-faced man was actually surprised, "Forbidden!" After saying that, he fell to the ground like a gecko listening on the ground with his ears. After a long time, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his gloomy face. Two strange laughter, the laughter was harsher than grinding teeth. The listener panicked and said to the scholar pretending to be a man: Brother, come to work, two carriages and nine horses. There are still more than a miles away from here, and at most a cup of tea is here.

Don't call it the eldest brother's scholarly man, rushed to the mouth of the forest and stood high and looked into the distance. Sure enough, there was a dust rising, and there was a faint sound of hissing. The man twisted back into the woods and wink at the other two. They picked up their weapons and hid behind the tree at the same time. With a bounce of stones, the horses ran into the depths of the woods. Hearing the sound of Mas on the axle getting closer and closer, the faces of the people became more and more nervous. Originally, the weather was clear, but I don't know when a large number of dark clouds came, covering the hot sun tightly. There was a faint thunder brewing, and it was even darker in the forest.

"In July, the baby's face changes as soon as it is said. It looks like there will be a rainstorm." Du Qi looked up at the sky and pulled the reeds of the horse, and the team stopped moving forward. Du Qi turned his horse's head and walked slowly to the carriage and said, "Miss Lin, it's going to rain heavily. There is a forest in front of you. Go to the woods and take shelter from the rain.

There was a charming sound in the car: "It's all up to Du's order. Thank you for your hard work." Inside the carriage, a stunning woman wore a green tobacco shirt, a loose water mist pleated skirt, white gauze on her shoulders, and thin. If the shoulders are cut, the waist is like a vegetarian, the muscles are like coagulation, and the qi is like an orchid. The delicate jade hand scrambled to see a guqin.

Several bodyguards behind Du Qichao shouted, "Come up and rush to the forest in front of you to avoid the rain."

"Drive!" With a whip, the team accelerated forward. Although Du Qi doesn't know what this batch of goods is, it is definitely not an ordinary thing to drive such a high dart silver. Otherwise, he would not have sent him "Quick Knife" Du Qi to escort him in person. Fortunately, he didn't encounter any trouble along the way. Even if you encounter mountain thieves and robbers, you should first weigh whether you are your opponent.

"Stop!" Du Qi's heart flashed a glimmer of ominous omen and suddenly said. Everyone was waiting to rest, and they were completely exhausted by this sudden sound.

The curtain of the car opened slightly, revealing a wonderful face: "Du Daxia, how did you stop so well?"

Du Qi waved to the rest of the people and said, "It's murderous! Protect the lady." Several people quickly surrounded the carriage, full of vigilance. Du Qi jumped off his horse, carried the report with a serious look, and shouted to the dense forest, "Who is your friend in the world? Since you are here, why hide? Report it."

When Liu Hao heard this, he was stunned. He restrained his breath. Why was he still found? Just as he was about to appear, Xue Ling pressed him with his eyes and said secretly, "You nerd, I'm not asking you to go out to find death."

I saw figures flashing in the avenue on both sides, and three people swept out with weapons. The road was not wide. The three stood and blocked the road to death. Both sides frowned and said, "Why is it him?"

"Du Qi, the fast knife, really lives up to its reputation, and has been waiting here for a long time." The man in the middle.

Du Qi was surprised and said, "Three hegemons in Lingnan!"

At the exit of this name, several darts masters behind them became extremely ugly. These "Three Overlords in Lingnan" are three green forest robbers, all of whom are surnamed He. They kill more goods, and act very hard to beat families and rob houses, which is a disaster for Lingnan area. Wulin Zhengdao people organized people to encircle and suppress it several times, and the whereabouts of the three people were erratic. It has been hidden for many days, but I didn't expect that the first business out of the mountain was encountered by myself. Du Qi stared at the three people in front of him without fear. You know, as a master of the acquired realm, he may not fall behind in the fight.

"Boom, boom..." A few thunders fell, and large raindrops fell. Cracking on the leaves. The earth roasted by the scorching sun is like a red pot, and a stream of water vapor rises. It's a blessing, not a curse, but a misfortune that can't be avoided. Looking at Du Qi for a moment, he said, "It seems that you are not going to give Du this face."

"We have something to do with handing over this batch of goods." The man said in a low voice.

"Nine to three, I'm afraid you can't eat it!"

"Do it! Boss He received a pair of judges' pens, and the second was a bereavement sword, and He Laosan was a golden ring knife. The three of them sprayed at Du Qi at the same time. It is a common trick to attack more and less. Du Qibao's knife came out of his sheath and had time to compete with Lingnan's three hegemons in the future. Two tragic shouts came from behind him. Two of the guards actually inserted the tip of the knife directly into the chest beside them. He hurriedly avoided, killing one and one injured. There are traitors! Everyone who looked directly at this change was very surprised.

Lingnan's three bullies smiled more and became one in a blink of an eye: "Now it's five-to-five!"

Liu Hao looked at the sudden scene of firefighting and couldn't believe it. Xue Ling sneered and said, "Is this the world?"

Liu Hao said secretly, "Brother, do you want to go down and help? Isn't it a blessing that teaches us to be chivalrous and righteous?

"No hurry, it's hard to say whether you win or lose. Although he is also a master of the realm of great success. Martial arts routines are different, and adapting to changes determines victory or defeat.