The same is true

Chapter 130 Kill the Four Sides

Ye Ningxue's body shook slightly: "No... Nothing, the test is about to begin."

In the field, Xiao Ran stood in the west, Jingzhong and Fan Chen stood in the east. Jingzhong is dressed in a yellow monk's robe and holds a long stick. Fan Chen was dressed in black, holding a water thorn in his left and right hands, and his eyes could not hide the bloodthirsty color. Xiao Ran slowly pulled out the dark red flute from his waist and said, "Come on."

"Amitabha, Lord Xiao, has been offended."

The shadow of the stick is like a broken bamboo. Authentic Shaolin stick method. Shaolin Temple pays the most attention to the cultivation of basic skills and the foundation of corpses. There are few omissions in the moves. Even a set of ordinary martial arts is powerful in the hands of Shaolin monks. Fan Chen laughed strangely and leaned down to walk close to the ground.

"Woo" purple flute sticks to its lips, and its fingers bend and beat between the sound holes, like a spring breeze blowing through the field, and the sound of frogs is like a storm hitting the shore; it is endless, as if a bright moon shines in the night, and like children chasing kites on the grass. Slowly like a person's heart, except for peace and peace, there is no trace of plunder.


"What's the sound?"

The sound became louder and louder, and everyone looked for it. Hundreds of poisonous bees of all colors flew around the field in all directions. It seems to be a locust plague, and the scene is spectacular. Everyone took a deep breath. So many poisonous bees will be sifted even if they are pricked. Moreover, they are fearless under Xiao Ran's control. First of all, it will give people strong psychological pressure. Hundreds of poisonous bees lined up in front of them in three rows, waving their wings neatly.

These hundreds of poisonous bees are the limit that Xiao Ran can control under normal conditions, and any more will produce side effects. Although there are many rumors in the world, it is shocking to see the forehead at the scene. The people outside the court were already stunned. Jingzhong and Fan Chen both frowned. Shoot the horse first, and capture the king first. No matter how powerful these poisonous bees are, as long as no one controls them, they will disperse everywhere.

To make up this idea, the two no longer hesitate. Holding the thought of being stinged a few times and launching a series of attacks on Xiao Ran. A stick is hit, driving the surrounding air to exhale, and the shadow of the stick is continuous, which is difficult to distinguish between reality. The water thorn waved the arc and stabbed it at an angle unimaginable to ordinary people. Hundreds of poisonous bees scattered and stung the two people all over their bodies.

"It's too underestimated me." Xiao Ranqing smiled, and his toes rose into the air.

Fan Chen said, "You can avoid it this time. Do you still have such good luck next time!"

"Hide? I never planned to hide. Nine-turn lotus ring!"

Xiao Ran shouted, and half of the huge poisonous bees flew out of the poisonous bees entangled with Jingzhong and Fan Chen, and did not become a nine-petal lotus flower in the air five feet away from the ground. Xiao Ran used light skills to move back and forth between the lotus patterns surrounded by poisonous bees, but it did not fall down. The laughter was still the same, and the people under the stage were silent.

stagnant! No one thought that Xiong Anran would use such an incredible move. If he didn't land, the other two would not even have his clothes. Feng Lianer's eyes flashed with surprise, and she could also control poisonous bees, but it was definitely not as clever as Xiao Ran's connection and cooperation. It seemed that every step was carefully calculated. These poisonous bees can bear just enough weight to support Xiao Ran. It turns out that poisonous bees can also be used in this way.

A strange picture appeared in the field for a while, just like two layers of arenas. Xiao Ran can control the poisonous bees to attack the two at will in the upper level, while Jingzhong and Fan Chen in the lower level not only want to guard against the poisonous bees, but also avoid the hidden weapon issued by Xiao Ran from time to time. Several places were stung by poisonous bees, which was extremely painful.

Jun Shuoyang said, "I'm afraid no one can do this way except Tangmen's hidden weapon. However, if it goes on like this, it will still be Xiao Ran who will lose in the end.

Shen Gulan next to the seat nodded and said, "Using light power is a matter of physical strength. Moreover, he is only at the level of the middle of the day after tomorrow, and he can only stick to half a column of incense time at most. Although the idea is good, it is still inevitable to lose." There is a little bit of regret in the words.

Many poisonous bees in the ring were also knocked to the ground. Fan Chen laughed and said, "I see how long you can last."

Xiao Ran sneered in his heart: "It's almost time." The sound of the flute turned like a thunder, and the mood in everyone's minds suddenly changed dramatically: the thunder interrupted the frog, and the waves cracked the rock. Dark clouds covered the bright moon, the strong wind blew off the kite, and ran around in shock.

"It's coming!"

The momentum in the field suddenly changed. Xiao Ran's sleeve robe trembled, and six iron chains came out and shot directly at Fan Chen. Fan Chen was also not afraid and directly blocked it with two water thorns. When he was proud, a strong hot breath came towards him, and the speed was unavoidable. Fan Chen was directly hit in the knee before he could react. With a muffled sound, a column of blood gushed out. Fan Chen's heartbreaking cry came from the scene. He fouled with his right foot and couldn't stand up anymore. The whole scene was full of Fan Chen's wailing, faintly accompanied by the smell of barbecue.

Some people have already felt that this is an unpleasant smell that only occurs when the body is burned. This sudden change made people dumbfounded again: "What the hell happened? Isn't the chain blocked?"

However, before all this was over, Xiao Ran's sleeve robe trembled again, and six iron chains came out and shot at Jingzhong. This time, not only the onlookers under the stage, but also the representatives of the six major factions and other innate masters also watched carefully. Monk Jingju seemed to suddenly remember something, his face changed greatly, and he shouted, "Brother, don't take it, dodge quickly."

However, this reminder was still too late, and Jingzhong's robe was self-winding. With his hands together and a solemn face, he suddenly opened his eyes and formed a strange fingerprint and pushed forward: "The King's Seal of Great Sorrow!"

The six chains shot out seemed to be half separated by invisible hands and blocked only one foot away from Jingzhong. Like Fan Chen at that time, everyone stared at it without blinking for fear of missing something. At this time, the masters of the innate realm faintly saw a three-inch-long invisible beam of light shooting at Jingzhong, and the speed was amazing. An idea came to my mind at the same time: "What kind of evil kung fu is this? It's too fast."

Under the gaze of everyone, the foot-thick air wall in front of Jingzhong was broken by the beam of light and directly hit his right shoulder, and a blood column spewed out. There was also a wail. Xiao Ran slowly fell from a few feet high, looked at the two people calmly and said, "Do you want to continue?"

Fan Chen couldn't stand up with his right leg in his arms. Jingzhong also covered his right shoulder with his hand, and his face was sweaty and full of pain. The breeze slowly blew across the face, and a trace of hair fluttered. Xiao Ran's face was silent, and his skills shocked four people.

Ren Qiubai's throat was dry and he couldn't believe it: "He... he won."

How people don't believe it, but the facts are in front of them. Zhuge Yi got up and said, "Xiao Ran won this game according to the previous agreement. Xiao Ran. Xue Ling entered the top eight at the same time.

"Good!" When a local person reacted, the rest of the onlookers also began to cheer for Xiao Ran. From the bottom of their hearts, most onlookers still hope that Xiao Ran will win. This pride and responsibility is really not something ordinary people can do. I didn't expect Xiao Ran to really win. Outside the whole court, there was a cheer for Xiao Ran. I have never seen such a hot-blooded scene. Xiao Ran not only won, but also won completely! I didn't receive any injury.

Even if Xue Ling and Xia Ruoyan knew Xiao Ran's killer mace, they were still so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths. Of course, Xiao Ran won't explain anything. Everyone looked at the Jingjue monk who had just shouted. Master Yuanfeng said, "Jingjue, did you know something when you shouted just now?"

Jingjue replied respectfully, "Uncle Hui, it seems that Lord Xiao just used 'sky fire'."

Master Yuanfeng was stunned, and the tearing sounded familiar. He said, "Let's talk about it in detail."

"Yes, uncle. Do you still remember that when the Yellow River burst two months ago, when it flooded, Tianyinjiao confused the people with evil arts.

Master Yuanfeng said: "At this time, it was the news you brought back. It was solved by the power of Shaolin, Wudang and Emei. It was a great achievement to rescue tens of thousands of people who went astray. What does it have to do with this competition?"

At this time, Ren Qiubai and Ye Ningxue also reacted, but there was still doubt in their eyes. Jingjue suddenly knelt down and said, "The monks don't slander, but the disciples hide the truth, and Qin Shishu punishes!" This sudden move made everyone puzzled. Is there any secret in it?