The same is true

Chapter 152 Killer

In the county guard, Xiao Ran got up early in the morning and locked himself in the study after eating. Everyone doesn't know what he is playing with. Xiao Ran held a piece of wood and cut it with a small dagger. It's not a comparison of the drawings drawn in front of you. If you are not satisfied, throw it away. I don't know how many pieces of waste wood have been thrown around me. The sweat slowly penetrated a layer. The wood around it has plummeted. Until the 56th, I finally smiled. This mold took him more than half a day, and it should be inspected.

There is a deep earthworm-like hole in the thick wood of the arm, which is covered with a slightly beaten ring in a thin layer of wood texture. The end face looks like two cents of circles of different radii are connected together. A circular arc groove is carved out on the periphery of the end of the wood. Xiao Ran first adsorbed two drops with a cloth before dripping in, and then guided the **-shaped white wax along the mouth. After a few breaths, when the white wax was solidified out, an inch short slender and hollow "wax cover" was formed. It looks like a snake.

Xiao Ran gently squeezed and tried the hardness before he nodded with satisfaction. Hundreds of them were made one after another, with a kettle-sized cloth bag next to it, which was yesterday's result: high-purity white phosphorus extracted from spark stone. It took another two hours to slowly pour these powder into the bamboo "funnel" and pour them into the "wax sleeve" one by one for sealing. For nearly two hours at noon, I didn't even eat lunch, and it was finally finished.

In the last process, the special black juice was brushed on the "wax cover" several times with a brush. The whole appearance looks no different from the bone penetration nail. Because the herbal juice is absorbed by the candle coat, the whole hardness will be harder and it is difficult to break by hand. Xiao Ran put away these finished products and went out laughing.

Murong Villa is still the little man yesterday and said, "Today, Xiao Ran has not practiced martial arts. He just ordered his servants to pay for some water to cook, and also sent people to buy dozens of white candles at Heji Commercial Bank." These actions made Murong Bo more and more uneasy. Did Xiao Ran know that someone was monitoring him and deliberately did it to confuse his hometown? It seems unlikely, so what on earth is he going to do?

On the third day, Xiao Ran slept until three poles before he got up. In the restaurant, it is rare to see Xiao Ran come out for dinner, and he specially picked up a few dishes. Although Xia Ruoyan knew everything Xiao Ran had done these days from Uncle De, she also didn't know what Xiao Ran was going to do. Seeing Xiao Ran's relaxed face, she said, "Are you ready for tomorrow's decisive battle?"

"The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover the earth. There is only one step."

Mo Xianyun said, "If Brother Xiao is half modest, I will be satisfied."

Xue Ling put a crystal elbow in his mouth and said, "That's it. Don't expect me to change it. Anyway, if you talk a few more words, you won't lose a piece of meat.

Mo Xianyun didn't really blame Xue Ling. Hearing this, she said angrily, "Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water and thick-skinned."

In the backyard, there are several wooden piles to practice pushing and blocking. The skins on both sides of Xiao Ran's waist are bulging, full of bone penetration nails. After the activity is tightened, put your hand into it. Lock the target and put your hands together. With a swing of his wrist, he made a strange circle and shot out in a "shura hand" manner. Eight bone-pierce nails drew arcs from both sides of the stakes and nailed the fallen dead leaves to the trunk in a row.

"Papa" Xue Ling applauded and said, "Tangmen's Shura hand is not easy to practice. This song is handsome enough. Why did you remember to practice the hidden weapon on the last day?"

Xiao Ran said, "Tomorrow/competal, you have to adapt in advance to avoid being unfamiliar. Aren't you going to match your sister-in-law?

Xue Ling said, "Although I have only seen Murong Yunfeng's "Guiyuan swordsmanship" a few times, I can imitate a few moves. Even if it is not as powerful as him, it can be used for the second brother's reference. I specially came to practice for the second brother."

Xiao Ran nodded and sharpened the gun before the battle. It's not bad to watch it a few more times. For a while, the sword light flew in the courtyard, and Xue Ling practiced the first three styles of Guiyuan's swordsmanship. Xiao Ran thoughtfully talked with Xue Ling about the way to crack and improved it one after another... On the other hand, Murong Bo was finally relieved to hear the report of slaves, and firmly believed that Xiao Ran had been confusing the public in the past two days.

The next day, the weather was fine. The breeze is gentle. The whole Jiangning County is extremely lively. The most important thing to pay attention to is naturally the final of the Longteng Grand Event held at Zhujian Villa. The red list of Murong Yunfeng's martial arts competition between Murong Yunfeng and "Yuxiao Prince" Xiao Ran was pasted all over the streets and alleys as early as three days ago, becoming a discussion between martial arts people and ordinary people after dinner. There are also storytellers who try their best to compile stories from the unknown pawn to becoming famous in the teahouse, which is almost full. Invisibly adds the mystery of both. They all speculated whether Murong Yunfeng successfully defended his title or Xiao Ran, a dark horse, came to the top in this final.

In the county guard's mansion, Xiao Ran came out of the house wearing a new dress. The sun shines warmly on the body. Xia Ruoyan tied up Xiao Ran's clothes, patted the dust, straightened the collar, and said, "Brother Xiao, it's time for us to go to the venue."

Liu Hao waved his whip, and the carriage slowly drove in the direction of the Casting Sword Villa. In the carriage, Xia Ruoyan and Mo Xianyun sat on one side, and Xiao Ran and Xue Ling sat on one side. Xue Ling said, "Second brother, do you know what the odds of the auspicious gambling house are? Bet that you win is one with five, buy Murong Yunfeng win for two, and bet on how long it will take you to win or lose..."

Xiao Ran smiled and said, "Then who did you buy it, Murong Yunfeng?"

"I didn't buy the game. I'm afraid that you will win or lose within 200 moves."

"Are you so sure? Aren't you afraid of empty bamboo baskets?"

Xue Ling said, "I think I still have this little eye strength, and the second brother will definitely do his best during this period."

Xiao Ran shook his head with a smile and said, "Business, you are more suitable than me."

Cast Sword Villa has been crowded for a long time. Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, the Beggar Gang, Tangmen and the disciples have arrived, and several red belts are tied to the pillars around the ring, adding a little joy. The top 16 players were all present except Shangguan Hua and Fan Chen. Even the players who were seriously injured in the previous games were helped to see who fell in the end.

Zhuge Yi, the owner, forgot the crowded crowd in the field and ordered, "Let the disciples of the villa cheer up, so as not to fish in troubled waters such as idle people." Wu Qian nodded and made arrangements, and then evacuated the crowd to all directions.

Tang Wan followed Tang Wuya and said, "Will Mr. Xiao win?"

Tang Wuya also knew that his daughter still couldn't let go and said, "It's not surprising who wins. It's not easy for Xiao Ran to go this way. You can't expect too much from him and relax. Just take it as appreciation, and naturally see it more thoroughly. Judging from the style of the first few rounds of competition, Xiao Ran will also use the method of making four or two thousand pounds. After all, he is far from Murong Yunfeng's opponent alone, and he can only promote his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

Tang Wan's face was ruddy, much better than a few days ago, and she frowned and prayed secretly. Tang Song, not far away, clenched his fists, and his fingertips fell deep into the meat, and a few drops of blood dripped down his fingers.

Under the main stage, Xiao Ran and Murong Yunfeng stood on one side. Obviously, they were energetic, radiant and looked at each other. There seemed to be sparks flashing in the air. Xiao Ran smiled and said, "Brother Murong is better."

Murong Yunfeng's face was cold, and Xiao Ran's words were right in his pain. The external injury heals quickly, and the internal injury can be cured in two or three days. Murong Yunfeng also used "eating elixir" to forcibly suppress the injury, which was not as easy as it appeared. Murong Yunfeng frowned slightly and then stretched out and said, " Thanks to Brother Xiao's concern, this battle is fine."

The two are just chatting and not related to comparison. I also learned a lot from Murong Yuqi, and I have a little admiration in my heart. When the sun climbed up a little again, there was a clear sound. Both the martial artists around the ring and the VIP masters under the stage calmed down, and the sound of gongs and drums could be heard. Today, without drawing lots like the previous rounds, Xiao Ran will take half a step forward and take it back. Although it was just a subtle action, Xia Ruoyan saw that Xiao Ran had not calmed down at this time, otherwise she would never have made such a mistake.

Murong Feng advanced into the field. Xiao Ran shook his head and said to himself, "Since you can't figure it out, just let it go, so you have to take it step by step."