The same is true

Chapter 383 Battle of Junshan 2

"Okay, I didn't expect you to reach the beginning. What can I do? What a joke. I'm 16 years earlier than you, and I dare to play with an axe in this class and look for death!" Ren Xiaoyao's black iron chain turned into a long gun, and the bananas were dense and full of guns. Even if the three have an innate spirit, they still can't slow down the offensive. From the degree of condensation of innate energy, we can see the depth of several people's skills.

Tang Wentian and Yang Fan fought against the two Elders of Tianmo Sect. Ye Ningxue fought with Ren Qiubai, and Master Yuankong fought fiercely with Xia Ke. Only Xiao Ran was besieged by Yu Wenmu and the "military division". Everyone was separated into a small battlefield. Even if they wanted to help, they were powerless. The two besieged Xiao Ran one after the other, but they were not in a hurry to take action. Xiao Ran seems to be the one with the lowest martial arts skills among the eight people, but in terms of defense, it is absolutely not easy to clean up with five apes to protect himself.

"You want the poor stone in my hand, just let it go." Xiao Ran said unanedly. Tight clothes, silver hair floating and unrestrained, and there is no trace of anxiety. The five apes surrounded him tightly, and there was a special feeling of the five sons together, which he could detect no matter from which direction he attacked. If he is single-handed on defense, it is not easy for them to defeat themselves. Except for Qiongqi Stone, he can't think of any reason to be specially taken care of by two innate masters.

The two had a fierce light shining under their deep eyes, and they did not deny it. He secretly gathered the true qi to form an air mask, ready to cover Xiao Ran unintentionally and stop his action. It is difficult for outsiders to detect this subtle internal expansion. Xiao Ran's ideas are far beyond ordinary people and have supernatural powers. How can these means be concealed from him? The weeds along the coast suddenly fell down, and a cold air passed by, and Xiao Ran's eyebrows stood up as if soaked in water.

This kind of cold internal force is extremely vicious. You need to be naked** in the ice at noon in winter, or find a wind outlet to practice, and practice hard for several years. Once practiced, it hurts invisible. But with his deep strength, he can retain this cold air in the bone of the other party's acupuncture point. If the opponent's power is too shallow and the yang is not deep enough to resist. Xiao Ran's face changed a few times, and finally it was strongly suppressed, but it could not be removed for a moment.

If you have the upper hand, how can you give Xiao Ran a chance to breathe? With a scolding, he jumped into the air and rushed to Xiao Ran. With a flick of his legs, his body suddenly turned his waist, and his hands patted on Jinda and Jiner's ribs with both palms. The speed and fluency of the action are amazing, but it has been beside you in the blink of an eye. First, he was attacked, and then attacked. Xiao Ran's ten fingers moved together, and a series of finger shadows made people unable to see it. Under the control, the two apes stepped forward a few steps and a steel stick cut out a force to greet the left, and the other steel stick turned to the throat of the coming person.

The "military division" rotated, retreated and kicked in front of the chest of the two apes, and flew only two feet away. Under the strength of these fierce legs, the two apes also took several steps back to stabilize. The two apes were too late to defend. The two white claws had been quietly grabbed behind their backs. Although they could not see them, the other three apes could send the danger signal to their minds in time, and the two golden apes hurriedly rescued them with steel sticks. Yu Wenmu took out one hand and took it over to withstand the blow, and the other hand grabbed Jinda and Jin Er's back. Zzi's sparks flashed, and the clothes of the two apes cracked. It exposes a pair of dark armor, which is strangely shaped and prevents all the key points.

With such magic weapons as the ghost hand, they only left a few shallow claw marks on the armor, and other places are not so lucky. There were several blood troughs on the shoulder, and the blood water bleed out. Xiao Ran stuffed a pinch of powder into the wound, and the blood quickly condensed eggplant. Yu Wenmu stepped back a few steps and leaned on a boulder with one hand, and the boulder actually cracked with a "bang". Obviously, this blow is also uncomfortable. I really can't think of how people can have such brute force.

"Let's see how you can deal with it."

The military division and Yu Wenmu looked at each other, and their bodies were fraudulent. They made a move at the same time. Xiao Ran manipulated the five apes as puppets to respond to the enemy, and it is inevitable that there will be something missing. The previous temptation of the two was to calculate the frequency of Xiao Ran's action in order to seize the right time to defeat the flaw in one fell swoop. Xiao Ran dealt with the two apes and transported the innate vitality of the body to enhance the power of the move.

The mechanism on both sides of the remaining Jinwu's arms was opened, and several golden sleeve arrows were fired. Yu Wenmu had to dodge sideways again, and his claws explored the air. He only heard a soft "buzz", and a few cow-hairy dark weapons popped out of Yu Wenmu's hands into the eyes of the two apes. It is a small thing hidden in the nails, also known as the "finger flying needle" to prevent the enemy. The eyes are the biggest weakness, and they can't be prevented. The two apes had to avoid it sideways, just blocking Xiao Ran's sight.

The military division was in mid-air, and then the forward force suddenly sank his right shoulder and turned his body to pass through the gap under the feet of the two ape. The body was only a few feet away from the ground, and only a rustling sound was heard. As soon as the cold light appeared, a snake-shaped chain gun suddenly shot out of the sleeve robe of his right hand. The left palm slapped the ground and rushed up like a spring and stabbed Xiao Ran's chest. I saw a Jinwu steel stick next to him, stabbing obliquely. With a thorn, he cut the cuffs out of the road.

Xiao Ran neglected to prevent the "military division", and Yu Wenmu also took this opportunity to break in and laughed, " Even the huge puppet of the personal guard has broken us, and we still don't admit defeat!"

Xiao Ran rose into the air and manipulated the needle and thread in his hand. The two were besieged, and they were already two feet away. He sneered and said, "It's really stupid. If I didn't deliberately let you in, how to put the "rebellious five elements array"? It would not be so easy to get in and come out easily."

"What, you can't calculate it!" The military division lost his voice.

"Wh if it's Qua Haikou, you will know right away, array!" In Xiao Ran's loud laughter, the five apes walked around the two with steel sticks. This array turns round and muddy, without leaking any flaws, and implies the reason of the change of the five elements. One main attack led the other party to show his weakness, and the other four attacked against the weakness and did not stop. The five people move to defend each other, and their steps complement each other's gaps.

When facing the enemy, the five people are like one person, all as one. According to "East Jiayi Wood, West Gengxin Gold, South Bingding Fire, North Ren Guishui, Central Wuji Land." There are five types of arrays, each with branches. The static sense of the chaotic five elements is to disrupt the five elements, and it is more than ten times more troublesome to elaborate.

The two were immediately trapped in the array, guarding back to back, and couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"Wu Disheng Yimu, step on the dry palace, walk the position." Suddenly, Ren Xiaoyao's voice came from the distance. With one against three, you can also divide your energy to see the overall situation, which has to be admirable. Xiao Ran besieged the two masters of the twelve serial docks without falling behind, which also surprised everyone. The two did what Ren Xiaoyao said, but the five apes steel stick wind was strict, and the loophole was fleeting.

"Cinghuo Ke Gengjin, go to dominate the palace and leave the throne." Ren Xiaoyao said again. Xiao Ran's ten-finger movements changed again and changed the whole array. No matter how they walk, they can't get out.

"Reasrely, although there are flaws, they can't be cracked in a short time. Even if you crack this Yimu array, I have other arrays to restrain them." Xiao Ran returned to Ren Xiaoyao, and his tone was extremely arrogant. If Ren Xiaoyao hadn't been pestered by the three masters, I'm afraid he would have come and fought with him to death. While he was relaxed, Xiao Ran also used his spare light to observe the confrontation between these other people.

An an arrogant Taoist priest, Shen Gulan and Luo Qianfeng can only barely remain undefeated. Master Yuankong, Yang Fan and Tang Wentian fought well with each other. Ye Ningxue had just entered the innate realm. Naturally, she was at a disadvantage to the previous Qiubai. In this way, the only advantage of the Wulin League was actually herself, which really made people laugh and cry. In this way, whoever can defeat the opponent first and break the deadlock can support others and further expand their advantages.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were looking at him, Xiao Ran could only smile bitterly. It's been a lot of brains to besiege the two. Siege and defeat are two very different concepts. Fortunately, these two people are greedy and besieged themselves, otherwise they would not have had such good luck as others.