The same is true

Chapter 392 Heart Knot

"Didn't you find anything wrong? It is reasonable to inform the people of the Wulin League that Ye Zhangmen was kidnapped. Why did Qianyulou's people take away Xia Ruoyan? Hasn't he been helping the Xia family? The strangest thing is that he will tell us the news. What does her life and death have to do with us? Tang Wuya Road.

An anangled Taoist said, "Qian Yulou is not informing us, but Xiao Ran! Think about whether both of them have an entangled relationship with him. The poor stone is in Xiao Ran's hands again. These two women were taken away. Can Xiao Ran sit idly by? Nowadays, in the martial arts, who can get along with the right and the devil at the same time? As far as I know, the rosefinch stone is in the hands of Xia Shuangtian, the blue dragon stone is in the hands of Mobei double evils, the white tiger stone is in the hands of Mo Aichen, and the chaotic stone is in the hands of Ren Xiaoyao. If there is another person who has the ability to collect six seven-star stones, it is none other than Xiao Ran.

This analysis has to be said to be very reasonable. Everyone looked at each other and nodded slightly. Master Yuan Fang said, "Uncle Xuan said before his death that Xiao Ran was a key figure in the great disaster of the world. Lao Na has always been a little suspicious, and it seems to be true. We have to inform Xiao Ran of this matter first.

Unknown island, nine-storey pagoda stands.

"Go in!"

A man in black pushed Ye Ningxue into the room and locked the door. It was dark all around, except for the bright moonlight, and it was empty. In the corner, Xia Ruoyan suddenly woke up and said alertly, "Who is it?"

Why is this sound so familiar? Ye Ningxue suddenly reacted and said, "Xia Ruoyan, how can you be here?"

"Ye Ningxue, is it you?" Both of them were a little surprised and didn't expect to see each other in this place.

"I thought I was the only one, but I didn't expect them to arrest you." Because of Xiao Ran, the two have always been hostile to each other.

Xia Ruoyan said, "At first, I couldn't guess what their purpose was. Now when I see you, I want to guess *.

"Female Zhuge, what did you guess?"

"Don't provoke me, are you jealous? Ye Ningxue, I know you will take over as the head of the Emei faction, and you will not have any contact with Brother Xiao after that. Qian Yulou's reason for arresting you and me is nothing more than trying to attract Brother Xiao to throw himself into the trap.

Ye Ningxue said, "No, Xiao Ran will never be so stupid. How can such a simple trap not be seen clearly?

Xia Ruoyan sighed, "Brother Xiao is indeed smarter than anyone else, but he is also the most emotional person. Whether it is difficult for Tang Wan or Liu Fangfei, you should be clear that he knows that it is a trap.

The two were silent at the same time, squatting in a corner. A moment later, Xia Ruoyan said, "Ye Ningxue, I know you hate me, and so do Tang Wan and Liu Fangfei. Now that we don't know if we have a life to go out, let's talk openly. How about saying whatever kindness and resentment?

"Hate you? Why do I hate you? I admit that I was jealous of you. Why did Xiao Ran meet you first? Why is it that only you can accompany him day and night? Although you caused Xiao Ran to suffer all the time later, I still want to thank you. If you want to talk about time, the first person to know Xiao Ran was Tang Wan, but he still chose you. Whether it's me or Liu Fangfei, he knows our feelings for him, but he pretends not to know and has never been moved. Even if there is, because you are dedicated to yourself, you have always been under pressure.

"He is too stupid. Even if you announce your marriage to Prince Li Yan, he still wants to save it despite his life and death. I asked you several times if you would like to go with him, and he didn't give up until you stabbed him in the chest. It was from this moment that he began to open his heart to receive the love of others. You pushed him to us with your own hands. Do you think you should thank you? If you don't know how to cherish it, how can you get the result now?

She didn't know these. Tears slipped into Xia Ruoyan's eyes: "You should hate me. If it weren't for my brother Xiao, he wouldn't have collected seven-star stones and wouldn't have caused so much trouble. If it hadn't been for the Xia family, he wouldn't have been framed so much. I also want to go away from him at all costs. I'm too cowardly to leave the Xia family.

These things that were once available may not be recovered even if they have worked hard.

If you don't leave, I will live and die together. Who will let go of whose hand first?

"Xia Ruoyan, if it weren't for the master's deathbed entrustment, I would definitely grab it with you! At least now, you still have a chance. Xiao Ran can't forget you. If you still have the possibility of reconciliation in the future, remember to cherish it and bring my share.

"Ye Ningxue, you..."

"Are you unhappy that there is one less rival in love?" Ye Ningxue looked at the bright moonlight and said, "I used to know what I wanted in my life, but when I finally understood, I had to let go. You are luckier than me to meet him early."


Xiao Ran officially became the leader of the seven killings, and his elite disciples congratulated one after another, and the hall was full of banquets.

"The first appearance of the master caused an uproar, and even Xia Ke, the head of the Yanluo Temple, one of the three major schools of the Magic Road, died. In the future, we can straighten our backs wherever we go. Jiang Chengdao.

"Isn't it? Even many new congregations come for the reputation of the master." Phantom hand" Qiao Jian said with a beard.

Yang Fan held a secret letter in his hand, with a sad face. Ning Zixuan came over and said, "Brother Yang, why don't you go and have a drink with the priest to celebrate?"

Yang Fan pulled Ning Zixuan aside and said, "Call your master out. There is something urgent."

"Master, I'll do it first." Xiao Ran poured a glass of wine into his stomach, and the comer did not refuse. Today is the day when the head of the Emei faction ascended the throne, and also the day when he registered the head of the seven-killing religion. How can he be worthy of himself if he is not drunk?

"Master, Master..." Ning Zixuan pulled Xiao Ran's arm and said.

"Don't... don't pull me, I'm still... not drunk..."

"Master, it's your eldest brother's emergency."

"urgent? You drink first, and I'll come as soon as I go. Eat well and drink well, and don't get drunk.

Xiao Ran was dragged aside drunk and said, "Brother, why don't you go and have a few drinks together? What's the emergency that you have to say now?"

Yang Fan also knows that Xiao Ran feels uncomfortable, and it's the same every time he encounters something annoying. He handed over the secret letter in his hand and said, "This is a secret letter sent by the Wulin League. Ye Ningxue and Xia Ruoyan have been kidnapped by the people of Qianyulou."

Xiao Ran's face changed, shook his head violently, and more than half of the wine immediately woke up. I took the letter and read it carefully. He pinched the letter paper into a ball and said, "Six seven-star stones to redeem people! Thanks to the people of Qianyulou, it is not enough for three seven-star stones to redeem one person. Do they think the seven-star stone is so easy to get?