The same is true

Chapter 431 Straight to Chang'an

Tongguan was broken, which was greatly unexpected by the summer frosty sky. When they learned that the other party had used the same trick, everyone was shocked. It is reported that the Turkic army has been stationed outside Tongguan for only two days, and even the climbing time cannot be used, let alone making a little noise. It can only be described as a divine soldier from heaven. Losing the last path, Chang'an City** was naked in front of the Turkic army.

For the Turkic Khan, he never thought that everything would go so well. Turks live on the grassland, and the region is remote. They can only rely on the only grain production to survive. He had to risk his life to plunder the country of Daxia again and again. However, after today's occupation of tomorrow, he was driven away and repeated. Except for grabbing some money and food, it is not a long-term solution at all.

Only the Turkic Khan realizes that occupying this land is the best solution. What is the most important economic source of a country? Taxation! Forty thousand people in Daxia have a luxurious life and countless songs at night. Why should grassland warriors struggle on the edge of food and clothing? But God is fair. He gave the grassland men a strong physique and a fearless fight/spirit.

The strong are kings! This is a historic day. After seven months, the Turkic army finally attacked Chang'an City. In front of the king's tent, the Turkic Khan looked at this majestic city, a sleeping capital like a giant beast. Laugh loudly, this will be the fruit of their ultimate victory. As long as this capital is attacked, the dragons of Daxia will be leaderless, and the forces from all over the country will submit to it. The territory of Daxia is in full pocket. Xue Ling and Xiao Ran stood quietly around the Turkic Khan, and today's achievements are inseparable from them. The prestige in the army is unmatched by the Turkic Khan.

The Turkic army camped five miles away from Chang'an City, and various engineering offensives were also under construction in an easy way.

A soft fog rose in the east, and the mountains were smeared with a layer of soft milky white, and the white fog rendered everything hazy and psychedelic. The sky was bright and the night was about to disappear, and the morning light slowly awakened the sleeping creatures. The crack-like cheers of the soldiers outside the fortress echoed one after another at the thirteen gates on all sides of Chang'an City. Under the leadership of the rest of the generals, the army from Henan Province and Hebei Province finally merged with 200,000 troops led by the Turks under the gate of Chang'an City, the capital of the ancient emperor.

In addition to the 300,000 troops guarding various places, a total of more than 600,000 soldiers and horses surrounded the ancient capital of Chang'an, and the company camped hundreds of miles away. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers gathered their heads and fluttered with banners. The Turkic warriors excitedly put the helmets above their heads in rows, and their felt hats into the air one after another, like a sea of rage blown by the long wind, which made people'sway and unable to control themselves.

"The divine wolf bless me, and the Turks will win!" The wild cry echoed loudly within hundreds of miles, and hundreds of steel knives waved wildly in the air. The late autumn sun shone on this sea of knives, and the ferocious and cold knife light flashed like dragon scales, as if a giant monster was surging and struggling in this hundreds of thousands of troops. As long as it was ordered, it would break through the cocoon. Destroy everything.

At the head of Chang'an City, Xia Shuangtian, one of the tens of thousands of imperial forest troops, stood high above the majestic Chang'an City, quietly watching the hundreds of thousands of troops of ants in the city, around him around the brave generals of Daxia. Almost everyone was shocked by the momentum of the Turkic army all over the mountains to the edge of the sky. The city was silent, and a gloomy and depressed atmosphere spread in the air. Looking at the Turkic soldiers and horses looking up one after another, Xia Shuangtian raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked at the blue-gray towering wall of Chang'an City on it.

Chang'an City, which is 20 miles long from east to west, 17 miles from north to south, 80 miles in circumference, hundreds of miles, and hundreds of miles in radius. Even under the siege of hundreds of thousands of troops, it has not lost its unique calm and elegance, and in this unique way, it has invaded They expressed contempt. Looking at the blue-gray city wall and the elegant and beautiful platform at the head of the city, Xia Shuangtian sighed gently and said, "Now is the time to fight."

Xia Shuangtian stretched out his hand and pointed to hundreds of thousands of Turkic soldiers looking up and said, "How do you feel about those barbarians looking up at us?" Several people took a few steps forward, held the wall stack, took a look, and shook their heads puzzledly.

Xia Shuangtian straightened his chest, looked at the flying flag in the distance, and said indifferently, "No matter how many soldiers and horses, no matter how well equipped they are, no matter how rainbow-like morale, no matter who the commander is, when he comes to my city of Chang'an, he will only feel small. He will only doubt his ability and doubt whether he can I can't see Chang'an City broken alive. Look at those ant-like soldiers. In our eyes, they are not a group of smoke and dust. In any case, it is destined to break the head and blood on the wall of Chang'an. The situation at the beginning is not much better than now. How can it shake my confidence now?

Although his tone was flat, a king's breath deeply affected the depressed generals around him. Xia Shuang, the God of War, has never lost a battle in his life. How can he get a false reputation? With him, nothing is impossible. At the beginning, under the siege of hundreds of thousands of troops by Li Xian, he went all the way to Chang'an City to seize the throne. Now I am confident to repel these Turks.

The generals around him also knelt on one knee excitedly and said, "I must work together to protect Chang'an."

Xia Shuangtian smiled, raised his hand to make the two stand up and said, "I should work together with you."

The generals behind him drew their knives in their hands, held them high in the air, and shouted together, "Hang my emperor, God bless Daxia." Behind them, tens of thousands of soldiers will respond to the order of Daxia Junchen and burst into a deafening shout. People's popularity is high, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the city have nothing to fear in their eyes.

Under Chang'an, the Turkic Khan and the generals stood under the wall, listening to the shouts of the head of the city and the cheers of the soldiers, with a cold smile.

"It is not easy for 600,000 people to capture Chang'an City." A humane.

Xue Ling said, "Chang'an is a strong city in the world, even if it is difficult to concentrate all of us and siege tools."

Another general said: "The excavation trenches around the city have been dug to prevent the enemy from raiding the camp, setting up high arrow towers, stabilizing the base of the whole battalion, and sending horses to explore the rest of the road. Preventing accidents... and food and fodder are also crucial.

Xiao Ran said, "Food and fodder can be requisitioned by various states and counties. It is smooth all the way, and it is enough to send a team of elite soldiers to escort them."