jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 20 Ghost Worm

The fourth uncle just walked into the secret room and found that the secret room was full of corpses, and there were still many dying living people hanging on the wall. Just as the fourth uncle was about to rescue the people hanging on the wall, a sudden change occurred. I don't know what was moving under those people's belly!

The fourth uncle looked upright and scolded, "What the hell is it at this time!" Although the expressions of those people are distorted, their gray eyes have never changed.

There was a painful moan in his throat. The thing swam to the belly and stopped, and broke the belly with a "sneer". A fat worm all over the body, like a maggot, mixed with hot plasma and exposed its head. These maggots are not only not as big as maggots in ordinary huts, but also bloated, with heads as big as pig brains, full of flesh folds all over their bodies, and hair. With the same thick hair, maggots came out, and those who were hung by iron hooks hung their heads and died.

The fourth uncle of these white maggots has never seen it, and they are by no means ordinary corpses. I didn't dare to be careless and took a step back. Those corpses have mouths and eyes, but they seem to have just been born and their eyes have not been opened. The corpse insects attached to the human body tore their bellies one by one and came out. A maggot closest to the fourth uncle moved its fat head, blinked and stood on its eyelids. Then it seemed to be extremely angry, opened its mouth and roared.

Only then did the fourth uncle see that the mouths of these maggots were full of sharp mouth organs, one mouths, smelly and salivating far away.

The maggot's cry was like a baby's cry, sharp and harsh. With the maggot's shrill, other maggots also roared. The sound was strange and deafening. The fourth uncle covered his ears and retreated to the corner of the wall. The maggots jumped out of the cavity one by one.

fell into the utensils on the ground. With blood bubbles, he jumped up and rushed to the fourth uncle in front of him. All this happened between lightning and lightning. Seeing that the situation was not good, the fourth uncle took a step back. The maggot pounced into the air, hit the wall with a half-meter-long body and patted a blood mark of Yin Hong!

The fourth uncle has long heard of the shaman's "blood worship" to raise corpses and bloodletting, and is good at manipulating evil things. But I didn't expect that there was such an evil thing in the world.

At present, I can't care much, so I run away, but the ground is full of stinky maggots. If you are not careful, you will become a big maggot snack. More maggots approached step by step, and the fourth uncle had to take off the torch on the wall to resist for a while. Now he can't use his strength.

But this is an eternal truth that one thing falls on one thing in the world. These maggots are obviously transformed by the essence of the human body. There is no precedent for fly maggots to enter the human body and become parasites. However, these fly maggots are ridiculously large, and there are huge mouth organs. Obviously, someone deliberately implanted the insect and then scattered the three souls of people. Sealed in the body of maggots, these insects have no thoughts, but inherit the host's resentment and instinctive bloodthirsty.

And this kind of worm's negative gas is extremely heavy. The evil qi when it first came in may be caused by these insects that are still in the human body.

These bugs did not give the fourth uncle much time to think about. One by one, they roared and bounced up with a fat back, with a fishy wind. The fourth uncle took the torch and blocked the maggots coming from the air, but these maggots bounced up too fast. It was impossible to avoid left and right. The fourth uncle roared and stuffed the torch into it. In the maggot's mouth, who knew that the maggot was so powerful that he swallowed the flame and didn't realize it. He abruptly threw out the torch in the fourth uncle's hand.

The fourth uncle looked at these disgusting insects and sweated coldly. He was about to die in his mouth, but he thought of the garlic in his arms. The garlic is the strongest positive thing in the plant. If he meets a kid, eats garlic, and the smell of garlic in his mouth can scare those evil spirits away.

Since these fat insects are nourished by the resentment of the dead and melted by the essence and blood, I will try this garlic with the most yang qi. The fourth uncle hurriedly took out garlic from his arms and put it in his mouth with the belt buds. He almost spewed fire in his mouth. Under chewing, the garlic turned into garlic. The fourth uncle raised his head and roared and spit out the garlic, just spraying it on the maggots that came from the air. The worm touched the garlic sprayed by the fourth uncle and fell down from the air, twisted and rolled it on the ground, making a harsh cry, struggling back and forth. A wisp of black smoke came from the maggot. When it came out, there was only a dry and crunchy skin left.

The fourth uncle raised his feet and kicked the dry skin on the ground.

"Spicy nose and garlic". After chewing a mouthful of garlic, the fourth uncle also felt sweating all over his body and his whole body was full of strength.

The remaining maggots are afraid of the yang of garlic on the fourth uncle's body and dare not go forward, but roaring in the distance. Taking advantage of the excitement of eating garlic, the fourth uncle picked up the wooden stick on the ground and greeted the maggots, arched left and right, and swuncing the maggots rushing in front of them to the wall, but these maggots seemed to be not afraid of external attacks, and the physical damage did not work.

was hit on the wall, his body bounced and roared, as if he was extremely angry. If he didn't eat the fourth uncle alive, he would be angry. The fourth uncle saw that although there was a lot of garlic, he could only resist for a while, and no one could stand it without interruption.

Those maggots took advantage of this junip and rushed to the fourth uncle one after another. The fourth uncle protected his head desperately. Those maggots bit the fourth uncle's cotton-padded clothes and refused to let go, but they couldn't help him for a while. However, there were too many insects, and with great strength, he dumped the fourth uncle. When the fourth uncle saw that he was surrounded by insects, he ran to the four open wooden doors. As he ran, he roasted the maggots bitten on the cotton-padded clothes with fire. He was secretly glad that he was not bitten by the poison.

The fourth uncle closed the wooden door with his backhand, and the maggots roared endlessly in the room. The rotten wooden door was hit and trembled, and sometimes the wood chips flew.

The fourth uncle did not dare to delay much. He just gasped outside the door and wanted to return the same way. In his life, the fourth uncle's tense nerves were about to break. I got up and wanted to walk, but I found myself in a hurry. The outside of this door was not the wellhead. It was a secret passage. The dark passage, and the depressed people didn't seem to feel their existence. The fourth uncle bowed his waist and walked forward along the dark road, but the more he walked, the more frightened he became. This dark passage was full of carrion remnants, and some places even needed to clear a road to pass through. Because the dark passage may be connected to the ground, the dark passage was extremely Because of the cold, the bodies and limbs were frozen hard, and there was not much odor. The cold wind outside blew into the dark road and whined, like the mourning of the ghost wandering here, which made people feel a bitter resentment when they heard the sound.

The fourth uncle said as he walked, "Early death and early birth, let's go!" The fourth uncle walked numbly and didn't know how to describe his mood. His anger had been diluted by the grievances of these dead.

After treating ghosts and gods for so many years, I now understand that if there are no evil thoughts in the world, where will evil spirits come from?

Looking at the lines of blood dragging out on the ground, the fourth uncle concluded that this was the exit for the maggot to go out to capture strangers, and the person who borrowed the corpse to raise insects must also enter and exit from this secret road.

After thinking about it, the fourth uncle couldn't help but speed up his pace and wanted to go back to get explosives and blow up the harmful cave. But I didn't expect that this secret passage was extremely long. The accuracy of calculating time was lost here. I only knew that when I was tired, I would rest in the pile of dead people and chew a clove of garlic when it was cold.

Finally, the fourth uncle felt that the air around him was getting colder and colder, and it seemed that he would soon reach the exit. The fourth uncle got out of the secret road. It was already dark, the snow had already stopped, and the vast earth was white.

The night is covered with stars and moon, reflecting the dead wilderness. The fourth uncle looked up at the sky. Half a month was in the sky and calculated the time. Shang Xuanyue, west of the ninth day of the first lunar month, should be midnight (around 23 o'clock) and didn't expect to toss around in the middle of the night.

The fourth uncle took out a dry cigarette, squeezed the cigarette paper with his mouth, rolled it up, and sat on the snow and smoked. Listening to the mourning of the old trees in the distance, the desolate and sad.

The fourth uncle observed the nearby terrain while smoking. Looking into the distance, he could see that the frozen river hit like a sharp sword, and then turned around to the distance, forming an elbow-shaped river flow. There were a few wisps of withered grass on the hillside where the fourth uncle was located.

Several dead trees in the distance were also covered with residual snow.

The fourth uncle in the hill is very familiar with it. This is the mass grave in the former town. The poor man died and had no money to buy a coffin, so he rolled up a broken mat and carried it here to burn some paper money, which can be regarded as a burial.

However, in recent years, few people can't afford coffins, and the country has promoted cremation, so this mass grave is a "useless force". Because it is far away from people, the dead people used to be piled up here. Sometimes they rowed by the river fork here, and the ghost fire on both sides floated, which was very gloomy.

There are also many things about this haunted and missing people. According to the fourth uncle's inference, this place is originally a place where feng shui is extremely evil. In addition, it is a mass grave and a place where yin is condensed.

Blood Worship has dug a secret road here. It is convenient to take the corpse, and it can pretend to be a ghost. It is extremely hidden. After all, normal people will not come to the mass grave for a walk. This secret road dug a dry well in the town, which is convenient for plundering living people to take blood and practice, and can drive those maggots to prey on the river bank and occupy all the land.

After smoking a cigarette, the fourth uncle got up and shrank his neck. The cotton coat bitten by maggots cracked ferocious big mouths, and the cold wind couldn't help pouring into it. Go straight along the river and you can go back to the town. This road is extremely difficult to walk. Sometimes you will fall into a snow-covered mass grave if you step a little deeper and bring out a piece of hand bone. After all, this barren mountain is not all "loyal bones".

The fourth uncle walked to the forest by the river and took advantage of the starlight to find a row of new footprints, twists and turns. He wondered who would walk around on this mass grave in the middle of the night? Could it be a blood worshiper?

But the fourth uncle ignored the footprints in front of him. It's better to go back to the town as soon as possible, but the more he walked, the colder he became. If he had arrived at the river fork according to his feet, he would have gone, but no matter how he walked around in that area, he looked at the snow under his feet, he was trampled back and forth by a path. Son.

took a closer look at the footprints on the snow and scolded in his heart, "Mother, isn't this my own footprint, the No. 45 yellow rubber shoes. It won't be wrong.

Did you meet the "ghost hitting the wall"? Originally, the fourth uncle relied on the spirit he had practiced since he was a child. All evil spirits are invulnerable. The righteousness of the human body can be better than any artifact. In addition, the fourth uncle is a cruel hand for hundreds of ghosts to see sorrow, and ordinary evil things dare not approach, but obviously, at this extremely yin time, even if he comes to this extremely gloomy place, even if If you have long wings, you have to fly in circles!

The originally sad old child (crow) stopped wailing, and the breath in his mouth seemed to be confused by this strange scene, and disappeared into the cold air, as if laughing at the lost man. The woods here are quiet...