jiang shi Yin and Yang Record

Chapter 21 Insect Repellent, Maggots

As soon as the fourth uncle got out of the tiger's mouth, he went into the wolf's den again. Somehow, he couldn't get around the small forest around the mass grave, and suddenly realized that he might have encountered a "ghost wall"!

"Ghost hitting the wall" usually occurs at night. Some people keep walking around the grave circle or a forest, and can't get out of that piece of it. The scientific explanation is that the reference is inaccurate, so that the eyes can't correct the direction and the aisle is off. But sometimes you really have to go to his mother's science. The fourth uncle knows the doorway of "ghost hitting the wall", and the ghost hitting the wall is also divided into several types. Some people walk in the wild in winter and see their own doors. They follow the steps, take off their shoes and go to sleep on the bed. When they wake up, they lie in the hospital. The legs are necrotic by the frozen peripheral nerves and amputated, and their hands still have to be on their waist. After cutting his mouth to raise it, he knew that he was lying on the snowshell for no reason, but the cotton shoes were behind his head.

If the "ghost hitting the wall" you met is in the grave circle, it's okay. If there is a gun, there is a whip twice, and there is nothing broken gong shouting twice may also work. Ghosts are afraid of evil people. As long as they hold a breath of Yang, they can rush out.

But on this mass grave, it is another matter how strong a person has yang, it can't be compared with the suppressed yin qi deposited in the past hundred years.

At this time, it is useless to want to see the stars to identify the direction. The star disk that was still dense just now is covered by dark clouds! The fourth uncle wandered within these hundred steps, looking around as he walked, trying to see the snow circle he stepped on, but he hated that he didn't have a pair of night eyes.

I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead and knew that if I met such a fierce roadblock, it would not let you go before dawn. I wanted to lean on the tree and slept for a night, but at this time, my toes were frozen. If I stayed in this committee, I would only have half of my life if I didn't die the next day.

At this time, there is no way to heaven, there is no door to enter the earth, and there is no wind in the back, but it is cold. The fourth uncle knows that it is the evil spirit following him, that is, that thing is fascinated by him. If it had been changed elsewhere, it would have been scattered by the fourth uncle, but here, the Daluo immortals can't help it.

But Jiang Banxian told the fourth uncle that once the ghost confuses the way of a living person, he can only see people's footprints and follow the footprints while building a wall. Thinking of this, the fourth uncle had an idea and sat on the snow, took off his shoes, pulled off his shoelaces, put them back on his feet, and Tara walked forward, turned around and looked at his footprints, all of which were reversed. There is no gloomy atmosphere behind it.

Four or five minutes, the fourth uncle walked out of the pine forest and shouted to the pine forest, "Brother, I'm sorry, follow the footprints." It turned out that the fourth uncle wore cotton shoes, with his toes facing back and heels forward, which fascinated the evil thing!

When the fourth uncle returned to the town, the sky was already bright. He was looking at Du Juan in a cotton-padded jacket and looking around in front of the gate. Her snowy eyes were full of anxiety. After seeing the fourth uncle, he hurried forward to greet him, but when he saw that the fourth uncle was ragged and had a few more blood marks on his face, he hurriedly asked, "Brother, where are you going? I haven't seen you come back for a day. Why did you add so many openings on your face? Hurry into the house to rest."

The fourth uncle followed Du Juan into the room. He tossed him a lot this night. He had forgotten when he had dinner. He blushed and asked, "Mr. Du Juan, do you have any dry food or something? I'll put it on first! I'm really hungry." Du Juan couldn't laugh or cry when she saw the appearance of her fourth uncle. Serve the food that has been prepared for the fourth uncle.

After dinner, I went to look at the unconscious old man Du, who was still the same. He opened his mouth and gasped like a broken bellows, as if there would be no follow-up.

The fourth uncle said to Du Juan, "Big sister, thank you for trusting me so much. If nothing happens, I can pull out the evil things from your father in the afternoon!"

Du Juan looked at the fourth uncle and said shyly, "At first glance, I knew that you were not a liar. As long as you can cure my father's evil disease, I..." Before Du Juan finished speaking, the fourth uncle sighed bitterly, patted his forehead, and said to Du Juan, "Sister, I have to go to do business quickly. When I come back in the afternoon, I will treat your father!" After saying that, he ran out.

The fourth uncle felt uncomfortable. How could he not know what Du Juan wanted to say, but the master's last wish had not been fulfilled. How could he be restrained by his children's personal feelings?

After the snow, the weather is particularly cold and wrapped in silver, which can't stop the chill in my heart. The fourth uncle ran to the master's house. After worshipping, he took out the explosives used to fry fish in the early years. In recent years, the Fisheries Bureau has strictly controlled and explicitly prohibited the use of explosives to explode fish and fishing without a license, so these explosives have been piled up here and are useless, and they are long enough*.

In those years, the fourth uncle followed the production team to pick up stones and know the explosives very well. The earth-made explosive used to frying fish is a shell made of glass bottles, which is filled with gunpowder, seals the mouth of the bottle tightly, and throws it into the river with a fuse.

Although it is not as powerful as the fried earth*, it can also be used. He took out a broken sword from the wooden cabinet on the kang and pinned it to his waist. By the way, bring some paper money to save those who died unjustly. Although eating too much garlic last night is not good for appeasing the dead, that's all I can do now.

The fourth uncle installed a suit of items and stepped on the frozen blood shell to the mass grave. He dares not blow up under the dry well in the town, which will not only disturb the "blood worship" church, but also make such a big noise that he will inevitably cause trouble.

If the case is reported, it is likely to be labeled as "murder murder and feudal superstition" by Zhao Dahu. It's better to blow up the hole where the maggots go in and out as soon as possible, and then secretly settle accounts with Zhao Debiao and others!

It was past ten o'clock in the morning when I walked to the mass grave. Looking at my footprints when I walked in the woods yesterday, I couldn't help but be shocked. I circled around a big place and stepped on the snow around me. You can see how many times I went back and forth last night!

The fourth uncle found the mouth of the cave and was not in a hurry to put explosives. Instead, he pulled out the simple broken sword on his waist, followed the dark road to the bottom of the dry well, pushed the door into the secret room, and saw that the insects were lying in the pile of dead people gnawing on the rotten bodies. I don't know how many times bigger than before. It was really beyond the fourth uncle's expectation and sharp. The mouth device was cut on the body of the rotting corpse, and the fourth uncle's scalp was a little numb when he heard the sound of broken bones and tendons. The maggots also felt that the living people were approaching, turned their heads, roared, and rushed to the fourth uncle.

The fourth uncle took a broken sword and the maggot had rushed to his front of him. When he raised his hand, the maggot had been divided into two. The yellow ** sprayed thinly and fell on the ground and hissed. More maggots rushed forward one after another. The fourth uncle's sword fell. Although this sword can restrain this strange insect, it is not a long-term solution. These insects should be killed clean, not only fierce but also not too much noise, but there is no such a perfect plan.

But then saw the torch on the wall, and the fourth uncle had an idea and unscrewed the bottle containing gunpowder. While resisting the attack of maggots, he sprinkled gunpowder everywhere. A maggot full of flesh shook and shook off the flesh all over his body.

Humming in his nostrils, his body shrank back into a ball and bounced up a person high. The fourth uncle was unprepared. Seeing that the maggot was about to bite him, it was too late to stab him with a sword. He subconsciously resisted the gunpowder bottle in his hand and bite the gunpowder bottle at once. The maggot itself is fat. If half a person stands up, this I almost broke the wrist of the fourth uncle holding the bottle. The maggot didn't care whether the bottle was delicious or not. He was about to swallow it while chewing. The fourth uncle took advantage of this jux and stuffed the torch into the maggot's mouth. Before the maggot could react again, the flame had burned from the inside of his body and struggled desperately.

The fourth uncle threw two bottles of gunpowder, retreated to the dark road and ignited the gunpowder on the ground. This secret room was originally made of bluestone. I don't know how many years have passed. It is about to collapse. The roof is supported by some wooden boards, and there are also some roof columns in the aisle. The fire is accompanied by a slight sound of wood bursting. Gradually spread, the originally fierce maggots also seemed to be aware of the arrival of danger and twisted their bloated bodies and bumped around. However, although their skin was thick, they could not stand the flames. Their stomachs were oily but flammable, and soon turned into a wisp of dust in the screams.

Soon these maggots will die. However, many of the yellow body fluids when killing maggots splashed on the fourth uncle's hands, and the skin splashed were red and swollen, and it was heartbreaking. Thinking about it, it may have been the "poison of resentment" mentioned in "Yi Xiaotianshu". This poison is caused by people's resentment. If the poisoned person is not treated in time or can't do it, the poison will follow the blood. He flowed through the meridians and finally died of ulceration.

At present, the fourth uncle didn't think so much. He tore off a piece of cloth on the cotton-padded coat and wrapped it around his wrist to slow down the flow of venom in the body. Although the venom can't kill for the time being, the pain is true. I didn't dare to delay now. I took out some garlic and chewed it and put it on my hand and wrapped it in a cloth. This can only last for a while.

If you want to really pull out the "poison of resentment", you have to soak the wound with fresh wolf sow blood and wait for the pig blood to completely solidify! The fourth uncle secretly congratulated himself that his face was not poisoned.