sword array

Chapter 230 Position

As soon as Ruan Junchi saw that Tan Taiyue was so fond of the ugly monster next to him, he actually took his arm with his hands. He was stunned and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but immediately laughed and said, "Okay, that's good. Let's go tomorrow morning!" With that, he withdrew his eyes, picked up the glass and poured wine for Mou Ya attentively. Seeing this, Tan Taiyue's heart was directly cooled. You know, the greatest contempt of others is to ignore it. Ruan Junchi's behavior has undoubtedly reached this level. He did not despise, but ignored, which directly explained his attitude towards Han Taiyue, perhaps because of jealousy and deliberately angered the other party, but in Han Taiyue's opinion, he fell in love with the woman in orange named Mou Ya more.

She wanted to say that Ruan Junchi was in love, or liked the new and hated the old, but in retrospect, the other party had not expressed any obvious love for herself from beginning to end, but compared with other nuns and disciples, Ruan Junchi spent much more time with her, that's all.

Tian Taiyue's heart was cold and her body suddenly numb. In confusion, she found that the ugly monster beside her was carefully breaking free from her arms. Seeing this, she hurriedly loosened her arms. At this moment, she subconsciously looked at Ruan Junchi and saw the other party looking at here, and seemed to understand. Something, a trace of boredom and disdain flashed in his eyes, and then continued to talk to Mou Ya.

Since Dan Taiyue helped himself promise to form a group with them to find Chimu, Yan Song was also rude. Isn't he just looking for Chimu all the way? He turned around, faced the rain street outside again, and began to think about how he should safely refuse in front of several strong men if he really had to find Chimu.

Tian Taiyue has never seen such a person as Yan Song. He is invincible, but he is still independent and elegant. Is this boy's self-confidence so strong? The more she thought about it, the more interesting she felt. At present, she also forgot about Ruan Junchi's side. She walked to Yan Song's side again. Seeing Yan Song's thinking appearance, she felt that the other party was a little cute, so she squeezed her mouth and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Yan Song didn't hear it, she stared and asked again. Only then did Yan Song hear her voice, look at her doubtfully, and then calmly looked out of the window: "It's okay."

Yan Song became more and more restrained. Looking in the eyes of Tian Taiyue, he felt more and more curious. At present, the first talented girl in the imperial capital actually asked some boring questions around the world's most ugly monster. Of course, Yan Song dealt with them one by one.

In Han Taiyue's view, this conversation was very strange and happy. However, when she turned around and saw Ruan Junchi walking to the room upstairs with the drunken Mou Ya, and had to hug her again from time to time because the other party was not awake, her face suddenly pulled down and her smile suddenly disappeared. , and rushed into the rainy street.

"God's will?" Yan Song looked at the thick clouds on his head and turned around and walked into his room.

As Mou Ya said, the next day, they set off on their way. Because the four of them are geniuses, each of them is a master of spiritual power, and light kung fu is even better. They don't use horses or magic weapons, and they fly directly in the air!

Of course, Yan Song doesn't have to step out at all. His virtual steps are enough to catch up with the other three people. Flying all the way, of course, her speech was very limited, but Yan Song also found that Tan Taiyue had been beside him, farthest from Ruan Junchi, and ignored the latter at all. Even if Ruan Junchi and Mou Ya rubbed their shoulders from time to time and looked at each other, she didn't care at all.

She is like a different person. The only purpose in her heart is to get Chimu. As for her affairs, it has nothing to do with her!

Yan Song still knows more or less about the reason why Tan Taiyue has this mood. To say what happened yesterday, although the girl is sad, she doesn't have to be so decisive. The key point is that when he got up this morning, he found that Ruan Junchi and Mou Ya came out of one room, and in another room, Tan Taiyue was also just right. Come out...

Although Ruan Junchi was arrogant, when he saw the eyes of the two, he still felt the need to explain. As a result, Tian Taiyue turned a deaf ear, and Yan Song didn't care. Finally, he was still speechless...

On the way, Yan Song gradually found that the four people were originally pregnant with ghosts. Needless to say, Ruan Junchi and Tan Taiyue said that they were looking for Chimu. In fact, they had known the specific direction of Chimu for a long time. They had no intention of looking for them all along the way, but went straight away.

As for Mou Ya, she seems to know everything and doesn't seem to know anything. In a word, Ruan Junchi regards her as more important than himself. Although she speaks less, she can't wait to take out his little heart out to him in his eyes!

Yan Song increasingly feels that this Mou Ya is not simple, but it's still a witch in the magic religion...

Five days later, a mountain appeared in front of the four people. The mountains were very high and the white clouds were halfway up the mountain. After flying for another five days, they fell on a small peak in the forest of Yunhai Peak. Looking down, they were bottomless, full of clouds. Looking around, the peaks and forests were like clusters, and they were gloomy, and they didn't even see anything in their hearts.

Ruan Junchi took out a plate made of blue spirit stone, looked around, and then played with it with his slender fingers. Suddenly, a blue light shot from the plate and pointed straight to the depths of the sea of clouds below. At this moment, when Ruan Junchi and Tan Taiyue looked down the blue light to the depths of the sea of clouds, Yan Song looked at Mou Ya next to them. Sure enough, her eyes were very strange, and there was a deep smile on the corners of her mouth.

She suddenly noticed that when Yan Song looked at herself, her expression couldn't help but stagnate, but immediately changed back to her previous appearance and pointed down and shouted; "Ah! It must be below, right? Ruan Junchi next to her replied attentively. Instead, she raised her forehead high for Yan Song. She wanted to provoke the other party, but she saw that the other party's sight had already left her and looked at the clouds below.

"Let's go down. Everyone be careful." Ruan Junchi looked at several people, and then looked down and said, "I'm at the front. You guys keep up." As he spoke, he jumped down and lit a few peaks and stones under his feet. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the sea of clouds.

The three looked at each other. Tan Taiyue seemed to wait for Mou Ya to follow Ruan Junchi, but Mou Ya noticed that Yan Song did not move. Yan Song saw that the two women did not move. Without saying a word, he jumped down. Soon, he saw Ruan Junchi's figure. He walked quickly and quickly followed him. At the same time, he also noticed that the two women behind him followed closely, and Lu Taiyue followed him closely, and Mou Ya cushioned behind him.

Half an hour later, several people crossed the sea of clouds and came to several green peaks, but they didn't expect that the green peaks had no valleys. Going down, there were large areas of water, and these peaks grew from the sea! And what makes several people feel more strange is that the sea here is black, which makes people feel scared.

What surprised them more was that there seemed to be some monsters in the black sea, revealing a huge back from time to time, and the triangular armor on it was awe-inspiring. From time to time, half a huge black ball will be exposed. Two small black balls on the black ball will move, and then a dazzling white will be exposed. It turned out to be two eyes! Two feet have window-large eyes!

However, from beginning to end, they couldn't tell what kind of monster it was. First, because the sea was black, and second, the monsters only exposed a small part of their bodies. They only saw a glimpse of their appearance. However, it is certain that there must be many monsters, because looking at the whole black sea, there are "beaing" ripples from this horrible creature everywhere, which is not only scary, but also disgusting.

Ruan Junchi only saw the small peak standing in the sea and said, "See, the smooth cliff close to the surface of the water, and the ruler wood is in the cliff. We must enter there to get it. But the peaks here are so hard that we can't enter from anywhere else. We can only make a hole in the thinnest smooth cliff. However, everyone can see that there are giant sea eel below, which is very dangerous.