sword array

Chapter 231 Calculation

He learned from Ruan Jun that the unknown monsters in the black sea are called sea eel. Although Yan Song has never seen such a thing, from these two words, he can imagine that those guys in the water should be no different from the pythons he met except for their heads. They are all cold-hearted bodies.

After listening to Ruan Junchi's words, Mou Ya asked, "Is it dangerous? Then how can we go down and what if we are eaten?

Ruan Junchi seemed to be waiting for the beautiful woman beside him to say so, and then the time for him to save the beauty came. He took a step forward and looked high at the void in front of him and said, "Don't worry, girl. My heavenly sword school has its own magic weapon, but you two can help us."

Mu Ya said, "How to help, just say it!" Yu Taiyue turned her eyes to the green peak in the distance. She still couldn't figure out which of such a careless woman, which point is attractive and which point has the appearance of everyone's boudoir. Is it possible that her brother only likes her appearance?

When she thought like this, Ruan Junchi next to her still looked at Mou Ya very attentively and patiently explained, "For a while, my sister and I will sacrifice the mountain hammer and the mountain chisel respectively. At that time, we will also ask you two to block the sea eel below for us. With just a cup of tea, we can knock open the stone wall and go to It's time to enter the peak body together and look for the ruler wood!"

"Good! But I want to look at the eel behind the palace, which is disgusting," Mou Ya said and leaned to Yan Song. "At that time, Chai Fei will be the main attack, and I will assist."

Several people discussed the policy, so Ruan Junchi took out a reed from his arms, injected Xuanqi into it, and then threw it down. The reed grew when the wind saw the wind, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a single-wood boat and floated in the void.

Ruan Junchi jumped into the bow, and Dan Taiyue followed him unsaltyly. The second one jumped on the boat, followed by Yan Song and Mou Ya. After everyone stood down, Ruan Junchi urged the boat under his feet to fly down smoothly.

Yan Song had to admire the magic weapon of the Heavenly Cave Sword School, which was really eye-opening. A reed could even turn a person into a boat. Before that, he almost dared not think about it. Of course, now is not the time to ask others for magic weapons. He sits on this waterless ship and is careful of accidents that may happen at any time.

The boat was very fast and drove down very smoothly. After a moment, several people came to the opposite side of the cliff. At this time, the height of the few people was 30 feet away from the black sea below, and the cave they were going to dig was about 15 feet away.

At this time, the sea eel in the black water below seems to have felt the external breath, some of which exposed their big white eyes, and some swam the whole python-like body faintly. The whole black sea water below obviously throbbed, and occasionally, there were several strange gasps. However, not to mention the fishy smell.

Although he could only see the back of the two, Yan Song could feel that Ruan Junchi and Dan Taiyue became more and more cautious. After the boat fell ten feet, Ruan Junchi did not look back and said very awefully, "Aya and Chai brothers, there are still five feet away from the chisel, and the attack of the sea eel is quite likely. Cover here, are you two ready?"

Hearing Yan Song and Mou Ya's affirmative answers, Ruan Junchi nodded and then said to Taiyue, "Sister, get ready! Thor Hammer--" he said, taking a series of very complicated seals with his hands, and then saw a purple light flying out of his head, a few meters away, and suddenly became ten feet long, and the hammer was three feet high!

At the same time, the staring moon behind him also shouted "Breaking Rock pestle!"

After saying that, the two jade hands also received a complex seal on their chest, and the same purple light suddenly appeared, but it flew out of her palms and suddenly became three feet in size in front of them. It was a very thick and flat drill pestle as thin as the tip of a needle!

"Go!" The two shouted at the same time and saw that the broken rock pestle turned into a purple light. With a bang, they hit the cliff five feet below. Almost at the same time, the radium hammer controlled by Ruan Junchi also banged and hit the broken rock pestle.

Suddenly, the two loud noises almost merged together, and the cliff suddenly radiated some cracks centered on the crushed pestle. The green peak shook, the sea trembled, and the surrounding air resonated.

The four people on the boat only felt a roar around their ears, and then a buzzing sound. The huge air resonance almost overturned them, and the loud noise from them was also because the energy was too strong. If several people had not been on guard, they could almost displace their internal organs.

The sound oscillated for a long time, and the aftertow sound was still roaring. In the black sea below, it suddenly seemed to boil, full of water waves. At the same time, many sea eels exposed their huge heads and necks, as big as a house. They stared at the window-sized white eyes and blood basins. The mouth is almost Zhang Chengpingjiao, and suddenly, like an arrow feather waiting to go, it will shoot up at any time.

Yan Song and Mou Ya saw this and looked at each other and were ready. Once the situation below was convenient, they would take action. However, when Yan Song looked back at Mou Ya, he found that Mou Ya's "heart-to-heart" expression was changed. She seemed to be thinking about something else before. He always felt that the woman behind him was a little mysterious and even a little strange.

Before the sound was finished, Ruan Junchi and Xing Taiyue began the second round of attack. As Thor hammer hit the broken rock pestle again, the huge roar was faster than just now. Yan Song clearly saw that the opposite peak shook back and forth, and one third of the crushed rock pestle penetrated into the cliff, and the cracks at the cliff were more Secret.

At the same time, Yan Song was also attracted by the riot of the monsters below. On the black wave, more than a dozen huge black python-shaped monsters rushed to the top. They opened their mouths and looked at the momentum. As long as one of them could swallow all four people and the wooden boat.

However, just as Yan Song was about to defend, the eel that jumped out of the water nearly six or seven feet below also seemed to have lingering palpitation and shrank back. At this time, Ruan Junchi in front of him shouted, "There is still a last blow, so we rushed into the cave and everyone was ready to do their respective duties!" After he finished speaking, the Thor hammer rose to the sky again, and then waved his arms violently, driving the Thor hammer, turning into a strong purple light, and smashing into the broken rock pestle.

With a loud bang, the cliff below was suddenly blown open, gravel splashed everywhere, and a three-foot-sized hole came into everyone's eyes. To the surprise of several people, the python-like monsters below were surprisingly quiet this time, as if they were scared by the previous two loud noises. I don't dare to provoke the power of several people anymore.

Ruan Junchi's back finally relaxed. He turned around, snapped his fingers at the others, and then said, "Finally opened it, come with me!" At his feet, his body had left the canoe, turned into a blue light, and flew into the hole. Behind him, Taiyue also rushed up. Yan Song felt a little inappropriate. When he turned around and was about to discuss with Mou Ya, he suddenly felt a gust of wind around him. An orange light flashed in front of him. He turned his head again and saw the orange light rushing towards Tan Taiyue and Ruan Junchi below.

Feeling something wrong, Yan Song also jumped off the boat, but when he saw two thick palm prints suddenly flying out of the orange light, they patted Ruan Junchi and Dan Taiyue respectively. The two flew to the hole below with one heart. They didn't expect that the people behind them would suddenly attack, and they were in the middle of their palms in a blink of an eye.

Yan Song moved forward quickly. He hadn't figured out what was going on. He only saw the two people in the middle palm spit blood one after another, and then their bodies unconsciously fell down.

At the same time, in the black sea below, groups of sea eans were stimulated by blood and rushed out one after another, like the chicks waiting to be fed, opening their blood-red mouths and swallowing them. This time, the height of those sea eel jumping out of the sea is obviously higher than the previous two!

Yan Song's mind was like a flash of lightning. He instantly considered why the woman in orange took action against the two people. If it was for Chimu, then he would also be the enemy of this woman for Chimu!