Do you dare to get married?

Chapter 23


After I got home and calmed down, I suddenly felt lonely. In the past, Gu Dahai always held Pei and sat next to me and watched TV, or cut fruit for me to eat, cut it into small pieces and insert toothpicks. By the way, yesterday he said that he was going to cook pear water for me. He said that the weather has been dry recently, and I don't like to drink water. Drink more pear water. Now I was left alone to peel the pears.

"Hello? How are you?" I'm the kind of person who can't stand loneliness. Before a while, I began to call Gu Hai.

"Hey, do you miss me now? No one peeled the fruit, right? Gu Hai's voice always makes me feel at ease.

"Go, go away, virtue, that's what I care about you." He really hates it, I think, why did he guess what I was thinking at once?

"You guess right, I said, you still want to be a red apricot. The person who enters my door is my person, and death is my ghost."

"Yes, let me tell you, there are many ghosts in the hospital. If you see anything, close your eyes quickly. There is no guarantee that there are unmarried female ghosts who like you. You have to go to get married."

"En, don't worry, I won't go. Do you miss me?" There is also something very confusing in his voice, so it makes him particularly pleasant when he speaks.

"Bullst... I don't want anyone to boil pear water for me." I think I blushed because I was very flustered.


A few days ago, I went shopping with Amon. She said that she wanted to spend money and find some balance. She was such a person. When she was unhappy, she wanted to spend money, find some comfort for herself, and loved to invite guests to dinner, especially a good buffet.

"Why don't you take some fish? That's fresh." Amon is busy eating ice cream. He has just eaten 2 boxes.

"Come on, I'm afraid of having a stomachache. You can also take it easy."

"Has Li Zhanpeng been looking for you recently?"

"Are you looking for me to die?" I said to myself, do I dare to go to Li Zhanpeng with you? That's boring.

"Oh, it's okay, I'll ask." She is still a little lost.

Later, I learned that Li Zhanpeng had disappeared for more than a week. I don't know where he went and didn't come to Amon at all. Now she is obviously unbalanced, and she was still a princess a few days ago. She couldn't find anyone these days. In fact, both of them are relatively naive. Where is marriage? From the beginning, I felt that It's a child who has a family. If it had not been for that child, they would have divorced several times and remarried several times, with a lot of divorce certificates in hand.

"Take some of this. It's okay. I just ate it." The voice behind the pillar was particularly like Chen Lu. At first, I thought it could not be her. Later, I remembered that Chen Lu was no longer than before. The money she learned was like running water. Not to mention this kind of high-end buffet, I think if she hadn't been afraid of death, she would have even dared to eat gold.

When I turned around again, I understood that it was Xu Linlin who came with her. She also saw me, and the two hurriedly turned to another place.


Lin Chu came back when she was 5 months pregnant. If she doesn't come back, I will see her big belly.

"What's wrong with your Lalang match?" The first thing I saw her was to ask this.

"Get out of here, what do you say?" Lin Chu stared at me.

It's funny to talk about that man. He blushed as soon as he saw Lin Chu, but he always looked at it secretly. I heard that he was an emerging farmer and entrepreneur. His family opened a pig farm and planted some fruit trees by the way. In those days, I picked a lot and ate and took them under the banner of Lin Chu. Now Gu Hai There are still a lot of leaves in the trunk, so I almost moved all the trees back.

"Where is your family taking care of the sea?" Lin Chu looked at it stupidly for a long time. She thought we would send her home together.

"I fell to the hospital and broke my tail bone." I want to laugh when I think about it.

"Are you all right?" Lin Chu took a long time to sit comfortably.

"It's okay. I think it's just calcium deficiency."

In the evening, we had a big dinner at Lin Chu's house, but Amon was late and didn't plan to wait for her. I guess it was a traffic jam. Now the traffic in Beijing is really a problem. If you don't kill you, it won't be over. Last time I went to Bai'anju with Gu Haihai and walked for three hours. The path was blocked and arrived early.

"Let me tell you, the fucking face of Gu Hai has shrugged to the ground." I told them about my treatment during Gu Hai's illness.

"It's much better than Amon's evil mother-in-law. What did Amon say at the beginning?" Lin Chu smiled against the cushion.

"That's right, Amon was asked to clean at home at the beginning." Chen Luka ate pistachios. She used to like to eat them, but she bought a little every time. This time, she was rich and bought a box of them. She couldn't finish it at home and came here.

"Eat less and get angry." It was said that I didn't care to eat for such a long time, so I quickly grabbed a large handful.

"What does Gu Hai eat? I heard that the food in the hospital is not good. Lin Chu now cares too much about people.

"Do you like it or not? I haven't had a place to eat, but I've cooked bone soup several times and asked the restaurant to stir-fry a few dishes to send. I can't stand the bone soup my mother cooked. It's really called bone soup. It doesn't even have meat hair. At least you have to put some meat. Shit, I don't know, I'm afraid I'll eat it."

"That's because the mother cares about her son." Chen Lu took a picture of me.

"Bah, my son doesn't even give me meat. Really, but to be honest, the old lady doesn't know what to stew. It's delicious." I threw away the shell in my hand.

"Do you still want to eat it?" As soon as Lin Chu's words fell, I heard the door kicked open. It was a kick, and the voice was loud.


"Go away, don't let me see you!!" A Meng rushed in fiercely and pointed straight to Chen Lu's nose.

"Hmm." Chen Lu made a provocation with her nose, and then bent down to pick up her small satrap bag. "Let's go. What's the matter? It's natural to have a desire..."

"You!!" A Meng came forward and gave Chen Lu a strong mouth.

"Why the hell did you hit me?" Chen Lu came back and pressed A Meng to the ground.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?" Lin Chu and I hurried forward to pull.

"Ouch..." I don't know who kicked Lin Chu, and she lay on the ground with her stomach in her arms.

"She still has children!!!!" I screamed and slapped A Meng and Chen Lu.


"Are you all right? Are you all right?" Yang Chao hung up the phone and ran to the hospital. We were all waiting outside the operating room. The light on the door was still on. I only saw this scene in the nightmare. The longer it was bright, the more uneasy it became. At this time, the light was not a symbol of hope.

"Who are your family members?" The doctor ran out in a hurry.

"I am. Lin Chu has given me the authorization document." I pulled everyone away and stood in front of the doctor. Lin Chu had done a notarization since she first became pregnant. She knew that if there was any accident in giving birth this time, her family would never come to see her. Just in case, she handed over her life to me at a critical moment.

"Do you want an adult or a child now?" The doctor directly threw me a very serious question.

"Can't you have it all?" I pulled the doctor's clothes.

"No, decide quickly. It's waiting for the operation inside." The doctor looked at me impatiently.

"I want adults, I want adults!! It can still be adopted in the future!!!" When Gu Hai appeared in front of me with a cripple, I felt that he was shining brightly and guiding me the way.

"I want to be an adult, my adult!" I signed it tremblingly. Maybe Lin Chu will blame me, but I can't lose any of my friends...

The next wait is still long...

The ticking past of time is like peeling cocoon and drawing silk.

No one can sit still, floating like wandering souls, when they don't land...

The operation was still successful, but Lin Chu could not have children in the future. I looked at her pale face. If I had known such a result, I would not have gathered on that day, or I would not call A Meng and Chen Lu that day, but I talked with Lin Chu, and nothing would happen.

I don't blame you, really.

Lin Chu said this to me when she woke up. She did not cry or make noise, and kept the pain silently in her heart.

I'm sorry, Lin Chu...

The three of us have been repeating this sentence. I don't know what happened between A Meng and Chen Lu. The chill came from my heart. I suddenly felt that our friendship had come to an end, and this pain has been coiled around my heart.


"Daughter-in-law, come and lie down for a while." Gu Dahai struggled to get down from ** and motioned me to lie down for a while.

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." I hugged Gu Dahai and cried.

"I don't blame you, really, you did the right thing, it's better for people to live..." He hugged me and patted me on the head, just like my mother that day. This is the first time I found a similar embrace to my mother outside...


Lin Chu's physical fitness has always been terrible.

I still remember that there was a year of special epidemic of colds, which hit me, Amon and Chen Lu in one breath. Only Lin Chu still insisted. She cooked for us, secretly shouted for us, and took notes for us. If it hadn't been replaced by the exam, I think she would have taken the exam for us.

And we lay comfortably in ** commanding Lin Chu. She took water and medicine, which was simply a mother.

"I'll pour this out for you." I helped Lin Chu pour out the water in the vase. When I opened the door, I saw A Meng standing timidly at the door with big sunglasses.

"Amon, you fucking learn big flies again!!" Lin Chu went up and took it off. The sunglasses were so big that half of her face was covered. We always laughed at her for learning flies, which made her very angry.

Amon's eyes are not as bright as before. They are red and slightly swollen. At a glance, they know that they have been crying for a long time.

"Why are you standing over there? Go and help me fold my clothes." When I went far away, I heard Lin Chu ask A Meng to work. It should be all right. Lin Chu is better to us than anyone else. He has never been angry with us, even if it is such a big thing.

"I'm sorry, really, I'm sorry..." Amon drank too much at the dinner table and vomited. He wiped his tears and nose together, pulled his hair and pulled his clothes. I had never seen her so sad when he quarreled with Li Zhanpeng before.

"It's okay. Why the fuck are you crying?" Lin Chu is also a little too much. She smoked a cigarette impatiently. Recently, she has been smoking for a long time for that child, but now she doesn't need it...

Amon and Lin Chu woke up after sleeping all afternoon, and I also learned all the situation.

Li Zhanpeng went to find A Meng again. He knelt on the ground and cried. A Meng was also soft-hearted. She has always wanted to divorce. I just want to know who introduced Xu Linlin to you. She pretended to ask calmly.

Yes...Chen Lu... She said that she was so angry with you, maybe she would make up. Li Zhanpeng trembling and trembling and confessed all the truth. A Meng said that at that time, she felt a bolt from the blue. Unexpectedly, it was her sisters who ruined her happiness. Unexpectedly, Li Zhanpeng, who was honest, was easily trapped.

"Tell me, how fun it is, hahaha, my sisters pimp my husband, hahaha." A Meng leaned against the sofa and wiped his tears while watching me feel particularly sad.

"...She is no longer the same. I heard that she is now hanging out with the owner of a film and television company." Lin Chu slowly turned his head.

"How could this happen..." I lit a cigarette, and I seemed to see Chen Lu's original innocence again in the smoke.

When she first entered school, Chen Lu was very timid and obedient in the dormitory.

Once she accidentally buckled the vegetable soup on a girl. The man asked her to compensate, saying that it was a famous brand, more than 600 yuan. Chen Lu was so scared that she cried. Finally, I and A Meng helped her settle it out and lost a total of 100 yuan. Then we forgot and really forgot that 100 yuan is not much different from ten yuan for us. Except for the different colors.

Later, a month later, when Chen Lu took out a few wrinkled bills from her pocket, Amon and I were dumbfounded. We had never seen such a broken money. I heard that Chen Lu bought her embroidered insoles to earn it. I said why she came here to make things with her back to us in the mosquito net.

Later, we didn't dare to put money in front of Chen Lu. Every time we ate, we rushed to pay for it. We also gave her some clothes that we didn't wear. When we bought cosmetics, we also tried our best to ask for samples, and we also gave them all to her. At the most amazing time, we were asked for samples of three-eye cream. You know, it was 15ml, genuine It's only 30ml.