Do you dare to get married?


Do you dare to get married?

Do you dare to get married?

Author: June Moyan

Category: Romantic

State: Completion

At the wedding of his former lover, Shen Yu met a man, and then the two got married in a flash. Two people who had no intersection at all began to live together, and the shortcomings of both sides were gradually exposed: quarrels, quarrels, cold wars... And the marriage and love of friends beside them were also varied: divorce with children, cheating without marriage, those who wanted to get married failed, and those who did not want to get married were forced to get married. If there is only this little chaos in life, then Shen Yu will be grateful, but car accidents, treachery, heartache, loneliness and betrayals come one after another. Is marriage really scary? Can marriage really be happy? It depends on whether you dare to open the book and read it...