Do you dare to get married?

Chapter 3


"The little fish is back." My parents hadn't slept yet when I got home.

"Ah, is Sister Xiaoyue also here?" I stood at the door and took off my shoes. When I saw the people on the sofa, I said hello.

Her name is An Yue, my future sister-in-law and Shen Lang's girlfriend.

When I was a child, I grew up with my brother and wore open crotch trousers. First, I secretly fell in love with Shen Lang for many years, and then achieved my wish with the help of two parents. However, I always feel that it is no different from my child daughter-in-law. The only difference is that there is not much age difference.

Now I feel a little sorry for her. If she saw the photos in my camera, she would have to turn her back angrily.

"Ah..." When I got up in the morning, I paid special attention to the door. An Yue's shoes were still there. It seemed that she slept in my house again. I guess she is doing breakfast in the kitchen now. When she graduated from college, she lived in my house every day. She was like a daughter-in-law. When I was a child, I wondered why she always ran to my house. Bed, but I completely understand now.

"Morning, little fish." My brother is wearing a tie in front of the mirror.

"Well, did you play there last night? Sister Xiaoyue can wait for you for a long time. I leaned against the door and smiled at him, which made him get goosebumps. I saw it all over my face.

"I, I, yesterday, yesterday, God, accompany the customer..." He began to stag.

"Oh... customer, but I don't like the slow atmosphere of that house. It's not exciting at all." I turned around and brushed my teeth.

Shen Lang didn't eat this breakfast well and always lowered his head. He was afraid to see me laugh.


After work, I went to find Lin Chu, a well-known photographer, my sisters. The address always changes, so I have to send the wedding invitation in person.

"Hi..." Lin Chu was busy shooting a set of fashion films, "Xiaoyu, wait for me."

"Okay, do your work." She is very neutral. To be honest, she looks like a man, that is, multiple breasts, and her other aspects are no different from men.

She was mistaken for military training.

When she went to the toilet that day, a girl came in and saw Lin Chu squatting and immediately ran out. Lin Chu sneered and continued to squat. She was used to it. After a while, the girl came back and muttered as she walked: Yes, it's the women's toilet... Then she found the farthest pit from Lin Chu and squat down.

Such examples are countless on Lin Chu's body, and many of them are numb, so we don't care. We still take off our clothes and take a shower in front of her and sleep on our backs.

Sitting opposite me is her new girlfriend. Yes, yes, you heard it correctly. It's her girlfriend. Lin Chu is a lesbian. When she went to school, she became open-minded, but she is also a young girl in the lesbian world, and there are three girlfriends in the circle.

"Why do you have time to come to me?" Lin Chu finished her work after working for 3 hours, and she put her hand on my waist.

"Gee, I'm afraid you'll move again, and I won't be able to find you back." I took out the invitation and moved aside, and her little girlfriend's face was shrugged.

"Oh... I'm married. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend." She began to look at me when she saw it.

"Hey, pay attention, your family is still nearby." I gave her a kick.

"What's wrong? Come on, this is my sister." She hugged the girl beside her like a man and shook it.

"Go, hate... Then are you still eating with me?" The little girl immediately leaned against Lin Chu's arms.

"I can't do it today. I'm going to eat with my sisters. You can go home and wait for me first." After saying that, he kissed the girl on the face.

I saw the girl twist and leave before eating with Lin Chu.


"They said that women are angels around God who fell on earth, but... I'm a fucking devil. Why did you give me the identity of an angel?" Lin Chu likes to talk about this sentence when he drinks too much.

"Are you all right?" I quickly took a pile of peanuts for her to eat. This is the most relieving for alcohol. Just eat it for a while.

"Really, why am I so miserable?" She grabbed my clothes and said, "I want to get married too... Why the fuck can't I get married... Why do I have to sneak around?? Ah??"

"..............." I patted her, one sentence after another, which made me speechless.

"Do you have a pen?" She asked me after being quiet for half an hour.

"Yes." I handed her another book. As soon as she drank high, she had the habit of inscription. I almost forgot and replied with the same question: men and women are equal. Why are lesbians not allowed to get married? This sentence can be seen in all of our notebooks, and it is all hers.

Don't let the question be written on the table of the restaurant, on the wall, or write it on you. Anyway, you have to write it. In order not to cause trouble to society and the people, we eat and drink with her and take a pen with us, at least a piece of paper.

Because Lin Chu drank regardless of southeast and northwest, I had no choice but to ask my eldest brother to pick it up and send Lin Chu back by the way.

"Xiaoyu, do you think An Yue is suitable to be with me?" Shen Lang suddenly said this to me when he came home.

"Eh? What do you mean? I almost fell asleep in a daze.

"Nothing, I just asked, er... Did you see me that day?" Shen Lang has never dared to look at me.

"Oh, I see. Shake it slowly. You drink very happily." I want to laugh.

"............Can you keep it a secret for me?" He stopped the car to look at me.

"I didn't say anything." I looked out of the car.


As soon as he got home and took a shower, Amon called and cried out of breath.

"What's wrong? You said, don't cry!" I ran to the balcony alone, but I still couldn't hear it clearly. "Come to my house, do you know the address?"

"I know...I know..." and heard this sentence, but I didn't hear anything else clearly.

"Well, come here and I'll wait for you at home."

"What's the matter?" Amon came in and hugged me and cried for half an hour.

"He... agreed to anything today... and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to divorce tomorrow..." She said a few words.

"It's not the first time to go there. What are you afraid of?" It is not the first time for them to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Last time it was when we just got married... They called me, Chen Lu, Lin Chu, and Wei Zilu.

They were sitting on the bench when we arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Is it really far away?" I sat next to Amon.

"Ye." Amon shrugged his head.

"Are you kidding?" Chen Lu took her hand.

"What's the matter? Dude?" Lin Chu took Li Zhanpeng's shoulder.

"Hey, who the fuck knows." Li Zhanpeng has been smoking.

"Hey, it's the last chance. Shall we talk again?" Amon kicked Li Zhanpeng.

"What are you talking about?" Li Zhanpeng looked at her.

"Do you remember how we hooked up?" Amon mentioned the past.


In fact, their marriage is quite legendary, from the beginning of the robbery to the final blending...

That was my sophomore in high school. I bravely ignored my parents' opposition and resolutely mixed with Amon. I either fought or robbed, and always played truant. On a boring afternoon, we decided to rob again, or the same. I let go and Mon went to rob. There was no one on the street at that time, let alone anything. Students, but just as we were going to give up, God sent Li Zhanpeng to us.

"Go?" I watched the thin Li Zhanpeng walk towards the small alley step by step.

The gate of our school is a fork in the road. After school, everyone picks a convenient way home. One of them is very hidden. It is a private meeting place for the majority of students and couples, and the unlucky Li Zhanpeng is going.

"Do you want to eat KFC tonight?" Amon threw down his cigarette.


"Then let's go." She stood up and followed to the alley.

"Do you have money?" Amon went up and slapped him.

"No..." Li Zhanpeng's face was as white as a ghost, and he fell down before he finished speaking.

"Damn, little fish, little fish!!" She rushed out like crazy and pulled me away.

"What's the matter? Big money?" I thought she was scared because she robbed too much money.

"...did you take it?" Li Zhanpeng is lying motionless on the ground.

"" Her head shook like a rattle, "Where did she fall?"

"What should I do? Why don't we... let's run." At that time, I only had such an idea in my mind.

"No, what if I die?" I can't even wash the Yellow River... Let's take the teacher." Amon is amazing.


Amon and I were forced to go to school against Li Zhanpeng. The child didn't know what to eat. He was so heavy that he almost crushed me to death. However, the school did not criticize us for playing truant, but gave him the first certificate in his life, which said that he was a good boy. At this time, we knew that at that time Li Zhanpeng was approved to return home early because of physical discomfort, otherwise he would not have been found by A Meng and me. However, no one dared to tell parents and schools that we met after robbing money.

Li Zhanpeng's parents invited us to a meal and showed their love for Amon on the dinner table. Then the two successfully got together, and even Amon's grades began to improve. The only one who was indignant was me. Since then, I lost a playmate and was forced to read, study and read at the same time. The pornographic performance.


Yes, this is a legend, but I don't understand why Amon said this at the time of divorce.

"Old almanac, why did you mention him?" Li Zhanpeng's eyes are a little red.

"No." Amon looked at him with his big eyes flashing, "I was thinking that I didn't care about you at the beginning, nothing happened."

Then Li Zhanpeng's fragile and ** nerves couldn't stand it. At first, he cried by himself, and then he hugged Amon and cried.

Two hours later, we came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau and went to the nearby hotel. Amon held Li Zhanpeng tightly all the way. His eyebrows were like those who had just received the certificate.

"28th, 28!!! Huh?? People??" Only the staff in the Civil Affairs Bureau shouted at the station.

Later, we visited several times for such farce. I don't know if it's true this time.


The next day, I had to accompany Amon to divorce, because everyone was really tired of watching this kind of drama. Only I was a loyal audience, and the heroine was forced out.

"I haven't seen it yet. Wait a minute." Amon and I sat on the chairs in that row several times.

A total of 5 seats are connected, which can seat two divorced people, but I don't know why there is an extra seat for mistresses?

Amon never said a word and looked at the ground in a daze. This time she was really uncomfortable. Despite the fight, she always thought that she would not divorce. Li Zhanpeng's phone call was simply a blockbuster. She didn't sleep all night last night, and I asked her to wake her up countless times.

In fact, that's it. They are so good that they have been tired of being together every day since high school.

The person close to the ink is black, and I feel uncomfortable in the face of Amon and Li Zhanpeng every day. The influence of a pair of lovers is huge and irresistible. At that time, I was like a cat in spring, jumping up and down, almost burning with desire.

Amon is worthy of being Sister Tie. She was the first to find out that I was abnormal, so she took me to watch Li Zhanpeng's basketball game. In fact, she wanted to give me a good idea.

There was a sea of people on the basketball court, but I saw Wei Zilu among so many people. He was not the tallest, but he was so dazzling and shiny that I was almost blind. I never thought that a person could be so dazzling and so predestined. He was the person chosen by Amon.

"Do you drink coke?" At the dinner table, the shy Wei Zilu's first words to me said to me now. I guess I was also stupid that day. A Meng said that I was so happy that I almost didn't speak much, let alone eat. The rice under my stomach can be counted.

Yes, from that day on, I fell in love with Wei Zilu, his smile, his eyebrows, and everything about him.

I learned Japanese day and night for him. A week of hard work made me miraculously pass the level examination, but now Japanese is just a tool for me to find food, and the past days no longer exist.


Li Zhanpeng stood us up and didn't show up until noon when it closed.

In fact, this is what I expected. Li Zhanpeng doesn't want to divorce at all.

"Cheers!!" Amon swept the widow just now and cursed her husband while shaking off her cheeks to gnaw sheep and scorpion and rubbing her hand of oil.

"Can we not eat so ugly?" If it hadn't been for the restaurant, I think she would have taken off her shoes.

"I'd love to, damn Li Zhanpeng, rub me." She nibbled the meat fiercely and pinched the beer bottle with her greasy hand.

"Well, if he really comes, you will cry to death." I looked at him.

Come on? When I come, I will show it to him!!" Amon choked, but he didn't forget his heroic words.

"Eat it quickly! It's better not to mention divorce with Li Zhanpeng at the wedding in a few days. I'm afraid.

"Well, I know." She held the sound of bones.