Do you dare to get married?



A Shi called me again in the middle of the night. She said that Zhao San had remitted 60,000 yuan to her account and returned the money to me first.

"My God... Sister, can't we talk during the day?" I convinced them as night workers. They are depressed during the day and blood at night.

"Am I afraid of forgetting..." A Shi was particularly wronged.

"Yes, yes, I'll bring it to you tomorrow. I'm going to bed. Bye!" I quickly hung up the phone and unplugged the power of the landline.

"Who's calling?" Gu Hai lay down and asked**.

"Sisters, you borrowed some money from me last time and pay it back tomorrow." I got into the quilt and put my cold hand on Gu Hai's stomach, and he sucked it.

"Look at the frozen one. I'll buy you a new extension later, the kind that can run around." Gu Dahai hugged me.

"Well, that's not a phone. It's become a cat toy. It's enough to lose and play. Pei Pei plays, either nibble or grab it, or lose it. A few extensions are broken." I lean against the sea. Not to mention, this body is really warm, stronger than the heating, and I really didn't get married for nothing.

"Go to bed first, and I'll buy it later..." Gu Hai muttered and snored in a while.

"............" I looked at him and really picked up the baby. At the beginning, there must have been a lot of people at the wedding, but why did they like Gu Hai? That's right, even though I can't stand the fatigue in my life... Thinking about it, I also fell asleep in a daze.


"Has Zhao San sent it recently?" I especially want to count the money in front of A Shi, right? It's not embarrassing. This stupid thing is also honest. I don't mention the things that let me count at all, which suffocated me to death.

"I don't know. I didn't want him to lend it to me. Later, he said that your sister also had some bad luck, and your money helped fill the hole, so I wanted it." Ashi is wearing a dress, but I always feel that there are fewer trousers underneath.

"Oh, his news is really good." I looked at her and said, "Are you cold?" I don't know whether I want to count money or be nervous, so I open my mouth and ask.

"Bah, that's what I'm going to earn if I wear too much." She smiled and spit the cigarette ring on my head.

"OK, you play by yourself. I'm leaving." I said goodbye to Ashi. It was almost 12 o'clock, and she began to be busy.

"Hey! Thank him for me." Ashi ran out of the door, her hair fluttering in the wind, and I thought she was still wearing her embroidered national costume.

Ashi's hands are particularly skillful. She used to say that since she was a child, she made her own clothes and embroidered them by herself. She also said that wherever they got married, they were specially made by a skilled grandma. Or in the future, when I married Wei Zilu, she made it for me, and she once pulled me to see her big red wedding dress, which was full of which was Auspicious pattern...

"Hello? Zhao San, someone asked me to thank you. I went out and called in the taxi.

"Cough..." He seemed to choke, "Oh, I know."

"What's wrong? You have to take medicine if you have a cold. I could hear his hoarse voice.

"It's okay, I smoke too much... I'm asleep." Zhao San hung up the phone and looked at the disappearing mobile phone. I don't know how many people can't sleep today, but I think there are at least two people I know, one holding a mirror in an empty room, and the other looking out the window in singing and dancing...


"Hello, are you a friend of Lv Xiaomeng?" I received a strange phone call at lunch.

"You are..." I was thrilled. What's wrong with Amon?

"I'm a kindergarten teacher. That's right. Li Meng has a fever, but I can't contact my parents... The child will remember your phone number." Then the voice breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I'll go there." I hung up the phone and called Amon, but no one answered. Li Zhanpeng's phone was turned off. Why didn't these two teach the children to remember Lin Chu's phone number? I'm not a nanny!

"Fish..." Li Meng sat with his mouth pout when I arrived.

"Do you have a fever?" I touched his forehead.

"Are you here to pick up Li Meng?" The kindergarten teacher gave the child to me just like seeing the savior.

"Eat ice cream." Li Meng was very energetic, and the teacher said that his fever had just subsided.

"You have to go to the hospital with me after eating." I stood in front of the ice cream shop.

"..." He rolled his eyes, looked inside and looked at me again. "Don't eat..." The little guy turned his head and left.

"Hey, it's the same virtue as your mother, just like a donkey." I quickly caught up with him and said, "I'll buy it for you. Go home and tell your mother." I took him in, and Li Meng immediately posted on the counter to watch the ice cream.

"Oh... just like your mother, it's disgusting..." I watched Li Meng paste the chocolate ice cream and touch it everywhere, so I looked for a paper towel to wipe it.

"Hey hey hey hey hey." He kept smiling.

"Real, give me your hand. Remember to tell your mother when you go home, you have a fever, okay?"

"En en." Li Meng was busy eating and completely ignored me. It happened that A Meng called me back.

"What are you doing!" She is quite arrogant.

"For ransom, I tell you, your son is in my hand, take a million." I looked at Li Meng laughing, and the stupid child also smiled at me, heartless.

"Go to your uncle, redeem your fart, and go to Li Zhanpeng." Amon was so angry that he didn't know that the business was yellow again.

"It's really with me." I handed the phone to Li Meng, "Mom..." The child cried milkily.

"Aren't you going to send it to kindergarten?" This time Amon was sure that I was not teasing her.

"Yes, the teacher said that he had a fever and couldn't find you. Your son remembered my phone number and called me." I wiped Li Meng's mouth.

"Oh, I memorized all the phone books for him, why did I remember your phone number? Did you say he was a little stupid?" Amon is not a big deal.

"Do you want to be ashamed? Do you want a face?" I guessed it was A Meng's idea. Li Zhanpeng didn't hate it so much, "You still laugh, virtuous!"

Half an hour later, Amon watched her car come and picked us up for dinner.

"Well, I said your son has the same problem with you, just like a donkey." I told Amon what happened just now.

"It's the first time. Forget it if you don't buy it. You have to scare us." A Meng looked back. Li Meng was sitting in the back seat and flipping through his fucking schoolbag.

"You don't care about this?" I pointed to the back.

"Turn it over. It's better than running around the world for me. This is in the car. Turn around and hit the tree together." Amon's skin is not very good recently. I heard that she always works overtime. A company asked her to jump up and down for the conductor like a zoo.

"What are you busy with?" I looked at her face and it was a little dry. I guess I haven't taken care of it recently.

"Hey, didn't I take over Li Zhanpeng's unlucky business? He's going to do something else now." What Amon said also made me feel very humane.

"That's right. You finally know that Li Zhanpeng is not on his mind." Amon has always felt that Li Zhanpeng doesn't like that company and tried his best to get a divorce.

"I don't look like his virtue." Amon looked at me and said, "When are you leaving?"

"I don't know. The big leader didn't say anything, either at the end of the month or the beginning of the month." I stretched out and said, "Look, Gu Dahai will have 800 phone calls a day to chase me."

"Hahahaha, he is quite afraid that you will run away." Amon held the steering wheel and smiled.

"Go, by the way, remember to take your son to see a doctor. He has a fever." Li Meng's little head came from behind me.

"Ye, when I'm done with this."