Attacking Fox

Chapter 80 Thoughts and Trembling

In Ruiwang's mansion, Yin Ji was drinking tea leisurely. The guard at the door suddenly came in and reported, "Your Majesty, please see me."

Yin Jizhen quickly put down the tea cup and said, "Let him in."

After a while, Feidian came to Yin Jiyu under the leadership of the guard. He didn't have time to be polite. Feidian opened his mouth and said, "Prince Rui, please give me a horse. Those bodies will be resurrected later!"

Yin Ji said helplessly, "Do you want to talk to me about anything else besides these things?"

When will you talk about something else? Feidian frowned. He had to solve the matter of the body quickly, and then go to the palace to accompany Yin Sheng. If he really couldn't find a way to treat Yin Sheng before then, he would...

However, Yin Jixuan is still so indifferent. Is it that he wants to take advantage of this turmoil? No... He is so calm that he must have planned to do nothing and wait and see what happens.

Feidian thought for a moment and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Yin Ji was a little surprised, and then came to his senses. This man really knew it once, so he laughed and said, "It's so late, naturally he has eaten. But if you haven't eaten, I can eat with you again."

"I've talked to you about other things," Feidian said blankly. "Since you are so idle, send troops with me to look at the bodies!"

Yin Ji lowered his eyebrows and looked a little frustrated. "Sure enough, your thoughts are all for him. This people are only his Yin for the time being. What does it have to do with you?"

"As you said, my thoughts are all about him," Feidian said solemnly. "Yin Sheng is alive and be his emperor, so that my existence is meaningful."

"Really..." Yin Ji shook his head with a wry smile, "I really don't know what's good about him..."

"It's not a matter of whether it's good or not," Feidian said. "Please give me the soldiers and horses quickly. It's too late."

"You should know that although you are a military division, I am still the one who really controls the soldiers and horses." Yin Ji suddenly said so.

"Of course I know, that's why I came here to ask you for soldiers."

"I mean, I can delay the time without giving it to you until Yin Sheng dies." Yin Ji smiled and said, "Yin Sheng should be dying."

"No! He won't die!" Feidian looked at him coldly, calmed down for a while, and said, "You must give me people, because if you don't give them, people who know the truth will tell you the people of the State of Li. You are still unwilling to send troops to help the people at such a crisis. You will lose the hearts of the people, and you will never get what you want!"

"Ha ha... According to what you said, someone has to know the truth and can live until the day I plan to rise up." Yin Ji said with a smile.


"Okay, don't worry," Yin Ji went over and rubbed his hair. "I just want to tell you that I have no intention to lend you, and it's not good for me. It's just because it's you, so I don't want to refuse."

Feidian didn't have time to recall his words carefully. He only heard him say that he was willing to borrow it and asked happily, "Really? It's not too late. Let's go there quickly!"

Yin Jixuan turned around and ordered someone to take out the tiger charm and give it to Feidian. He said, "There are 5,000 people in King Rui's mansion for the time being. Now it's all at your disposal. As for fighting zombies together... I won't go. That thing is so disgusting that I can't stand it."

Feidian held the tiger charm and opened his mouth to ask him what he had given him the whole soldiers and horses of the Ruiwang Mansion. And he also gave him the tiger charm. Aren't you afraid that he would take it to Yin Sheng...

"Remember to return the tiger charm to me," Yin Jiyu's eyes were full of emotions that he never wanted to hide. He said softly in Feidian's ear, "Be careful, if Yin Sheng is really... Don't be too sad, my heart will always open for you."

Feidian finally knew what he was saying this time. His face turned red. He took a step back and said stubbornly, "Yin Sheng will be fine."

Yin Ji smiled helplessly and said, "Go quickly."


Feidian only brought 800 archers to meet the people sent by Yin Sheng. When the leader saw Feidian, he said quickly, "Master, someone in the palace just came from your majesty's order that there was a change and asked us to go back immediately."

"What? Is there also a change in the palace? Feidian's long eyebrows frowned. Yin Sheng is like that, and the mirror is in Shangshufu again. Can he cope with it alone?

He began to regret why he only thought about these corpses at that time, with only 800 archers. If he brought more, he might help Yin Sheng!

The worry in his heart made Feidian messy. He couldn't wait to return to Yin Sheng immediately. If the mirror can't find a cure for Yin Sheng, then there is only...

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed, "Your Excellency, the body has begun to be resurrected!"

When the electricity looked at the bodies, they saw two or three bodies slowly stand up. Their eyes were round, and their eyes seemed to burst out of their eyes. Their bodies were full of thick body fluids, dragging their bodies to the soldiers over this side.

"Quick, shoot an arrow and shoot in the head!" Feidian ordered that the archers immediately took out their swords and shot at the bodies. Their well-trained arrows were all shot into the heads of the bodies.

But because the body's head was too soft at this time, it was not shot open, and the insects in the body were not shot out... In this way, those bodies can still work!

Feidian held his forehead and told himself not to panic. There will be a way...

"Master, do you have to break the head of the corpse?" At this time, the leading archer found the anxiety of flying electricity and asked.

Feidian nodded and asked, "Do you have a good idea?"

"The bow and arrow are too thin to shoot through but not explode," the leader replied, "but we can shoot together with three arrows."

Feidian asked with some surprise, "Is that all right? Then try it quickly."

The man took out three arrows and shot them together, and the arrows roared in his ear. Then, the head of the body had exploded, and dozens of dead insects flowed out of his head. The man asked, "Master, are these bugs also going to be killed, right?"

Feidian nodded, "Sat stones or set fire to flood them, as long as you can kill them."

The man took the order and immediately ordered the archers to release the rocket.

In fact, the number of corpses is not large, and 800 people should be more than enough to deal with them. Feidian arranged everything. Before he could wait to see all the corpses being blown off their heads, he went straight to the palace.

Before arriving at the Golden Hall, the bodyguard who had never stopped him stopped him today and said with some difficulty, "Your Majesty, His Majesty..."

Why did you stop him? An extremely bad idea appeared in Feidian's mind. Could it be that Yin Sheng was dying at this time, so he was not allowed to go in to see him?

He didn't have time to listen to the guard, so he pushed him away and walked in.

There is only Yin Sheng in the empty hall. He lay weakly on the soft couch, and the gauze on his arm oozed a lot of black and gray **, and he could still smell a sour smell... Has his wound deteriorated to this extent...

Feidian held Yin Sheng's hand, suppressed the impulse to cry, and shouted softly, "Yin Sheng, how are you?"

At this time, the insects in Yin Sheng's body were forced out, and his arm was tied with gauze soaked in vinegar. He had no discomfort except that the wound was a little painful.

When he looked at Feidian coming in, he secretly said why he came back so quickly. Don't do anything to mess up his plan. But now he looks distressed and warm in his heart. What plan is not planned is not as important as teasing the fox.

So Yin Sheng pretended to be weak and about to die. He gasped and said, "Brother Fox, I'm afraid I'm going to die..."

"Don't talk nonsense, you'll be fine!" Feidian interrupted him.

"I feel that those bugs are devouring my internal organs now, and my heart is about to be hollowed out..."

"No... can't do this..." Feidian's slender fingers pressed Yin Sheng's chest, and the decision he made before was finally made.

He remembered his grandma's words. If he used his best in the world, he would change back to his original form and unable to complete the mission of the fox clan.

So this afternoon, he struggled for a long time, and Yin Sheng and Mission were entangled about which one was more important. Originally, his mission was just to seduce the emperor. This emperor was not necessarily Yin Sheng. After Yin Sheng died, he could also seduce the next emperor and complete his mission. But when he heard Yin Sheng fall into crisis again and his heart was uncontrollably painful, he decided that Yin Sheng was still an important point.

He has made grandma proud for 20 years, and now he is finally going to let her down once...

He pressed Yin Sheng's chest and gradually gathered spiritual power, and Yin Sheng did not know all this. Maybe he woke up after sleeping and found that his body had recovered, and his fox brother was going to disappear in his life forever.

As long as he pours spiritual power into his body, he can recover...

"Yin Sheng, you'll be fine..." He stroked Yin Sheng's soft hair as if he were saying his last words, hesitated for a moment, and still said that sentence.

Maybe this is the last sentence he said to Yin Sheng.

He said in an almost desperate tone, "Yin Sheng, I seem to... like you."