Attacking Fox

Chapter 81 Attempt

"Yin Sheng, I seem to... fall in love with you."

When Yin Sheng heard this, he couldn't believe that he pretended to have no strength to open his eyes. He held Feidian's hand with his backhand and asked, "What are you talking about?"

His strength is so powerful that he is not a dying person at all. Feidian looked at him suspiciously, and Yin Sheng found that he was exposed and destroyed the good atmosphere. He quickly lay down again and said weakly, "Brother Fox, I think I'm really going to die. There was a light just now..."

The doubts of Feidian immediately disappeared, and the heartache and despair surged into my heart again. The spiritual power gathered in the palm of my hand was about to reach the fingertips and Yin Sheng's body.

Goodbye...Yin Sheng.

He closed his eyes silently. Maybe when he opened his eyes, he was already a prototype fox, running under the dusk of Yunyou.

His hand slightly increased his strength and was about to enter the spiritual power into Yin Sheng's body when a whip suddenly came from his ear, and the white light flashed, and he fainted.

"Brother Fox..." Yin Sheng was also worried when he saw the flying electricity fainted. What happened to him suddenly?

Before he could figure out what had happened to Feidian, the guard outside the palace came in and reported, "Your Majesty, the Empress has come this way."

Yin Sheng had no choice but to let someone take the flying electricity down first.


Lu Lixuan looked at Jueying with a puzzled face and asked, "Why did you suddenly take out the whip and pump it into the air? It scared me to death."

"No, I'm pumping my brother's spiritual power," Jue Ying said. "Just now, I suddenly felt that my brother's scattered spiritual power gathered together, and it was all healing spiritual power. Presumably he wanted to treat someone with his spiritual power, so I broke up his spiritual power with a whip."

"...If he wants to save people, just let him save them. Why did they break up?" He asked helplessly.

"No, baby," Jueying explained, "The spiritual power of Feidian is the weakest in the whole fox clan. Grandma deliberately told him that he was the most noble in order not to attack him, and prevented him from dealing with other fox demons for fear of being bullied. It's the same when I get to the world. Maybe it's nothing for me to save people with spiritual power, but for Feidian, maybe he will consume all the spiritual power in the first 20 years and then go back to the fox clan to practice again.

After listening to it, tears flowed without a trace... Why is Feidian the weakest fox, but Jueying is the strongest in the whole fox clan, causing every time... I have to be below...


On the other side of the Golden Hall, Rouyi only brought four people dressed as bodyguards in order not to prevent Yin Sheng from guarding her.

This time, the bodyguard in front of the Golden Hall was not too difficult for her, so she let her in. Rouyi felt a little strange and doubted, but the upcoming victory did not make her think too much about it.

She walked to Yin Sheng's soft couch and looked at the sick teenager on the couch with half of his half-folded eyes looking at her. She picked up the corners of her mouth and smiled coldly and said, "Your Majesty, how are you?"

"Sister Rouyi..." Yin Sheng looked at the four guards behind Rouyi. They were all ancient fish with high foreheads and high noses, and should be masters of their country. So for your own safety, you must win with one blow.

"I feel so uncomfortable..." Yin Sheng covered his chest and said.

"My sister's sweetheart," Rouyi's face showed a gloomy smile, "I guess you're going to die..."

Yin Sheng slandered that you are going to die. Your whole family is going to die. After slandering, he said weakly, "Sister, I'm so afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of. Everyone will die," Rouyi said, taking out a drafted edict from her arms and said, "Come on, use your last strength to pick up the jade seal and print it on it. Don't worry, I will take good care of Huan'er for you after you after you die."

"What is this?" Yin Sheng took the imperial edict and glanced at it. It turned out that he passed the throne to the queen after his death. Oh, my God... This woman wants to be the queen for a few days.

Yin Sheng blinked his eyes and said pitifully, "Sister, no, it's natural for me to be emperor after my death. You are a woman, and you don't have the blood of the Yin family. You can't..."

"Stop it," Rouyi approached Yin Sheng and said, "You are like this, and my people have surrounded the palace, and you have no room to resist. Give me the throne."

Yin Sheng took the opportunity to hold her hand and sit up with his left hand. His right hand touched the short dagger under the pillow and asked, "Sister Rouyi, even if your people and horses surround the palace, but now that you are in it, I can still kill you."

"Ha..." Rouyi smiled, "The four people behind me, one of them is my royal brother, and the other three are the most powerful warriors of our ancient fish. Now there is no one of you in the Golden Hall. It's more than enough to kill you."

"Oh?" Yin Sheng looked at the bearded man behind her and asked, "Isn't Sister Rouyi an unfavored princess in ancient fish? Why did your royal brother help you?"

"Who said that my sister was not favored," said with a beard. "If my father hadn't come up with this plan to let my sister marry and deceive the trust of King Rui, how could it be so easy to get your Li?"

"Have you got our Li Guo..." Yin Sheng asked innocently, "Not yet?"

"Isn't it fast," Rouyi smiled. "You have no way out at all."

"Don't be like this, Sister Rouyi..." Yin Sheng said weakly, "I'm so good to you, but you want to take the throne..."

"Hey, is my sister also forced by her identity," Rouyi said. "Hurry up, stop talking nonsense."

"Woo-woo..." Yin Sheng covered his eyes with the back of his left hand and pretended to cry, and pulled out the dagger with his right hand.

"Don't cry," Rouyi gently stroked his head and approached him again, comforting him, "After you die, my sister will bury you well."

"Is that right?" Yin Sheng's left hand covering his eyes immediately held Rouyi's hand on his head, turned over and pressed her on the couch, his knees pressed on her waist, and his right hand pulled out the dagger and put it on the back of her neck.

With Yin Sheng's move, the guards hiding in the Golden Hall immediately sounded their flutes, and the guards ambush outside the hall rushed in and surrounded the ancient fish prince and the three so-called masters.

Those masters and princes were stunned and did not expect that Yin Sheng, who was about to die, would do such a thing.

Rouyi also felt that the back of her neck was cold before she realized that something was wrong, but her waist and eyes were controlled, and she couldn't fight back at all. Yin Sheng smiled evilly and said, "Do you think I'm really going to die, idiot."

"You..." Rouyi frowned slightly and said, "Our people have surrounded the palace. Even if you control me, you still can't defeat us!"

"Stupid woman, do you know what the yellow finch means after it?" Yin Sheng said, "Your men and horses surrounded the palace. How do you know that the people and horses are not ambushed behind your people and horses? As long as the widow's order, all the people and horses you brought from the ancient fish will be shot into a sieve."

"Haha..." At this time, the ancient fish prince behind him laughed and said, "I thought you were a weak and incompetent boy, but I didn't expect you to be quite capable. But you absolutely can't imagine that before we planned to force the palace, our father had sent troops to support! And our people are now outside Xuchang City!"

"So the widow immediately sealed Xu Changcheng," Yin Sheng raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "I guess the widow's people are standing on the gate and throwing stones at your men and horses are very happy."

"You!" The ancient fish prince blew his beard angrily. He calmed down for a while and said, "The void of Qingzhou, we ancient fish can unite with the State of Yu and will soon attack!"

Speaking of this, Yin Sheng really didn't expect it at that time, but even so, his strategic genius fox brother borrowed 20,000 horses for him. Although he can't fight back, he can still resist it. That fox is simply a lucky star!

"Have you said enough?" Yin Sheng was a little impatient and ordered the guards in the Golden Hall, "Take them down quickly!"

As soon as the guards rushed up, the three masters of the ancient fish country rushed to Yin Sheng together, but they did not expect that the dense silver wire appeared in mid-air when they were about to hurt Yin Sheng, saw the three masters into pieces of meat.

Rouyi still couldn't believe that the ancient fish king's long-planned plan collapsed, and she was stunned when she looked at the blood stains in the Golden Hall.