Attacking Fox

Chapter 238 Accompanying Death

The thunder split the gray sky, and in an instant, the mountains and rivers overturned the sun and the moon, roaring with the call of death. Feidian looked at the thunder without blinking, and could do nothing but wait for it to fall on him.

Suddenly, he felt a shadow around him. The shadow shook and gradually became real. Before Feidian could look up at what the shadow was, he felt that he had fallen into a warm chest, and then came Yin Sheng's voice: "Don't be afraid, we will die together."

"You're crazy..." At the moment when the thunder fell, this stupid human, who had always needed his own protection, actually broke through the seal of the king of the enemy and protected himself with his body. His eyes became hot. He had a lot of words that wanted to scold him, but there was no way to say.

Because the thunder has fallen, it fell on Yin Sheng, who was protecting him.

The calmness facing death just now also collapsed, and the flying electricity was shocked by the thunder that could not hear anything for the time being. Leaning against Yin Sheng's chest, Yin Sheng's heartbeat could not be heard.

I can't even feel the ups and downs of his chest.

Yes, he is just a human being. How can a human be alive after being struck by lightning?

For a while, all the memories of ten or more years ago emerged. About their acquaintances, their love, misunderstandings, and understanding returned to plainness, but they were unwilling to be insipid.

At the beginning, because grandma came down to earth for the obvious reason of deception, when she first met him, he was just a teenager with different appearances, and he doubted everything. At that time, he should have hated him very much. Similarly, he also hated himself. But why did it change later? Is it because Mr. Horn can't live without himself? Or are similar personalities easy to attract each other?

Before that, he was a love-deficient teenager. After caring about him a little and loving him, he was moved and stuck like cowhide candy. He was very happy every time he bullied himself. He seemed to have recovered the long-lost childishness and felt that he was not as cold-blooded as at the beginning. At that time Hou seemed to have some emotions, but they didn't understand at that time.

Thinking of their fight with King Rui, King Rui found a group of demons disguised as Yin Sheng and others to change the blood of the palace. At that time, Yin Sheng was fighting with the State of Yu and was attacked on the way back. After damaging most of his troops, he was attacked on the way back to China and his life was on the line.

That should be the most serious misunderstanding between them, because both of them were too proud and stubborn, and no one was willing to explain, which directly led to a decade-long misunderstanding and resentment. Fortunately, they survived the day safely.

When he came back, ten years had faded from Yin Sheng's greenness. He was more calm, but he was particularly brainless about flying electricity. Thinking of that time, when they were..., tens of millions of goblins flew in, and he didn't know how to stop.

Thinking of this, Feidian couldn't help laughing in a low voice, and tears flowed out, wetting Yin Sheng's chest.

This *brain, a faint king who only knows daytime* all day long...

The flying electric hand is tied behind and can't reach out to hug him, otherwise I really want to hold him like this and never let go for the rest of my life.

Just now...

The ears were shaken just now, and the roar gradually decreased, and the sound around the flying electricity could be heard.

", how long will you cry..." A familiar voice unexpectedly sounded in his ear, as if it were from outside the sky. Feidian suddenly raised his head and actually looked at Yin Sheng's smiling face. He actually... did nothing!

"You are not..."

Looking at Feidian, Yin Sheng knew what he wanted to say. He shook his head and said, "Who knows, I've been watching you by your side and listening to what the King of Qiu Ye said to you, but you can't see me, touch me, and I can't touch you. When the thunder was about to fall just now, I was anxious and had a strong idea that I would never let you have anything to do, so I rushed at you. I woke up with your spiritual power ten years ago.

Feidian remembered what he knew before. As long as he was in danger, Yin Sheng might wake up.

"Thunder..." Feidian thought for a while, but still couldn't believe it.

"The thunder fell firmly on me, but I had nothing to do," Yin Sheng smiled. "I just felt numb on my back, as if something popped out of my body and fought back."

There were still tears in Feidian's eyes that didn't flow cleanly, but now he wanted to laugh, but in the end he didn't make any expression.

"Don't thank me. It's your fox that has a good reward," Yin Sheng said with a smile. "If you hadn't saved me ten years ago, and I didn't have your spiritual power in my body, I wouldn't have woken up, and naturally I couldn't have saved you."

Feidian glanced at his mouth and said, "If I hadn't saved you ten years ago, you would have died. If you died, I would not have come back. The stars are also mine alone, and no one wants to kill me."

"If you hadn't saved me ten years ago, you would have been widowed all your life," Yin Sheng said. "No one loves you and no one loves you in your life. No one wants you except me. You are a proud and arrogant, stinky fox who can't speak or make people happy, and has no fun in **."

"|What are you talking about!" Feidian just lost all of his feelings and emotion. Somehow, he suddenly felt that he was full of spiritual power. He broke away from the rope behind him and slapped at Yin Sheng. Fortunately, Yin Sheng has now awakened and firmly blocked the attack of Feidian. He waved it casually and fell on the little goblins around him. The goblin in an instant Intermediate into ashes.

The strange cry of the little goblin pulled Yin Sheng and Feidian back from the two world. They turned their faces together and found that the dark enemy demon king looked at them with two bright eyes, suddenly expanded the range of their bodies and swallowed all the little goblins around them into their bodies.

"Fox, be careful." Yin Sheng pulled out the knife fairy and blocked the flying electricity behind him.

"You are the one to be careful!" The spiritual sword that had been used before appeared in Feidian's hand and preemptively stabbed the king of Qiu Ye. The king of Qiu Ye dodged aside and roared at them.

"I didn't expect that you, a human, would have the spiritual power of a goblin in your body!" The king of Qiu Ye said, "The most noble king in the world actually breaks through the obstacles with the spiritual power of a goblin. If this spreads out, won't it become a joke in the three worlds?"

Yin Sheng said indifferently, "I use the spiritual power of my fox. It's none of your business. I want you to say more."

Say, the knife fairy fell and cut off the smoke together!

It seemed that even the king of Qiu Ye did not expect that such a sword would kill him. After a while, he sneered. The smoke permeated between Yin Sheng and Feidian, and he didn't know what to do.

Feidian didn't care what he was trying to do at all. He waved impatiently, and the spiritual sword in his hand flew out. He saw that the smoke was cut into several pieces, and the smoke seemed to no longer converge together.

"Ah!!" The king of Qiuye let out a sad scream. The evil spirit around him flew from all directions and went straight into his body. His body began to expand, but it seemed that there was an invisible film outside his body, which put great pressure on him. Finally, it was like an ordinary thing to expand. Just like excessive explosion, he also exploded.

Countless goblins flew in all directions, as if they were afraid of being sucked into the belly of the king of hatred again and dared to approach here again.

"Executive, we seem to have defeated you." Feidian looked condescendingly at the messy king of hatred and said so.

"No, you will never defeat me, hahahaha..." The king of Qiu Ye suddenly laughed and said to them, "Even if I disappear now, I will always exist in your life, and you will never want to get rid of me!"

As soon as the words of the King of Qiu Ye were finished, all the smoke that made up his body gradually dissipated. When the vulture above his head flew back, there was sunshine. This was actually the first place to appear. At that time, Changyue opened a hole from here and brought Yin Sheng in.

Yin Sheng was very happy and asked, "Fox, as the king of Qiu Ye said, we will encounter a lot of things in the future, but as long as I am here, I won't let anything take you away from me, and fate won't work."

Flyingdian did not hit Yin Sheng unexpectedly, but looked at him and did not say anything.

"Oh, by the way, why did you suddenly get arrested this time?" Yin Sheng asked.

"About fate and catastrophe, the trajectory of the stars," Fei said, "but as you said, we have passed safely, we have overcome fate, and now nothing is blocked between us."

Yin Sheng didn't seem to understand what Feidian said, but he only knew that their hard days had finally come to an end, and since then, nothing has been enough to separate them.

"Now think about it," Feidian said with his chin, "everything seems reasonable, and it is destined to happen, and everything is connected..."

"What?" Yin Sheng didn't seem to understand and asked.

"The Qiu Ye is the fragile and easily violated place in our hearts," Feidian said. "It's like a loophole. Even if you don't do anything, it will always be a threat to you and me. About fate... There are many sayings that defeating fate does not seem to be so difficult. As long as you always have some strong obsessions in your heart, such as not letting others hurt me, you can overcome yourself, fill the loopholes in your heart, and finally be invincible and unmatched.

Yin Sheng seemed to understand, but it didn't matter. He took Feidian's shoulder and said to him, "Let's go back, Huaiqing, I'm afraid we can't stand it."

Feidian nodded and went back with him.

As soon as they took a step, the whole Qiuye gradually disappeared under the sun like the king of Qiuye.

The hole in my heart has finally been blocked. It is airy and indestructible. Now, there is no weakness.