Attacking Fox

Chapter 239 The Return of Yin Sheng

The night breeze was slightly cool, and Yin Huaiqing dozed off at the thick unfinished memorials. He tried to open his eyes, but the two thin eyelids seemed to have fallen a thousand pounds and could not be opened.

"Dong--" Yin Huaiqing's head hit the imperial case fiercely. He immediately woke up in pain. His eyes were still the memorials of a long time ago, and Yin Huaiqing's little heart was broken.

"Your Majesty..." The father-in-law who took care of Yin Huaiqing's growth couldn't help but feel distressed, "If Your Majesty is tired, put down these memorials. I'm already deep. Your Majesty's time to sleep..."

"No," Yin Huaiqing shook his head resolutely and decisively, "The father can rest assured that all this will be handed over to me. I must do things well, otherwise my father will be sad and disappointed."

"Why don't you ask Lord Feng to go to the palace to deal with it for your majesty? Why don't you let the Empress Dowager come and accompany Your Majesty?" The father-in-law proposed.

"No," Yin Huaiqing shook his head. "It's so late, Lord Feng and his mother have to rest. Moreover, they can only advise me on these things. Only widows really need to decide these things. What's more, I'm doing it, and my father is watching.

The father-in-law wanted to say that the late emperor had already died, how could he watch it? Your Majesty's condolences went smoothly, but he opened his mouth, but he couldn't say this. How cruel it is to tell a child about his father's death. It's better to hide it and let him think that the late emperor is still alive, so that he has a trace of thought in his heart that he can always urge him.

"I went to ask the royal chef to prepare some snacks for your majesty." The father-in-law had to express his love for Yin Huaiqing in this way.

Yin Huaiqing nodded and motioned his father-in-law to go down and continued to read the memorial.

The imperial study is extremely quiet. Except for the wind outside the window, there is only the sound of Yin Huaiqing breathing himself.

Suddenly, the "squeak" sound of opening the window broke the tranquility. Yin Huaiqing was shocked and immediately felt that someone jumped in from behind him. Without looking back who it was, he shouted, "Come on, there is--"

The word "Assassin" is still in his mouth, and Yin Huaiqing's mouth has been blocked by the people behind him. Yin Huaiqing kept struggling, and his big eyes were full of fear. Finally, the people behind him could no longer tease him and turned him to himself.

It's Yin Sheng.

Yin Sheng smiled and whispered, "Calm down first, be quiet, and don't let others know that I'm still alive, understand?"

A joy flashed in Yin Huaiqing's eyes, and it turned into a trace of grievance in an instant. He felt that Yin Sheng put all the heavy burden on him without discussing with him at all, which made him sad for so long when he didn't figure it out. He really wanted to cry and act coquettish with him again. But he can't. He is not only Yin Sheng's son, but also the sensible son of a country.

He didn't have the confidence to cry when his father suffered all this when he was younger than himself.

Yin Sheng estimated that he calmed down, so he let go of his hand, wiped away the tears that did not flow from Yin Huaiqing's eyes, and said, "Huaiqing, you did a good job. It surprised me so much."

When Yin Huaiqing heard this, his heart was sweeter than eating honey. At this moment, all the grievances she had suffered before disappeared. However, his happiness did not appear on his face at all. He said to Yin Sheng, "There are words in the Tao Te Ching. What is humiliation? Spoiled. It's shocking and lost. It's a shock. What is a great disaster? So I have a big trouble, and I have a body for myself. What's wrong with me when I'm not there? Therefore, if you take yourself as the world, you can trust the world; if you love yourself as the world, you can send it to the world. Therefore, if my father entrusts me with the power to govern the world, then I will definitely honor the people of the world with my own heart. Maybe I didn't think that my father would deal with Lord Fu. I just wanted to take back the military power in his hand and better benefit my people in Lebanon. Because if the soldier is in the hands of Lord Fu, he will definitely use these to pursue higher abilities, and I, who already have the highest ability, will only focus on the people..."

Yin Huaiqing's words were rigid and eloquent. Yin Sheng listened and became sleepy. Yin Huaiqing was not aware of it at all. He still discussed the method of governing the world with Yin Sheng. It was not until Yin Sheng was really hypnotized and his body staggered that Yin Huaiqing stopped. At the end of the words, he asked, "Father, are you not feeling well?"

Yin Sheng's spiritual power awakened and solved the problem of flying electricity. Now he is comfortable, but he really didn't want to hear Yin Huaiqing say those big principles, so he replied, "This time I went to save the fox and was seriously injured, so I'd better rest early."

Yin Huaiqing's face was full of worry. Originally, he wanted Yin Sheng to come back. He could show him those memorials and go back to have a good rest and sleep, but his father who was seriously injured... Since his father can't tell others that he is not dead, he must not find a royal doctor to treat the serious injury. He can only rely on his father alone to survive. ... Thinking about it, Yin Huaiqing's eyes became wet again.

When Yin Sheng saw him like this, he knew that his joke was too big. He quickly comforted him, "It doesn't matter. Huaiqing, don't worry about me. My injury, the fox has almost treated me. As long as you have a good rest for a few days, you can recover."

"Really, Father?" Yin Huaiqing's voice was crying and said, "Father, please support it well. Father, don't work hard for anything these days. Huaiqing is here!"

"That father has to be difficult for you for a few days..."

"Father, Huaiqing is not afraid or tired," Yin Huaiqing rushed into Yin Sheng's arms and said, "As long as my father is good, Huaiqing is willing to do anything."

Yin Sheng's palms trembled a little. Obviously, it was a picture of father and son's filial piety, but the more he felt guilty... Isn't he too sorry for Huaiqing?

However, in order to force the last one and say that he can't go back to the original place, he has to hide himself all the time. In this case, it's better to cultivate Huaiqing as soon as possible.

Yin Sheng patted Yin Huaiqing on the shoulder and said, "I'll come to you after tomorrow. You can rest first."

Yin Huaiqing nodded, and Yin Sheng rubbed his hair and jumped out of the window.

After Yin Sheng left, Yin Huaiqing did not go to rest obediently, but gritted his teeth and picked up the memorial and looked at it.


The second day, nothing happened in the court.

After going down from the court, Yin Huaiqing returned to his study and saw where Yin Sheng, Feidian and Jing Yuanying had been waiting.

Yin Huaiqing called Yin Sheng and Jing Yuanying, but he didn't know how to call Feidian... Empress Liu once told him that he was the fox loved by his father, and his father also spoiled him. In this case, do you want to call his mother?

Fortunately, these adults were not entangled in such a small matter. Yin Sheng sat in front of the imperial court, reached out to take Yin Huaiqing's shoulder and asked, "What's the matter in the court today?"

"It is also something that my father has known for a long time. For many years, he has only known that Shuguo, who raised soldiers in Tuntian, has been so poor that he can't even afford to wear clothes. Today, he sent an envoy to surrender to the State of Li. In addition, this year, the weather is smooth, the grain harvest is very good, and the treasury is much more surplus than in previous years. I wonder if I can save the country from water and fire? Yin Huaiqing asked.

Yin Sheng did not answer directly, but said, "You decide."

Yin Huaiqing thought for a moment and said, "Since the country has the intention to return to our state of Li, then the rescue must be saved. The so-called benevolent love, people always love them, the road is abandoned, and there is benevolence and righteousness. Wisdom comes out, and there is great hypocrisy. Six relatives are not at peace and have filial piety. The country is in chaos and has loyal ministers. If the saint abandons wisdom, the people will benefit a hundred times; if the saint abandons righteousness, the people will return to filial piety; if the saint abandons the profit, there will be no thief. The monarch of Li is benevolent, which is something that should be known to the world.

"But what?" Yin Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

Yin Huaiqing squeezed his lips and smiled and replied, "My father really knows that he has to let his ministers say it. I didn't say anything."

"Since there is but, does Your Majesty mean that it can't be saved?" Jing Yuanying asked with a sword in her arms.

"It must be saved. Huaiqing said this sentence at the beginning," Feidian took Jing Yuanying's words and said, "However, we don't know whether this country is sincerely submissive or has other intentions. Is it only submissive to our country, or is it enough for every big country that has the ability to help him?"

"That's right, so we have to wait and see what happens," Yin Sheng said. "Let's delay him for three or two months before making a decision."

At this time, the dead had no objection, so it was solved. Then Yin Sheng asked, "Is there anything unusual about the minister of the dynasty?"

"I know that what my father wants to ask is only Lord Fu," Yin Huaiqing said. "After Fu Lang died... disappeared or died, Fu Wan was much more honest. The people sent by the ministers did not find any changes in Lord Fu."

Yin Sheng nodded and said, "Although I doubt him, it may not be him who has been planning everything in the end. Maybe there may be someone else. After all... More than ten years ago, if he hadn't kindly saved me, your uncle Huan and I would have died."

When Feidian heard this, his heart condensed... At this time, Yin Sheng still believed in the depths of his heart, which was not like his usual decisiveness. However, it is really difficult and painful for such an affectionate and righteous person to doubt his lifesaver.

Yin Huaiqing nodded and said, "Huaiqing understands."

"So, Your Majesty," Jing Yuanying said, "what do you plan to do in the future? Have you been hiding behind the scenes?

"This seems to be the only good way," Yin Huaiqing said. "I put pressure on the surface, and my father secretly grabbed his exposed handle."

"No, I still want to come to the stage," Yin Sheng took the electric hand and said to them, "Not only me, but also the fox should fight with him openly."

Yin Huaiqing was a little puzzled and asked, "Didn't your father agree not to let others know that you are still alive now?"

"Yes," Feidian narrowed his eyes and said to him, "Your father is dead, but there are other people who can live. This man looks like your father..."

Yin Huaiqing looked at him with wide eyes, was silent for a long time, and nodded, "Huaiqing knows how to do it."